Consolidated Kansas

I now have eight Cream Legbar chicks. Two more are working hard to make an entrance. Of the eight that have hatched I am almost positive that six are hens.
I've had approximately 30 black copper Marans hatch in the last 24 hours, and still have a few stragglers trying to hatch.
I received these Legbar eggs through the mail and am super happy to have at least a 50% hatch. I sold some beautiful cochin chicks to a guy from Wichita who raises the Marans. I mentioned that I would like to have some Marans, but have never had any. He and my husband work at the same place in Wichita. He sent eggs home with my husband. 40 fertile eggs for FREE!
So if anyone would like some fertile cochin eggs sometime I would be happy to pay it forward.
Friendshipstar that was a good hatch for shipped eggs.
Yesterday was a full day for sure. I got on the road and delivered some chicks. I don't normally do that, but it was a fairly large order and I combined that with a trip to pick up dog food and chick starter.
After I got back home I finished feeding and watering the birds, then went out and tilled the garden. I got another row of onions planted (sweet onions this time) and three rows of green beans. It looked like we had a huge storm moving in and I could hear some sirens in a distance. They also sound sirens on the lake for high winds... which I figure now was the reason. I came in to check the weather and my dish TV was out. So I couldn't see anything but the radar on the internet. Well it moved on out without a drop of rain. Looks like there were some major storms all around us once again but not here.
When I was at the co-op a few days ago I talked to a guy who lives less than 20 miles away and they had gotten over 5 inches of rain in the last storm when we only got a a sprinkle or two. But it looks like we did get a tiny bit of rain during the night. There's no water sitting but at least the top of the ground is damp. Maybe we'll get some more today.
I hatched a bunch of chicks yesterday but got them kind of confused so I may have some marked wrong. I still have a few others that hatched during the night.
I'm still battling my new thermostat trying to get it working right and it's just not doing it. I guess tomorrow I'll be back on the phone with the tech again. This is getting ridiculous. I can't imagine why two of them would be faulty. Something isn't right.
I can't go back and install the old one because I have cut a hole in the cabinet now to mount the new one.
I now have eight Cream Legbar chicks. Two more are working hard to make an entrance. Of the eight that have hatched I am almost positive that six are hens.
I've had approximately 30 black copper Marans hatch in the last 24 hours, and still have a few stragglers trying to hatch.
I received these Legbar eggs through the mail and am super happy to have at least a 50% hatch. I sold some beautiful cochin chicks to a guy from Wichita who raises the Marans. I mentioned that I would like to have some Marans, but have never had any. He and my husband work at the same place in Wichita. He sent eggs home with my husband. 40 fertile eggs for FREE!
So if anyone would like some fertile cochin eggs sometime I would be happy to pay it forward.
If there isn't a spot on the top of their head, they're hens :)
These 3 day olds can really move!

This one's egg-mother is a Welsumer: (sorry about the quality). I'm hoping she is following the Welsumer gender rules with dark eyeshadow and sharp def on the head colors. If SHE is she is a SHE.

This one is lighter than the other solid. He/she is almost gray. Again this is really fuzzy, but I didn't want to freak them out.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!
I hope that everyone had a great day yesterday.
Here are pictures of the Cream Legbar chicks that hatched this weekend. I would usually scoff at hatching 50%. But since these were shipped eggs that were delayed at the post office two days longer than expected I am pretty pleased with hatching 10 of twenty eggs. I think that I had four that didn't settle at all, 2 pipped almost all the way around and quit, and four that never tried.

I will take individual pictures of the chicks this evening. But feel free to let me know what sex you think I got.
The darker colored chicks that snuck into these photos are the Black Copper Marans that I hatched.

Everyone is eating and drinking. I LOVE babies!

friendshipstar, the ones with lighter head spots are males & the females normally don't have spots & are more distinctly marked. I count at least 3 males in there but it's kind of hard with some of your pics because heads are covered up & some are blurred. Congrats on the new babies & that is a good hatch for shipped eggs.

We worked on clearing some yesterday for the new fence & it's quite a chore. Those trees by that fence have just grown wild & there are a lot of big branches hanging over & laying on it. We have to get 209 feet cleared out down that side, so it's a job. I also worked on trying to get the rest of my wire on my hoop coop but I'm almost out of cable ties again. I'll bet I have used a thousand of those things. I have a few small pieces left to do & then I'm ready to make the doors. I can't wait to get them on because my GPs have been sleeping in there & they dig holes so I'll have so smooth that back out again.

I have another batch of chicks hatching today as well, so far I have one lavender Orp, one BR, & one Cream Legbar female. I have a couple more eggs pipping, so I should have some more soon.

We did get some nice rain during the night, I don't know how much, but we'll take any we can get. It's a lot cooler today too, so that's nice.
It seems like I ran circles yesterday and when I did actually get busy one of my kids called and talked forever. I missed the other calls because I wasn't in the house.
After all the work I did the day before I was down on energy. It is sprinkling a little here this morning. It would be nice if it did that all day. I might be able to actually do some house cleaning if I was forced inside.
I left my baby geese out in the green house with the older baby geese last night while I cleaned their bin. I sure hope they did okay. I hope they also stayed warm enough. I guess after a cup or coffee or 10 I'll go out and check.
I'm still hatching eggs that were due as early as the 6th thanks to that stupid thermostat that went haywire. I culled the ones that were obviously dead but still had some showing movement. This is crazy. I've never had a hatch that far apart from the due date. And my new thermostat is still going crazy. I'm about to give up on that one.

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