Consolidated Kansas

Yeah this is quite a front going through. My poor birds are all standing in water. I feel so sorry for those who have no floor in their pens because it is muddy even where it hasn't rained.
The building is progressing. I plan to take more pictures later.
My goodness. It really was a stormy day. I must admit though I believe it was a good rain though. Our birds seemed pretty good. I know Tally didn't like all the rain and the dogs were in pretty much all day. Oh well I still love them all. danz the building is coming along great! I'm glad its going well.
Hello all! Danz it is good to see your building going up. Very exciting!

Storms came through this morning and left behind major damage. Lots of crops leveled and homes and buildings with lots of damage or blown away. Close by they had hail 8 inches deep and that was not drifts, just that deep. We faired okay but I feel so bad for others.

Wow!!! That sounds major!!! Sorry to hear about all the damage. :(
Wow, that's great, Danz! I'm glad they didn't let the weather slow things down too much.

Dwink, I'm sorry about the damage you had. We've been pretty lucky here.

I'm not ready for it to be quite this cold yet! Where is the nice fall weather? There's a possibility of frost overnight. I should have gotten out to the garden a couple of days ago, before the rain made all that mud, but I had too much else going on and didn't do it. I'm glad I got at least one harvest out of the green beans. Still no eggs.
Good morning peeps. The cooler weather is finally here! I think even with the sky opened up yesterday, we only had about 1/2" of rain, if that. We can certainly use more. The rest of the rain went to East of us. Water came back during the day while I was at work so I was glad to be able to shower last night. What a relief.

Danz, it is excited to see your building going up. Take lots of pictures. It is always fun to not only document the progress but also to look back at pictures years down the road. Your birds will be very happy to be inside the building.

My GPs are definitely enjoying the cooler weather just like I do.
I'm going to help a friend out tomorrow because she is going through some tough times. Then I'll be back to take full advantage of the cooler weather to get some much needed outside chores done. I also need to really clay my car and get the paint sealed before the winter hits. I always wait till the last minute to clay and apply the sealant in the cold so this year, I want to be proactive on it. We will see how that goes.

My broody mama is still sitting on the eggs. She seems to be a bit better now going back to the right nest but still has some issues every now and then. She may not be the best broody mama but she was an excellent mom once the chicks were hatch last time so we will see how that goes. With this cooler weather, I sure hope the eggs' development is not compromised if she doesn't return to the right nest and the eggs cool off.

I have about 2, maybe 3 sweet potato plants that I want to see if they produce anything. Now will be a good time to dig them up if there are any sweet potatoes then I'll have to let them sit for a couple of weeks before cooking them. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy the day! No rain and much cooler!
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Hello all! Danz it is good to see your building going up. Very exciting!

Storms came through this morning and left behind major damage. Lots of crops leveled and homes and buildings with lots of damage or blown away. Close by they had hail 8 inches deep and that was not drifts, just that deep. We faired okay but I feel so bad for others.

Dwink, sorry there was damage. I guess I missed this on the news. Glad you guys are OK though.
Wow, that's great, Danz! I'm glad they didn't let the weather slow things down too much.

Dwink, I'm sorry about the damage you had. We've been pretty lucky here.

I'm not ready for it to be quite this cold yet! Where is the nice fall weather? There's a possibility of frost overnight. I should have gotten out to the garden a couple of days ago, before the rain made all that mud, but I had too much else going on and didn't do it. I'm glad I got at least one harvest out of the green beans. Still no eggs.

Cherwill, the warmer weather (80s) will be back next week! Sorry you still have no eggs. My chickens are laying well. Ducks are ever so slowly starting to lay again. Still not very consistent yet though.
I'm so pleased! My rooster who was having issues with his legs and kept falling over because he was so wobbly is Much better. There's only a faint hint of a wobble now and then and he doesn't seem to be in pain any more. I was pretty worried about him for a while.
My Brahma chick seems to be having problems with one or possibly both of it's eyes. They don't open all the way. It seems fine other than that tho. Eating and acting like all the others. Should I worry about it? I didn't notice any redness or discharge just that they seemed half closed most of the time.
@chicken danz - That building looks like a great size.

@tweetybaby2005 - Totally off topic... what is claying a car. I have a guess but it's a term I've not heard before.

My broody hen took a potty/stretch break and I candled her eggs. At first I thought none were developing. But, then I candled an egg from the fridge from my flock. Now I'm confused... what I saw when I candled was no spider veins. I did see a fairly large dark blob that moved around when I rotated the egg on maybe all of them, or at least most of them. I thought it was the egg yolk but the egg yolk didn't show up on the fridge egg. It's day 8 I believe. No circular bloodlines, that I could tell.

Do you think they are developing or not?
@chicken danz - That building looks like a great size.

@tweetybaby2005 - Totally off topic... what is claying a car. I have a guess but it's a term I've not heard before.

My broody hen took a potty/stretch break and I candled her eggs. At first I thought none were developing. But, then I candled an egg from the fridge from my flock. Now I'm confused... what I saw when I candled was no spider veins. I did see a fairly large dark blob that moved around when I rotated the egg on maybe all of them, or at least most of them. I thought it was the egg yolk but the egg yolk didn't show up on the fridge egg. It's day 8 I believe. No circular bloodlines, that I could tell.

Do you think they are developing or not?
I would say they are developing. It takes a bit to recognize the veins. I didn't see them too well until this last batch of lighter brown eggs. Dark brown and green are harder to see through. If there is a big dark area, they are developing. Toward the end the egg will look full.

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