Consolidated Kansas

Oh boy, Danz! Sounds like you need multiples of yourself! How do you do it!?!?

So, I've just skimmed to catch up on the reading. I went to my sister-in-law's graduation from K-State this weekend, and we turned it into a mini-vacation. That vacation ended up being a little longer than expected after we took a surprise visit to the emergency room on Tuesday instead of driving home like we had planned. In an hour's time, I went from feeling fine to being absolutely miserable, so much so that I had to have help to even walk to the car. I had a terrible migraine, blurred vision, tingling in my hands and fingers, nausea, etc. As it turns out, I had a serious sinus infection (and had apparently had it for a while) and didn't know it until it suddenly debilitated me.

I am feeling a lot better now, though I still have a headache, am still weak, and am still exhausted. And now, my son is being very clingy. Apparently, this experience was pretty traumatic for him. He went from spending most of the day with me to suddenly spending quite a bit of time with his grandmother while I was in the hospital and then that afternoon/evening as I was sleeping. Poor kid!

When we got home yesterday evening, my DH took care of doing the chores for me. It's probably a good thing too, because he found TWO snakes in the yard. One of them was what he described as a "green" snake, which could either mean it was a blue racer or a grass snake. That one was underneath the tarp where we keep our hay for the horses. THe other one was a pretty good sized bull snake that was in the duck house trying to eat the eggs that hadn't been collected while we were gone. At our house, bull snakes get one free ticket. So, my DH took him to the field across the road. Let's hope he doesn't come back, though his presence is kinda nice (just not IN the duck pen) because bull snakes tend to be where rattlesnakes are NOT at and vice versa.

On a completely different topic, my son turned 6 months old a couple weeks ago, and I took his six month pictures. I thought I'd share one with you guys:
lizzy, awww what a cutie, they grow so fast! That had to be scary, I'm glad they figured out your problem & you're on the mend. Babies can sense things when something isn't right. Ugh on the snakes, I just don't like them much. My cats eat the small ones & I have guineas running around as well, so hopefully between the cats, guineas, & the dogs they will keep them away from the chicken areas. Last year we did have some small ones that were living under the one topper I keep out there for shelter for the animals & I was keeping straw & hay under it.

Speaking of things that are predators, my GPs treed another raccoon the other night. We heard the bark they make when they really have something cornered, it's more of a frantic kind of barking. It was late at night because my DH was home & he took a flashlight out & saw that they had a raccoon up the tree. It eventually came down & took off & Lily took off after it. I don't know if she got it or not, but so far it hasn't been back. I used to like them, but not since I have had chickens, I have seen the damage they can do.
Oh boy, Danz! Sounds like you need multiples of yourself! How do you do it!?!?

So, I've just skimmed to catch up on the reading. I went to my sister-in-law's graduation from K-State this weekend, and we turned it into a mini-vacation. That vacation ended up being a little longer than expected after we took a surprise visit to the emergency room on Tuesday instead of driving home like we had planned. In an hour's time, I went from feeling fine to being absolutely miserable, so much so that I had to have help to even walk to the car. I had a terrible migraine, blurred vision, tingling in my hands and fingers, nausea, etc. As it turns out, I had a serious sinus infection (and had apparently had it for a while) and didn't know it until it suddenly debilitated me.

I am feeling a lot better now, though I still have a headache, am still weak, and am still exhausted. And now, my son is being very clingy. Apparently, this experience was pretty traumatic for him. He went from spending most of the day with me to suddenly spending quite a bit of time with his grandmother while I was in the hospital and then that afternoon/evening as I was sleeping. Poor kid!

When we got home yesterday evening, my DH took care of doing the chores for me. It's probably a good thing too, because he found TWO snakes in the yard. One of them was what he described as a "green" snake, which could either mean it was a blue racer or a grass snake. That one was underneath the tarp where we keep our hay for the horses. THe other one was a pretty good sized bull snake that was in the duck house trying to eat the eggs that hadn't been collected while we were gone. At our house, bull snakes get one free ticket. So, my DH took him to the field across the road. Let's hope he doesn't come back, though his presence is kinda nice (just not IN the duck pen) because bull snakes tend to be where rattlesnakes are NOT at and vice versa.

On a completely different topic, my son turned 6 months old a couple weeks ago, and I took his six month pictures. I thought I'd share one with you guys:
Lizzy he is just adorable. What beautiful blue eyes and he has teeth already!!! I'm sorry you were feeling so bad. I hope you are on the mend.
I killed two snakes just this week. One of them bit and killed a baby gosling. The other one died by default because he was in the same area attempting to eat peafowl eggs. If they just ate mice they would be fine. But that is not the case. They go for the easiest prey.
I got to spend a little time with JosieChick and her peanut today. I love that sweet baby. She is so good. I picked up some more geese from her and had them in a cage on a wagon. I took them to the goose pen and just as I opened the gate the cage door opened and out they ran. This old lady had quite the goose rodeo going on here. I got them all run into the pen except one and she gave me a run for my money. I think we covered all of my 20- acres at least twice before I finally cornered her. We were both out of breath when it was all said and done. Now they are all out there with my other geese getting acquainted. I was going to band them all so I could keep better track but obviously they had something else in mind. I want to order some different bands anyway.
Lizzy he is just adorable. What beautiful blue eyes and he has teeth already!!! I'm sorry you were feeling so bad. I hope you are on the mend.
I killed two snakes just this week. One of them bit and killed a baby gosling. The other one died by default because he was in the same area attempting to eat peafowl eggs. If they just ate mice they would be fine. But that is not the case. They go for the easiest prey.
I got to spend a little time with JosieChick and her peanut today. I love that sweet baby. She is so good. I picked up some more geese from her and had them in a cage on a wagon. I took them to the goose pen and just as I opened the gate the cage door opened and out they ran. This old lady had quite the goose rodeo going on here. I got them all run into the pen except one and she gave me a run for my money. I think we covered all of my 20- acres at least twice before I finally cornered her. We were both out of breath when it was all said and done. Now they are all out there with my other geese getting acquainted. I was going to band them all so I could keep better track but obviously they had something else in mind. I want to order some different bands anyway.
Oh Danz!!!
I can just imagine your goose rodeo! I bet it was pretty frustrating at the time, but your story sounds quite entertaining now!
I'm sorry you had so much troubles with them! How 'bout some pictures of the new goslings?
I did get some new goslings as well as the two adult pairs from JosieChick. But they are in my greenhouse with about 20-30 of the ones I have hatched as well. I am the great monster than comes in and leaves food and water but otherwise those guys all run and hide from me. I am trying to figure out a pen to put them in in the day time where they can play in the grass but haven't managed to get it figured out yet.
I have one little gosling that had a terrrible time. She took days after pipping to hatch and then I had to assist her on the final day. She just couldn't make it out of the shell. She looks totally retarded. Buggy eyes and an off set beak and she hasn't figured out how to stand up yet. She actually looks premature. I think she was laid during one of those periods of hard freeze cause I had several eggs that didn't develop during that time. I should mark eggs that get overly cold next year. Other than looking weird she is drinking. I am sitting here with her on my lap trying to assure she stays upright and warm. I have to do something with her soon so I can get my chores done though. I am sure if I put her in with the other babies she would get trampled for sure. I'm just not good at culling a baby just because it isn't perfect. I at least have to give them a fighting chance.
I need to move a bunch of the babies out to the pen with the adults but I really wanted to get my new big area fenced first. I've been so busy I haven't even started on it. I need to buy about 70 fence post to do it. Ouch!
Oh Danz!!!
I can just imagine your goose rodeo! I bet it was pretty frustrating at the time, but your story sounds quite entertaining now!
I'm sorry you had so much troubles with them! How 'bout some pictures of the new goslings?

My babies were kinda mad at me last night. I had to set down and throw them a bunch of grass to make up for stealing their friends! Sorry about the run away goose, if she knew where she was supposed to go they are very used to being gently herded back to their pens but obviously she had no idea where the "pen" was at your place yet!
I did get some new goslings as well as the two adult pairs from JosieChick. But they are in my greenhouse with about 20-30 of the ones I have hatched as well. I am the great monster than comes in and leaves food and water but otherwise those guys all run and hide from me. I am trying to figure out a pen to put them in in the day time where they can play in the grass but haven't managed to get it figured out yet.
I have one little gosling that had a terrrible time. She took days after pipping to hatch and then I had to assist her on the final day. She just couldn't make it out of the shell. She looks totally retarded. Buggy eyes and an off set beak and she hasn't figured out how to stand up yet. She actually looks premature. I think she was laid during one of those periods of hard freeze cause I had several eggs that didn't develop during that time. I should mark eggs that get overly cold next year. Other than looking weird she is drinking. I am sitting here with her on my lap trying to assure she stays upright and warm. I have to do something with her soon so I can get my chores done though. I am sure if I put her in with the other babies she would get trampled for sure. I'm just not good at culling a baby just because it isn't perfect. I at least have to give them a fighting chance.
I need to move a bunch of the babies out to the pen with the adults but I really wanted to get my new big area fenced first. I've been so busy I haven't even started on it. I need to buy about 70 fence post to do it. Ouch!
Hope everyone is well! I need to get out and do feed and water on the dwindling number of birds and the horses.
Taz, I live less than 5 miles from the Atwood in Park City so it is quite tempting to go look what they have left. I keep finding ticks on me and the dogs. Anyone else thinks this year's ticks are just horrible? Maybe I'll get some guineas to help eat some ticks.:D

Lizzy, sorry you have to visit the Emergency room. I'm still on antibiotic for my sinus infection. No fun for sure. Hope Ethan will be back to himself shortly. It sure was a change for him having to spend time away from you. Snakes....snakes.... I just can't do snakes. The hair on the back of my neck stand up as soon as I hear snake.

My mama hen hatched 2 ducklings and they are so cute. I don't think the rest of the eggs will hatch so I plan to take them away from her this weekend. Mama is so protective of her ducklings that I got pecked big time when I try to take a look of them. I saw one even jumping up on her back. :)

Had a very bad day yesterday. I crashed my car...bad. :( I still don't recall what happened but I'm ok. Only a couple of minor scratches and the airbag hit my legs. No one was with me because I was driving in to work. I was definitely preoccupied by the project I'm working on but still... Sigh! DH is a trooper and tried to tell me everything is fine. That's why we have insurance for, he said. I was quite shaken up to say the least. Believe it or not, this is my first auto accident. The last one I had, I was hit by a coworker which totaled my car but this is the first accident that I crashed my car and crashed it bad. I did go on in to work after I called the tow truck, insurance company and body shop. Then I worked again from 10 pm to 2 am last night/this morning. My project is wrapping up and ready to go next week.

Anyone has any rain? All the storms just went around us. We need the rain desperately. My pond is at least 2 ft lower than when it was full. I originally planned to use the pond water to irrigate the garden but now I have to use regular rural water to do so. It is heading into another drought season. Didn't we just get out of it last year?

My luck has been bad this year; emergency surgery in Feb and now the auto accident. I hope things are looking good from now on. Let's hope for more rain and better year for everyone. :D
Taz, I live less than 5 miles from the Atwood in Park City so it is quite tempting to go look what they have left. I keep finding ticks on me and the dogs. Anyone else thinks this year's ticks are just horrible? Maybe I'll get some guineas to help eat some ticks.

Lizzy, sorry you have to visit the Emergency room. I'm still on antibiotic for my sinus infection. No fun for sure. Hope Ethan will be back to himself shortly. It sure was a change for him having to spend time away from you. Snakes....snakes.... I just can't do snakes. The hair on the back of my neck stand up as soon as I hear snake.

My mama hen hatched 2 ducklings and they are so cute. I don't think the rest of the eggs will hatch so I plan to take them away from her this weekend. Mama is so protective of her ducklings that I got pecked big time when I try to take a look of them. I saw one even jumping up on her back.

Had a very bad day yesterday. I crashed my car...bad.
I still don't recall what happened but I'm ok. Only a couple of minor scratches and the airbag hit my legs. No one was with me because I was driving in to work. I was definitely preoccupied by the project I'm working on but still... Sigh! DH is a trooper and tried to tell me everything is fine. That's why we have insurance for, he said. I was quite shaken up to say the least. Believe it or not, this is my first auto accident. The last one I had, I was hit by a coworker which totaled my car but this is the first accident that I crashed my car and crashed it bad. I did go on in to work after I called the tow truck, insurance company and body shop. Then I worked again from 10 pm to 2 am last night/this morning. My project is wrapping up and ready to go next week.

Anyone has any rain? All the storms just went around us. We need the rain desperately. My pond is at least 2 ft lower than when it was full. I originally planned to use the pond water to irrigate the garden but now I have to use regular rural water to do so. It is heading into another drought season. Didn't we just get out of it last year?

My luck has been bad this year; emergency surgery in Feb and now the auto accident. I hope things are looking good from now on. Let's hope for more rain and better year for everyone.

tweety I'm glad you're OK & I hope things improve for you from now on, geez. Yes the ticks are bad, we have several kinds here, that's why I have guineas. My neighbor's come up here to eat at my place, fine by me. I let a few of my extra males out as well so we have about 11 free ranging out there. I keep my females in the hoop coop to lay eggs & I got a few eggs by mail I ordered as well to try to get some colors I don't have. They're due to hatch I think the 28th, I can't wait to see what colors I get & I need females so I hope I get some of those as well. I sure don't need more males, I have an overabundance of those. All of the ones from the neighbor are males too, so they all come up here because they hear my females in the pen. I will hopefully be hatching a few before long from my eggs so if you're interested I can let you know what I get.

I had a bad night last night with my leg I broke, it's still giving me fits, especially at night. I don't think it likes all the work I've been doing outside & the uneven ground I have to walk on here. I don't know what to do about it though, I have work to do. I just wish it would hurry up & heal completely & behave itself, I'm tired of having interrupted sleep, I don't do so well with that.
I am debating on letting my broody little bantams hatch a few eggs
. Our sweet roo died in the line of duty
over the winter. If anyone in NE KS has an excess handful of fertile bantam eggs, I could let my hens' work not be all for nothing. Sort of sad watching them sitting eggs day after day, knowing nothing will come of it. I don't want to raise chicks myself for a loooong time, but would love to watch nature at it's Spring best.
Had a very bad day yesterday. I crashed my car...bad.
I still don't recall what happened but I'm ok. Only a couple of minor scratches and the airbag hit my legs. No one was with me because I was driving in to work. I was definitely preoccupied by the project I'm working on but still... Sigh! DH is a trooper and tried to tell me everything is fine. That's why we have insurance for, he said. I was quite shaken up to say the least. Believe it or not, this is my first auto accident. The last one I had, I was hit by a coworker which totaled my car but this is the first accident that I crashed my car and crashed it bad. I did go on in to work after I called the tow truck, insurance company and body shop. Then I worked again from 10 pm to 2 am last night/this morning. My project is wrapping up and ready to go next week.
So sorry you crashed your car. I hope you are okay. Vehicles can be replaced....people can not.
Anyone has any rain? All the storms just went around us. We need the rain desperately. My pond is at least 2 ft lower than when it was full. I originally planned to use the pond water to irrigate the garden but now I have to use regular rural water to do so. It is heading into another drought season. Didn't we just get out of it last year?
We had some rain today when I was in town but when I got home the dirt was totally dry.Only the very top of the grouind was wet. I planted a few flowers I dug that were my Mom's and I had purchased some peppers and tomato plants in town and got those planted as well. Now I need rain.
My babies were kinda mad at me last night. I had to set down and throw them a bunch of grass to make up for stealing their friends! Sorry about the run away goose, if she knew where she was supposed to go they are very used to being gently herded back to their pens but obviously she had no idea where the "pen" was at your place yet!
The geese are settling in. The other adults were easy to corral but that one gray goose just decided it was time to explore on the run I guess. Had I had another person here she would have gone in I'm sure, but she moved faster than I could.
I'm sure it would have been a hilarious video. The goslings are with my group and I actually opened up one end of the green house and made a run to my pvc pen so they could all run out and play in the grass. They loved the rain and have been having a great time. Plus they have heat if they need it inside.
JosieChick, thanks so much for the delivery. Kayleigh wrote and is very happy.
Originally Posted by AmySG

I am debating on letting my broody little bantams hatch a few eggs
. Our sweet roo died in the line of duty
over the winter. If anyone in NE KS has an excess handful of fertile bantam eggs, I could let my hens' work not be all for nothing. Sort of sad watching them sitting eggs day after day, knowing nothing will come of it. I don't want to raise chicks myself for a loooong time, but would love to watch nature at it's Spring best.
Wish I could help. I just don't have bantams.
Well I'm very pleased to say that my poor little goose I thought didn't have a chance is doing wonderful. I gave it some sav-a chick and scrambled egg. Then propped it up with a towel so it would stay upright and put it in a container with a heat pad under a rug. I hand fed it a few times and left it while I went to town. It is now up running all over and eating like a pig. Other than looking a little abnormal you wouldn't know it ever had problems. It is jumping around on my lap as I am writing and trying to dive bomb to the floor every now and then. Then it snuggles down and takes a 10 second nap. I am so happy. I sure hope it's a girl. I don't think I'd sell it unless it's looks correct and it wouldn't be suitable to breed. But at least if it's a girl it could co-exist with the other geese without getting into the feather pulling contests the boys do.

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