Consolidated Kansas

Hi every one it was a nice day out hopefully we will have more of thoes. Vinduski can I get some honey (dark) and dirty wax from you? Pm me im flexable on amount im clear out. Im not doing spring renn fair as im still trying to get the house in wichita cleard out.. dont ever try to move if your a pack rat omg its terrible! But its comming along. I do like the tote nest boxes if thisbold barn did not have cabnets and an old freezer I
Ok, a few days I moved a hen off an egg. Tonight there was a different hen in the nest box. Does this mean that Spring is on the way? *insert crossed finger smiley here*

Also, I am not usually on the computer when I post. Where did they hide the smileys?
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Ok, a few days I moved a hen off an egg. Tonight there was a different hen in the nest box. Does this mean that Spring is on the way? *insert crossed finger smiley here*

Also, I am not usually on the computer when I post. Where did they hide the smileys?

T, If you look at the top of where you post... second row, right in the middle you'll see a smiley. Click on that and it opens up the others.
It was a busy day and I am beat. I moved a couple more roosters while ago. These will be show birds. They were just too nice to sell for meat so I made a call and offered them to a little boy for 4H. I also donated a dozen eggs for his class to hatch. I guess I shouldn't give away $$ in merchandise especially when I have buyers but It means a lot to me to have a kid do good. I also sold a couple of brahma roos today at a decent price. I just need to take them to Gardner with me. I really need to get a count on birds out there but I just plain ran out of enough time in the day. I still need to run out and shut pens yet.
I got a few more goose eggs but no peafowl eggs today. I had two more turkey eggs so at least the turkeys are starting to get busy.
I'm hoping maybe in the next day or two I'll get the light brahmas moved to a pen of their own. Then I can hatch some of those as well. I have some young imported ones but they're not quite big enough to go with full grown ones yet.
I Normally can't wait for spring hatching but it was such a rough winter I could have used a little break in there.
Oh taz I sure hope so after this weekend, next week is supposed to be better, let's pray that it is

Danz I'm glad you're getting rid of roosters, I have some that need to go bad. I did get rid of one today when we went to Wichita, I met the gal up there & brought him with us for her, a Cream Legbar. There is someone who is supposed to come Sunday evening & get the other two of those. That will just about clean out my growout pen so I can put more chicks in there soon. It needs a good cleanout first though. We went by TSC while we were up there & picked up chick starter & I wanted pine shavings & can you believe they ran out of them, right when people are buying chicks, bad timing. So then we had to stop at Atwoods in Andover to get them. I didn't see a thing either place I couldn't live without, can you believe it that's 3 stores I've been in in the last week with chicks & didn't come home with even one. I have enough eggs in my incubator waiting to hatch though that I sure don't need any. We got back from Wichita just in time for my DH to take off for work & then I loaded up my carrier & got back in the car again & drove an hour to pick up two Silver Laced Wyandotte hens I was wanting to add to my pen for making the Cinnamon Queens. This will make 5 hens when these two get integrated so that should help. I'm getting quite a few orders for them. I had quite an adventure going to get the hens, I got there to the place where I was meeting the lady & we got the first hen into my carrier & were putting the 2nd one in when the first just shot out of the carrier & took off. Oh boy that hen could run like the wind. She started running one way & we would get her turned around & she would turn on a dime & run the other way. She kept going back to the carrier because her friend was in there so finally we were getting nowhere with catching her, she was too smart. I said why don't we put the carrier in your car & see if she will go in there. So we did & left the door open, well she smelled a trap for quite awhile & she kept running under the cars. We were about to give up when she finally decided to fly into the car & I slammed the door. The windows were partially open & she started flying around the car & hit the windshield so I finally was able to reach in & grab her. Whew, was that ever a workout! I got the hens home just before dark & got them into their temporary pen for quarantine & got them settled in. I don't think I want to repeat that experience any time soon.

Then I got done putting the hens away & looked over & the silly goat had gotten her head stuck in the fence yet again so I had to go wrestle with her to get her head out of there. She just doesn't learn, she does that about every other day at least. My DH was so mad at her the other day he said if she gets stuck again I'm just leaving her there. It wouldn't be so bad but they fight you & while you're trying to push their head back through they're pushing against you. It's like tug of war only with a goat that has horns.
Danz... sorry about the rooster. I hope you can find another one. SS birds are great. Had 1 originally but died protecting the flock from a predator. I was heart broken as well.

Trish... sounds like you guys are coming up to Wichita often enough that maybe next time if I need some hatching eggs that I'll give you a buzz. My son still wants some later in Spring. He really likes the Red star eggs from Danz last year so will get some from her if she has any.

The Atwoods in Park City has plenty of shavings when I checked last week but just about everyone I saw in the store had at least a bag in their cart. I hope they don't run out since I need more for the coop. My DH and son will be leaving for China shortly so my daughter and I will be hope taking care of the birds. I'm praying for warm weather since if it snows, it will make taking care of the birds more difficult. I'm afraid to slip and fall on the ice.

All the ducks are now laying nicely. I'm up to about 11 chicken eggs a day now but some are smaller eggs. I assume those are from the young pullets. I've a huge list of veggies I want to plant this year since I haven't had a garden for the last 2 yrs due to the move and what not. So lets hope that Spring is upon us VERY SOON! I also have a few house projects that need done as well since the house is old and the previous owners didn't really do a good job on maintaining it. I will also be visiting family for a couple of weeks in the Summer so this will put some of my projects on hold until I get back. Lets see how many projects I can cross off the list this year.

Enjoy the day everyone. I saw the sun this moring and it was really beautiful.
Tweety you are so ambitious. I want to plant a nice garden this year as well but at this point I am wondering when I will have time. I had no immediate plans to hatch more red stars this year but can certainly give you eggs. I plan to have the same rooster in with the hens for layers but can gather eggs for hatching at any time. I may start another group in fall for myself. It worked out well. These girls got through winter and are just beginning to lay now that it is near spring. I just wish they had all worked out as being girls like I planned. They are excellent docile birds though and should be really good layers.
I have an incubator full of chicks I need to put somewhere. Looks like I had a pretty good hatch so far on my Araucanas. Maybe better than I expected with their deadly gene. I am not going to open the incubator to check for sure until they are done hatching.
I really hope to move a lot of birds out of here this weekend. Once again I have too much on my plate for the time I have to handle it.
I was going to try to mark my sebbies yesterday thinking when I had strangers to them here the boys would hiss. It didn't work. I got two of them marked but only because I knew those were boys. I sure wish DH would help me but I have to catch them at just the right time. He isn't one to drop what he is doing to come help. I've been finding eggs out in the pen which isn't good. I really need to get some more straw in there so they can build more nests.
Wouldn't you know it. I unsubscribed to the broody thread on Wednesday. Now one of my pullets is in a nest box where she has been since Thursday morning. Sigh. I don't need babies. I think I'll give her a few eggs, though, and see if she sticks. In a few days I'll be able to tell if they are developing.

I suppose if they don't, I can get her a couple of pullets from Bluestem or Orshlen's when they get chicks in a couple/three weeks. I REALLY wasn't going to do this this summer.

Now I have to get serious about finding my lost black flashlight that I used to candle eggs.
tweety what kind of hatching eggs are you looking for? I hope your recovery is going well, it just takes time to recover from something like that, take it easy.

It's cloudy & windy here today, but warm, it's already 55, much better than it's going to be tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to that stuff again.

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