Consolidated Kansas

That's a lot of ducks; very cute!

If he knows anything about chicks, he'll know it wasn't you. He'll have to calm down some, first.
Your DH is probably right; he probably had a tantrum at everyone bought chicks from.

It cooled me right off just looking at your picture!

I'm annoyed at my SIL and I shouldn't be. She told us not to visit my nephew Tuesday, we couldn't yesterday because DH was at work, and there's a good chance we won't be able to today. She says he needs his sleep and can only have two visitors. All that's true, but it's not like we couldn't switch off visitors for 20 or 30 minutes. NO ONE calls to let us know how he is and I'm not calling her any more because it seems to annoy her. I know she has a lot on her mind, but he's also sleeping a lot and she could make a call or two once in a while. He certainly wants to see people; he's mentioned it on FaceBook a couple of times. My in-laws talked to her yesterday and apparently he's sleeping too much, not too little. He was supposed to get up and walk Tuesday but said he was too dizzy. Yesterday he said he was too weak, but they made him do it anyway and he got all shaky and sweaty. His kidneys aren't fully functioning yet, either. He's hoping to be home Friday, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. He doesn't heal quickly from things; he had a pilonidal cyst removed about a year ago and it took months and months for the incision to fully heal. I told my SIL to tell the surgeon about that before his neck surgery, but I don't know if she did.

Cherwill... sorry you are annoyed at your SIL. You are right that she may have a lot on her mind right now. I hope you will be able to visit your nephew soon given that he would like to have visitors. Speed of recovery is so individual; some heal really fast, some don't. I hope he heals better and faster this go around.
I made a 240 mile round trip to Wichita to pick up my baby geese because someone at the sorting facility failed to get them on the truck to my post office even though my goslings were there in plenty of time. However, now I have them and I love them!
I made a 240 mile round trip to Wichita to pick up my baby geese because someone at the sorting facility failed to get them on the truck to my post office even though my goslings were there in plenty of time. However, now I have them and I love them!

Oh wow, what is wrong with the PO these days? I'm glad you got them OK.

michelle that pool looks heavenly!

We started laying out our fence line today & we only have two sides cleared for it, so we went as far as we could on the west side & were heading for a tree, so my DH is aggravated at me again because he will have to clear more trees to get this fence up. I wish I could find someone just to put it up for me & not charge an arm & a leg, but I doubt that would happen.

I found out my son & family are coming for the day Saturday so we get to see the new grandson again, yay! I can't wait to see him, I know he is growing like a little weed.
I got the pool done:weee
Kids had a blast way too cold for me
Great. I have one that I need to get up. But I built a pen where my old pool went. Now I can't seem to find a place not overly visible to the road where I can get electricity to that isn't covered by chicken pens. I have a new liner in my basement just waiting for the last 3 years.
112 baby Muscovy ducks so far out of 7 nest.
Sounds like you will need to do some butchering in the near future. I just let my cayugas out of the pen where I had them separated for breeding. They are all I plan to hatch. I've been selling duck eggs for eating and it's a lot easier at this point than caring for a ton more babies.
I'm annoyed at my SIL and I shouldn't be. She told us not to visit my nephew Tuesday, we couldn't yesterday because DH was at work, and there's a good chance we won't be able to today. She says he needs his sleep and can only have two visitors. All that's true, but it's not like we couldn't switch off visitors for 20 or 30 minutes. NO ONE calls to let us know how he is and I'm not calling her any more because it seems to annoy her. I know she has a lot on her mind, but he's also sleeping a lot and she could make a call or two once in a while. He certainly wants to see people; he's mentioned it on FaceBook a couple of times. My in-laws talked to her yesterday and apparently he's sleeping too much, not too little. He was supposed to get up and walk Tuesday but said he was too dizzy. Yesterday he said he was too weak, but they made him do it anyway and he got all shaky and sweaty. His kidneys aren't fully functioning yet, either. He's hoping to be home Friday, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. He doesn't heal quickly from things; he had a pilonidal cyst removed about a year ago and it took months and months for the incision to fully heal. I told my SIL to tell the surgeon about that before his neck surgery, but I don't know if she did.
Well I stand firm you have to get up and move and force yourself to do it or you will be in bed forever. The longer you lay there the harder it is to get up. For my last two spinal surgeries the hospital required me to get up and walk and do some physical therapy the very next day. I made record recovery time and did well. My last neck surgery I was out feeding chickens 2 days after surgery. Couldn't lift over 5 pounds so I just did a little at a time. It's hard but its necessary. Your SIL needs to take the other stance and get that boy back to life or he will never heal. I was in a collar for four months after my first neck surgery. When the doctor finally took it off I couldn't even hold my own head up. The muscles had totally deteriorated. Then I got frozen shoulders on both shoulders from the trauma. And let me tell you that was a thousand times worse to treat than the spinal surgery. My incision wouldn't heal on my neck and kept opening up so the collar stayed on way too long. By the third surgery on my neck I feel like a pro at recovery.
I had a busy day yesterday and finally got so tired I just couldn't walk any more. I normally get really tired by evening but yesterday was just too much.
I moved a pen and a house and put the youngest geese and the baby ducks out in it. I couldn't stand the smell in here any longer. I had to get eggs ready and take them to town, then had to drive to Emporia and go back to the dentist. My new partial was eating a hole in me so it needed adjusted. I have to go back Monday again for some more adjustment. Then I had to get back home and move some chicks around and feed and water all the birds.
Then I started mowing until the drive belt broke on my mower. One more thing to cost me money!!!
I came in then and snuggled with my little misfit goose the rest of the evening. She had been outside with me working so she was ready to snuggle and sleep.
Question for everyone.
One of my cochin hens acts lazy. I don't believe that she is injured or sick. She looks fine. But she constantly sets. She is usually close to the flock as they free range. But she is almost always squatting. This morning the grass was wet, so she squatted on the bottom srep of the back deck. She walks away from pressure, and I've seen her covered by the roo. I can't remember ever catching her in a nest box.
Any ideas?
I need eggs. I have 6 + lav Orpington eggs coming in the mail later this week! and do not want to run an incubator with only 6-8 eggs. Anyone have anything unique?

I have Choc/Blue/BC/Mauve Marans, Choc Barred Rocks, Azul d'Oros (SouthAmerican Gold & Blue w/black skin), Konzas, South American Copetonas, B/B/S/Mauve/Choc Ameraucanas, and a few other things. I'm in Lawrence.

Ok, so hope all had a wonderful Memorial Holiday, I wanted to show off my nearly complete new is sooooo much nicer than my first one I built!





I think the point of view is empathy and tearfulness might be in the way a whole bunch!!

I had a just awful day yesterday. I had a guy I sold a number of birds to 2 weeks ago call and threaten me yesterday. He has been buying all kinds of birds from everyone. Just 5 days ago he was still trying to buy more birds from me. Well sometime in the last 3 days he has lost 42 chicks to coccidiosis. And he is trying to get me to give him money and pay some vet bills. What kind of chicken person has to contact a vet to treat coccidiosis?? Sounded to me like he went nuts buying birds without having a clue what to do. He certainly didn't get coccidiosis from me, due to the length of time, and the fact that I have never had a case of coccidiosis here. I feed medicated feed for a reason. I never want to chance getting it started. It has me very upset. He contacted me through a previous customer ..not because I had advertised chicks in his area or anything. I can't stand people who place the blame on everyone else for their lack of education. I had threats and yelling and everything else from him. He kept talking about his vet so I simply told him to have his vet call me then I would be willing to deal with him. But of course he refused and kept yelling.
I work so hard with my birds to keep them healthy. I don't spend 16 hour days caring for birds to have someone accuse me of stuff like this.
I just happened to have a recent customer contact me about buying some of my breeders yesterday after all this so I made a deal to sell them. I didn't plan to do it until later in the summer but I am feeling pretty soured right now. I guess that just gets me closer to my goal of going all English.

What a jerk. I hope it all mellows out and that he learns that coccidiosis can't be avoided if you don't actively do things to avoid it!! He really shouldn't have had 42 chick at all without some grasp of what the risks are and to what ailments they are vulnerable. Sorry you had to deal with him. I hope he finds BYC and advice...perhaps not this thread...I can do without hot heads. :/

I made a 240 mile round trip to Wichita to pick up my baby geese because someone at the sorting facility failed to get them on the truck to my post office even though my goslings were there in plenty of time. However, now I have them and I love them!

Yikes!! LONG DANG TRIP! Glad you had a happy ending!

I'm done with farm hands and done with breeding for some time. I'm sure a bunch of you are nodding and saying you knew this would happen. I'm just worn out.

Too many foxes unafraid of humans and making attacks all day long. Too many things to be done and not enough hours. I'm not decreasing my hours at work and it's killing me...especially since my eldest just graduated from high school and we had a steady stream of family through the house for the last 2 room at the inn so I slept on the loveseat, hubby on the sofa A LOT over 15 days...and I'm too old for this crud.

I am selling all of my projects and keeping a handful of backyard birds. It's going to kill me emotionally, but I'm already worn the heck out physically, so it must be done!!

I put an ad up for grown birds if anyone wants to peruse. I'll make deals, especially if someone wants to keep a project going.

On another note- I'm delighted we're actually getting a bit of long wind-up to the heat!! It wasn't snow right into triple digits, though it can't decide what season it wants to be. I'm hoping it will remain mild for another month!! I don't like the moisture, but we need it, so KEEP ON RAINING!!

Nevermind the stinky patch of soil where the feed bowl sits...we need the rain! I do wish that didn't happen, someone's making sour mash whiskey. UGH!! And I missed a whole bowl that was filled by rain the other day...soooooo stinky and sour!! Yuck!!
Chooks this guy bought 90 chicks from me and several hundred from other people that I know about. Take a guy with no knowledge who spends a small fortune on chicks and then doesn't have even the very most basic knowledge of caring for the birds. I am wondering if I should start questioning buyers as to their knowledge before I sell them birds.
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Chooks this guy bought 9o hcicks from me and several hundred from other people that I know about. Take a guy with no knowledge who spends a small fortune on chicks and then doesn't have even the very most basic knowledge of caring for the birds. I am wondering if I should start questioning buyers as to their knowledge before I sell them birds.

That's when chicks will die of starvation within inches of food because they are too overwhelmed. They'll get an infestation of Coccidiosis because they're eating each other's poo because they're confined. He took on too much. That's rather tragic. I've had an occasion where I hatched too well and couldn't keep up, and you get a warning of about 43 seconds before it hits...and if you can't see it for what it is, you're in trouble. The symptoms are vague and a newbie wouldn't know what it is.

No excuses for taking out frustration on someone else, though. You might ask for help, but certainly not blame.

I'm off to get feed. They'll have to eat conventional today. I'm short on usual.
Cherwill... sorry you are annoyed at your SIL. You are right that she may have a lot on her mind right now. I hope you will be able to visit your nephew soon given that he would like to have visitors. Speed of recovery is so individual; some heal really fast, some don't. I hope he heals better and faster this go around.

You're right on all of that. I also realized my SIL is not good in a crisis. She always seemed like she would be, and she says she is, but she isn't. She's been in something close to a panic since the accident.

I made a 240 mile round trip to Wichita to pick up my baby geese because someone at the sorting facility failed to get them on the truck to my post office even though my goslings were there in plenty of time. However, now I have them and I love them!

That's a lot of driving! I'm glad you're happy with the birds, though.

Well I stand firm you have to get up and move and force yourself to do it or you will be in bed forever. The longer you lay there the harder it is to get up. For my last two spinal surgeries the hospital required me to get up and walk and do some physical therapy the very next day. I made record recovery time and did well. My last neck surgery I was out feeding chickens 2 days after surgery. Couldn't lift over 5 pounds so I just did a little at a time. It's hard but its necessary. Your SIL needs to take the other stance and get that boy back to life or he will never heal. I was in a collar for four months after my first neck surgery. When the doctor finally took it off I couldn't even hold my own head up. The muscles had totally deteriorated. Then I got frozen shoulders on both shoulders from the trauma. And let me tell you that was a thousand times worse to treat than the spinal surgery. My incision wouldn't heal on my neck and kept opening up so the collar stayed on way too long. By the third surgery on my neck I feel like a pro at recovery.

I think the walking right away helps to get your organs working normally and it helps build up your strength. It's amazing how quickly you lose it when you have surgery. The sweating and shaking is OK; you just don't walk far the first time. I wonder if he realized he wasn't going to have to do laps that first time!

I came in then and snuggled with my little misfit goose the rest of the evening. She had been outside with me working so she was ready to snuggle and sleep.

That made a sweet picture in my head.

I'm done with farm hands and done with breeding for some time. I'm sure a bunch of you are nodding and saying you knew this would happen. I'm just worn out.

There's no point in forcing yourself to do something that is now sucking the life out of you. You're smart to cut back and just stick with a little bit of what you love rather than try to tough it out and possibly burn yourself out on it forever. I hope you can find respite from the stress and real enjoyment out of what you're doing now.
It is an above ground pool 16x32

Oh goodness, it is an awesome size. I bet your kids are having a blast in that pool.

I made a 240 mile round trip to Wichita to pick up my baby geese because someone at the sorting facility failed to get them on the truck to my post office even though my goslings were there in plenty of time. However, now I have them and I love them!

Goodness, that a long drive to pick up the baby geese. I'm glad they are OK thought. What's with the USPS nowadays?

Oh wow, what is wrong with the PO these days? I'm glad you got them OK.

michelle that pool looks heavenly!

We started laying out our fence line today & we only have two sides cleared for it, so we went as far as we could on the west side & were heading for a tree, so my DH is aggravated at me again because he will have to clear more trees to get this fence up. I wish I could find someone just to put it up for me & not charge an arm & a leg, but I doubt that would happen.

I found out my son & family are coming for the day Saturday so we get to see the new grandson again, yay! I can't wait to see him, I know he is growing like a little weed.

That's a lot of work to clear the area and fenced it in. I hope you and your husband can get it done before the real heat sets in.

Enjoy your son and grandson's visit. Babies sure grow up fast!

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