Consolidated Kansas

Roosterlew, the little chick also has a tale-tell sign that it is an easter egger. Look at the color of the legs. They are a greenish color. Dead give away that the baby is and Easter egger.
But, hey if it turns out to be a hen, no telling what color of egg you will get.
Funny I was just reading and posting on the EE thread. First few pages of it I read something about the green legs and just told GF I think we definitely have an EE.... How funny we discovered this, on Easter!
I'm up early again. I heard DH in the shower but I also heard a bunch of chicks peeping. I got up and found the heat lamp had burnt out. I got that replaced and was wide awake by that time. So this makes 2 days in a row I've been up at 4:30.
I worked on the hoop coop yesterday but all I really accomplished was making myself sore and making myself bleed. I decided to go ahead and put hardware cloth along the bottom which I am thinking at this point probably doesn't make much difference, but in the process I got poked several times and now have multiple wounds. I did get that done and got the wire on the front. I still have to finish the edges of the front. I just got too tired to do much more and I had to finish feeding. As it was it was 7:30 before I got back in the house.
Today my legs, feet, and hands are a mess. Good ole arthritis is letting me know it's objecting to my work.
I am thinking I won't have time to do any work on it today and it is probably going to be too chilly to want to spend too much time out there anyway.
I'm hoping my guy shows up and buys lots of birds today. My feed bill is getting ridiculous and it goes less and less far as time goes on. I have several chicks hatching today. I can hear lots of movement in there. Wish me a good hatch. I have a few white English Orpington eggs in there. Only about 4 but they are pricy little burgers.
tweetybaby2005, I will have Salmon Faverolle chicks for sale, I have someone wanting 10, so they are first on the list. I can put you on the list for some if you let me know how many you want & you will be next in line, they will be straight run.

Trish44 - I PM you the info.


As promised, here are my 2 Salmon Faverolle hens. The one in the nest box is being "tortured" by the roosters. She is absolutely afraid to even get out of the nest box. When I walked into the coop, she literally hid her head, burrowed down to the hays. You can see how her back feathers are almost gone. Poor hen. The other one is still out and about but she, too, is being chased around hard. With that said, we do have a few roosters which DH is ready to process and he promised me he would do so today. Hopefully it will help. I'm sure 4 out of the 7 I hatched in Noverber are roosters so that added to the toll. I have put 4 chicken saddles/aprons on the hens and she is one of them.

Well, not sure what happened but we lost a hen yesterday.
Took the kids to Easter egg hunt, went to Easter dinner with grandma and grandpa and when we went back to feed the chickens, we found one dead in the fenced in run. I checked it over, no obvious predator marks. Just dead. I really wasn't expecting it because I didn't even notice anyone remotely sick. This is not the first time this happened either. We have lost 2 others just like this since August. No marks, nothing. My son was a bit distraught over losing another chicken and I had to explain to him that the chicken went to chicken heaven.

My 2 Salmon Faverolle hens.

Here is the oyster shell feeder. Notice the 2 concrete blocks on the back. It was originally on that and now on the plastic storage basket so the hens have some room to stand to eat the oyster shells.

Now I'm back in the office. It will be a very busy 2 weeks due to Tax season drawing to an end. Then the 5 days after 4/15 is the "perfection period" so we can verify all electronically filed returns are all transmitted flawlessly.

Have a great day everyone. It is gonna be another cold day or 2 before it starts to warm up again.

I need to get rid of most of my birds:-(. While the city allows them, my neighborhood is enforcing a bylaw in my home owners association. Ours are "caged" pet birds, but they call them live stock.... I am just sick....

So.... I would prefer they go to homes where they will be pets. They all I've to be held and are very social. I am in the Topeka, Lawrence area. Please PM me if you would like any of the following. I would prefer they go in pairs if possible.

2 black copper Marans- lay beautiful dark eggs
3 EE Greenish blue eggs, Ginny, ReeRo, Deb
1 Buff Orpington- Molly
1 White Rock- Diva
1 Splash Rock with Curly toes
1 Salmon Favarolle- Molly

I am going to really fight to try to keep my Silkies.... But I also have three of them- white, splash and red. My daughter adores them....
I need to get rid of most of my birds:-(. While the city allows them, my neighborhood is enforcing a bylaw in my home owners association. Ours are "caged" pet birds, but they call them live stock.... I am just sick....

So.... I would prefer they go to homes where they will be pets. They all I've to be held and are very social. I am in the Topeka, Lawrence area. Please PM me if you would like any of the following. I would prefer they go in pairs if possible.

2 black copper Marans- lay beautiful dark eggs
3 EE Greenish blue eggs, Ginny, ReeRo, Deb
1 Buff Orpington- Molly
1 White Rock- Diva
1 Splash Rock with Curly toes
1 Salmon Favarolle- Molly

I am going to really fight to try to keep my Silkies.... But I also have three of them- white, splash and red. My daughter adores them....

Where are you located?

How much are you asking?
I hope things get done soon so you can rest & relax. I would hate to have to do all the work & then know you probably won't be there to enjoy it. It will make it easier to sell the house for sure with the updates. I know if we ever sell this place there are quite a few things that would need to be updated here. I started trying to paint the sunroom area more than a year ago & my DH wouldn't help me, so the part that is open up to the next floor is still not painted. I'm just not good on ladders & really we just need to hire someone with big scaffolding to come in & paint that area & be done with it. Convincing him to do that though is a big hurdle. We also have supplies for the kitchen floor, new tile & tile for the shower upstairs & everything we need for that is sitting here, yet undone. All of that was bought last summer & nothing has been done with it. He keeps saying yeah we need to get working on that, uh yeah.

My son came in for a few hours today & brought the girls over. We had to go to a soccer game my granddaughter played in this afternoon & then went out for pizza before my DH had to go to work. During the game my granddaughter had an episode where she was running & stumbled then didn't feel right, so they pulled her out of the game for a few minutes & sent in a report on the monitor. Some 45 minutes later when we were sitting at the table eating pizza Lifewatch called & talked to her mom, they said that during the game her heart rate had gone to 214 & stayed that high for 20 minutes. Her mom is of course very scared something bad is going to happen with a heart rate that high & asked at what point should she be getting her to a hospital. She would have to go to Wichita an hour away because they really don't handle dire emergencies here at the little hospital in Winfield. If you have anything at all wrong with you they ship you to Wichita anyway. I got sent there for my kidney stone because they don't have equipment to handle that. Anyway, the person on the phone really wasn't too helpful with answers & said they would be reporting the incident to the Dr. & it would be up to him. They went ahead & came over & we had their Easter egg hunt & she seemed to do OK the rest of the afternoon. I know this is really very frightening for her, she doesn't understand what is going on, what is wrong with her, or why she feels the way she does. She has been having stomach aches because she is scared & kind of panicked over it. Her mother talking about her right in front of her all the time also doesn't help. I got her distracted after we got to my house today to help keep her mind off of it for awhile because I know that is the topic of conversation at home all the time & I think she needs a break from it sometimes. She is tired of dealing with wearing this monitor & she has two more weeks to wear it unless the Dr. decides he has enough data to make a decision. I'm kind of hoping for her sake he cuts that time short since the episodes she is having seem to be getting more often & more severe. He has been testing her with trying to keep her doing all her regular activities including playing soccer to see how her heart will react. I guess he found out today, but I guess she also has episodes even when she's just sitting in class at school. She gets very fatigued after these & gets all clammy. I just want them to find out what is wrong with her & treat her so she can feel better. It's just a lot for a child to have to deal with.
Sounds like you might just need to hire someone to come in and paint it. I have a contractor that from what I can tell, is cheaper than most. But he's really a great guy, he builds houses but will do smaller stuff, too. He's the one we hired to come in and re-do our house. He brings in trade people for plumbing and painting, but he also does painting himself. Anyway, you might check CraigsList and see if you could find someone reasonable. I'm really worried about your granddaughter... why are they taking so long?? Does she have a Cardiologist or just a regular family Dr doing this? We always knew I had MVP when I was a kid-- it's easy to hear the valve. But until I was in highschool and practically dropped dead after a track meet, we had no idea I actually had another heart condition that was quite a bit more serious. I had always used my regular Dr up until that point and now I see a Cardiologist-- I know family Drs can deal with the smaller stuff and prescribe beta blockers, etc... but I would not go that route. Of course, I have no idea what kind of insurance they are working with, and often times that can dictate what they can and can not do. I had the diagnosis when I was a kid, but it wasn't until I had my heart attack in my 20's that I took it much more seriously. And what you are describing-- that sounds like a heart attack in the making. I would NOT recommend Galichia. That would be a BIG NO. I saw him early on and he is awful-- he's blunt, almost mean, no bedside manner and runs you over. I would not go see his group, either because after I was so upset with him, I switched to another Dr in his group and they treated me just as horribly. The Kansas Heart Hospital is really good if they do surgery.

My last little Sebbie that hatched died during the night.
But it made one of my incubators go haywire. I looked in the middle of the day and it was up to 102. It took me a few hours to get it adjusted back to where it should be and I think it is finally stable again now.
I'm sorry about your sebbie. I sure hope the eggs will be okay. Maybe you caught it in time?? I hope so!

Miss Silkie still wants out of the hoop coop but I'm leaving her in there since I think if I let her out she would make a beeline for the broody nest with Miss Duck. She's fine where she is with food, water and Broody Aloha for company. Plus she can visit with the rest of the flock through the wire fencing of the hoop coop. I need to make a start on my second hoop coop. I had a change of plan for how to do it which means I need to go to the lumber yard and get the lumber I don't have and that is the only hold up. Hopefully today I can get there, although it is shaping up to be another busy one so I don't know.
Yeah, my guess is she is upset because she wants to share the nest. Either you'll break her of being broody right now, or she'll decide to calm down and get to business. What did you end up doing with the neighbor's Production Red hen?? I would probably keep her. Sounds like she doesn't have any coop mates where she is.

This week I have to decide for certain how to keep the chicks separated by breed as they hatch. I am thinking I will sew up some mesh bags to put the eggs in so that the chicks hatch by breed inside the bags. Then, when I take them out to put them into the brooder I can wing band them to keep them separated. Danz, how do you keep your different breeds straight at hatch? My eggs are all marked but once they pop out of there, it's just a guessing game. Alohas can hatch looking very similar to a Wellie or a Speckled Sussex, so I need to do something before my next lockdown.

Better get to it!
Very interesting! I'm going to make little partitions. Whenever my darned silkies start to LAY!?!? I figured out that God is just delaying them so that the house can get finished! YAY!! (I really have no idea, but this is what I'm telling myself for now...ha!) I want to see those bags you make up when you get them done-- so take some pictures! Very interesting. If it works out well, I might have to do that too. I need to keep my lines separate or I'm just messing up everything I'm trying to do here. So I'm not going by color, but by rooster genetics-- I need to keep track of who is who.

Anyway I just look at them and say okay this is this and this is that. Normally they go in one of two of these rubbermaid bins anyway and get mixed. The Swedish Flower chicks are the confusing ones. They can look like anything. But at least they are smaller than most of the other chicks. I keep thinking I need a new system but not sure what that would be.
I haven't advertised any chicks at all. I've sold a few but that was just because I was contacted.
I had a guy contact me last evening wanting to buy my Maran breeders, my Dominique hens, and maybe several others. He is going to come tomorrow morning.....I hope. I will be cutting out a lot of my egg layers and may be short for a few weeks but this will sure help me move some birds around so I can make some more room.
I have some roos I need to get sold as well. I suppose I should put them on Craigslist and see if I get any response.
I have this one lemon cuckoo roo who was raised with my peacock in the house. He is the sweetest thing and loves to be held and he talks to me. He is beautiful but he has a wry tail now that he is getting older. It didn't show up until he started getting the higher fancy feathers. I just don't want to breed that into the babies but I don't want to get rid of him either. I've decided to sell the other rooster in there and put in one of the lighter colored younger roos I have. I just don't know what I am going to do with my sweet boy. Sure wish he had been a pullet instead. If any one has any idea let me know.
How do you capon a bird anyway?
But right after they hatch and are ready to be brooded together-- I want to zip tie them with the correct color so I know what line they are out of. I'm going to start banding right away. I hope you sell lots of birds! Or was that yesterday??? Or today? I'm lost now on when this was posted! I'm behind! As for the wry-- from everything I've heard breeders say over and over is that it just is nearly impossible to breed out. So definitely don't breed him. I have a couple of wry's right now that need to go to pet homes or be eaten. It's a shame, too. They didn't come out of my birds-- but came in shipped eggs and I've been very disappointed with them. There are video's on how to Capon a rooster on YouTube. It doesn't really look that hard. There is one lady that has it down to an art-- she can do it in like 3 minutes flat. She's fast! I've watched the videos, but I think I'd want another person helping, even though she does it all on her own!

I'm up early again. I heard DH in the shower but I also heard a bunch of chicks peeping. I got up and found the heat lamp had burnt out. I got that replaced and was wide awake by that time. So this makes 2 days in a row I've been up at 4:30.
I worked on the hoop coop yesterday but all I really accomplished was making myself sore and making myself bleed. I decided to go ahead and put hardware cloth along the bottom which I am thinking at this point probably doesn't make much difference, but in the process I got poked several times and now have multiple wounds. I did get that done and got the wire on the front. I still have to finish the edges of the front. I just got too tired to do much more and I had to finish feeding. As it was it was 7:30 before I got back in the house.
Today my legs, feet, and hands are a mess. Good ole arthritis is letting me know it's objecting to my work.
I am thinking I won't have time to do any work on it today and it is probably going to be too chilly to want to spend too much time out there anyway.
I'm hoping my guy shows up and buys lots of birds today. My feed bill is getting ridiculous and it goes less and less far as time goes on. I have several chicks hatching today. I can hear lots of movement in there. Wish me a good hatch. I have a few white English Orpington eggs in there. Only about 4 but they are pricy little burgers.
Glad your chicks were okay! No fun waking up to a burned out light. That is my worst worry, which is one of the reason I just don't want to brood in winter. Perhaps when we get all settled and I can build a better brooding area for them I might be tempted. I think I want to get sweeter heaters or EcoGlows if I go that route, though. Sounds like you really messed up your hands. :( Today is FREEZING cold out there!! That wind just cuts right through you. It might not be so bad if the wind weren't blowing like it is.

As promised, here are my 2 Salmon Faverolle hens. The one in the nest box is being "tortured" by the roosters. She is absolutely afraid to even get out of the nest box. When I walked into the coop, she literally hid her head, burrowed down to the hays. You can see how her back feathers are almost gone. Poor hen. The other one is still out and about but she, too, is being chased around hard. With that said, we do have a few roosters which DH is ready to process and he promised me he would do so today. Hopefully it will help. I'm sure 4 out of the 7 I hatched in Noverber are roosters so that added to the toll. I have put 4 chicken saddles/aprons on the hens and she is one of them.

Well, not sure what happened but we lost a hen yesterday.
Took the kids to Easter egg hunt, went to Easter dinner with grandma and grandpa and when we went back to feed the chickens, we found one dead in the fenced in run. I checked it over, no obvious predator marks. Just dead. I really wasn't expecting it because I didn't even notice anyone remotely sick. This is not the first time this happened either. We have lost 2 others just like this since August. No marks, nothing. My son was a bit distraught over losing another chicken and I had to explain to him that the chicken went to chicken heaven.

My 2 Salmon Faverolle hens.

Here is the oyster shell feeder. Notice the 2 concrete blocks on the back. It was originally on that and now on the plastic storage basket so the hens have some room to stand to eat the oyster shells.

Now I'm back in the office. It will be a very busy 2 weeks due to Tax season drawing to an end. Then the 5 days after 4/15 is the "perfection period" so we can verify all electronically filed returns are all transmitted flawlessly.

Have a great day everyone. It is gonna be another cold day or 2 before it starts to warm up again.

Your problem is your excess of roosters. It might be why you are finding dead birds, too. They could be run raggeded and just not able to eat or drink because of the roosters. It's not an uncommon thing to happen. You only need ONE rooster to about 10 hens. Depending on what you are working on. I've got mine set up in trios and pairs-- all separate. No way would I run a bunch of roosters with hens. Right now, I have a "Bachelor pen" with JUST roosters only in it. NO hens. I have about 5 boys that I'm not using right this moment, but I will be, and so in the meantime they are not allowed to terriorize and kill my hens off. They are by themselves. If you aren't using them for a project, sell them, separate them out, or eat them. I'd chalk up your dead bird to Rooster trouble.

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