Consolidated Kansas

The eggs that didn't start pipping are still in my incubators. They were just due on Friday the 9th. How long should I wait before I give up on them?
I'm enjoying the pictures of all the fuzzies!

I hope everyone made it through the night OK. I haven't seen any local news today, but last night on the weather radio the police department reported that a tornado touched down just south of McPherson on the highway. That's about a mile south of me.
I don't think anyone was hurt. The last thing I heard was that it was headed toward Galva, like they need some more damage. I think it must not have hit there, though?
The eggs that didn't start pipping are still in my incubators. They were just due on Friday the 9th. How long should I wait before I give up on them?

Depending on what kind of incubator you have you can wait up to 5 days. I can tell when candling for the most part if the chicks are viable or not but that takes a lot of practice. My incubators are normally very accurate. This one having the thermostat become unstable really messed me up. Just shows how resilent unhatched chicks can be.
Cherwill, I saw that tornado report on the news last night. All of that weather was north or south of us again. I'm not complaining. I worry about really strong winds toppling over a chicken house or something.
Depending on what kind of incubator you have you can wait up to 5 days. I can tell when candling for the most part if the chicks are viable or not but that takes a lot of practice. My incubators are normally very accurate. This one having the thermostat become unstable really messed me up. Just shows how resilent unhatched chicks can be.
Cherwill, I saw that tornado report on the news last night. All of that weather was north or south of us again. I'm not complaining. I worry about really strong winds toppling over a chicken house or something.

Danz, I bought a small incubator that has a electronic control last year. I lost three settings before I quit using it. Each time, before I put the eggs in, I checked to see if it was maintaining 99.5 degrees, but within the first week, it would jump to 108 degrees and ruin the hatch. I think the humidity has to be absolutely perfect and I can not maintain that 24/7. Humidity also effects the wafer type but not near as critical.
The eggs that didn't start pipping are still in my incubators. They were just due on Friday the 9th. How long should I wait before I give up on them?
My broody abandoned the two green eggs in her nest Saturday (day 22), so I candled (no visible movement and too much space not filled) and then egg-topsied them. Both had quit late. Fully developed, but still a little yolk left. I think whoever said green eggs are problematic because they are more porous had the right idea. The 3 brown eggs (one from a 4 year old Welsumer and the other two from Marans pullets) hatched without problems. If somebody else goes broody, she will get green eggs from a different EE hen, and I'll candle for porousity first.
I have 5 big GQFs and hatch thousands of chicks a year. It's been on average near 150 chicks a week recently. They are super dependable when you get them regulated. I just decided to replace this one thermostat because it was fluctuating too much and I want it to stay dead on. The new one I bought is junk! I have no idea what is going on with it. It's supposed to super accurate.
I used to hatch in styro incubators and they can do very well once you get them set right. They have to be kept in an area without windows and on an inside wall where the temperature doesn't fluctuate a lot. If your thermostat in your home has been placed correctly that is often a perfect place to set a styro incubator.
Got my Ancona ducklings today!!

All three together!



The Grey/Silvery one is Blue

So far they are happy in their giant rubber maid tub with food and water... They seem to be over preening a tad... I'm hoping it's just nerves... Jack likes to cuddle, the girls (at least we think they are girls) aren't as cuddly.

Any advice? We get our four baby Cayugas on Wednesday! I'm excited and very nervous!
Got my Ancona ducklings today!!

All three together!



The Grey/Silvery one is Blue

So far they are happy in their giant rubber maid tub with food and water... They seem to be over preening a tad... I'm hoping it's just nerves... Jack likes to cuddle, the girls (at least we think they are girls) aren't as cuddly.

Any advice? We get our four baby Cayugas on Wednesday! I'm excited and very nervous!
They're adorable! Enjoy!

We've had considerably cooler weather the last several days... WE even got a little bit of snow today! The ground is warm enough that it didn't stick, but it was interesting to see it snowing in May! When I've gone outside, I've been donning gloves, hats, and several coats... It feels a lot like winter out there compared to what we've been having. Even with all the cold, we only got about 0.20" of moisture... We could've used a LOT more! It was enough to settle the dust but not enough to really create any 'mud'.... I'm not even sure I know what that is any more. :)
lizzy I'm glad you got a little anyway. We got some rain last night, but honestly I don't think it was that much, it wasn't really muddy. Of course it's been so dry that any moisture we get just soaks right in & is gone.

DisneyGal25 I'm glad you're enjoying your babies, I know I sure did, they're a lot of fun, messy but fun. I have some more due to hatch May 21st from eggs I had shipped. When I candled them it looked like they all were developing so we'll see how it goes this time. Ducks are a little harder to hatch than chicks since they need more humidity. I can't raise the humidity that much in my incubator since I have chicken eggs in there as well, but I try to raise it for the hatching.

It was really chilly today, I left to go meet someone we were getting t-posts from & wished I had worn my jacket. This weather is just bizarre, 90 some degrees one day & 60s & 70s the next. It rained on us on the way but we didn't get any more rain at our house. I hope my chicks outside will be OK tonight, it's going to get pretty cool out there. In fact it's going to be cooler all week. I guess it's a good time to get out there & get my hoop coop done while it's not so hot. I need to go get more cable ties though before I can finish the wire part. I guess I could start building doors anyway.

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