Consolidated Kansas

Yeah I agree with Praire Fleur you do need to get the wild Mediterranean type. I take the capsules when I get urinary tract infections myself & they are made with the wild type oil. I do grow Oregano in my herb garden & the chickens won't eat it. They did however eat my Basil I had in a pot this time. They have never done that before, just left a stick there, so much for the Basil. I have a terrible time trying to grow anything in pots, my chickens won't leave them alone. I just planted coleus in my pots on my front porch & they dug them all out & ate the plants. Pretty much all I can grow in my flower beds now are strong herbs like mints, oregano, & thyme & catmint. I like the catmint because the plants grow into a big bush like plant & bloom lavender flowers all summer.

As far as the bumblefoot I have done the surgery for it but it does tend to come back over time. We have gravel & rocks in our driveway so I don't think that helps their feet any walking on those all the time. The one hen I did the surgery on is 6 years old now & still going so I guess I got rid of it enough for her to live on. She is doing great for her age, she is one of my favorites & will have a home till she dies whether she lays or not. She is an EE named Audrey.
Thanks folks. Will try the oregano oil. How/how much would I give internally? I'm going to take Pinky's "socks" off later today (if it doesn't storm) and re-do if necessary. The vet wrap has really stayed on well. I did put some fresh oregano in the yogurt gruel I used to build up Plinky the Brahma.
I've bitten the proverbial bullet and got the Permectrin II. I hate to use that stuff, but I guess a synthetic form of a natural pesticide is better that some others. I like the idea of the liquid that can also be sprayed in the coop. I am thinking I will try Danz' method of dipping the chickens. Seems a more efficient way of getting the stuff to the problem areas. Tell me more about how you do it, Danz, if you can? These hot days I would think I could just dip them (how long to hold in the dip and how far up body to go?) and then let them run around in the sun to dry off?
I have a terrible feeling the blind Brahma Plinky has leg mites. Perhaps susceptible due to feathered legs? Will the permectrin get the leg mites? If not I'm planning to try dipping in linseed oil and then apply vaseline with sulfur.
I just read some interesting stuff about using Spinosad both in the coop and on the chickens. I have used this with success in my garden. Has anyone used it for their chickens?
Does anyone have a product that they use for disinfecting the run? I have seen some products but they are all in the UK!
Aaarggghhh. I feel like my chickens' health has got away from me!
@Plinky I really don't like using insecticides either but in the past I did lose a really nice rooster that had mites before I realized he had them. Now I do treat my coops every time I clean with it. I shut the chickens out of there till it's all dry & all of the windows & doors are open to air it out.

On another note it was a really busy weekend. I had several people picking up chicks & roosters on Sat. & then Sunday my DH & I went to a friend's house & got two pickup loads of bricks. We had to make two trips because of the weight on the tires. It's an old truck & he only has some light duty tires on it right now so he was concerned about blowing out a tire. It was a really good find because I'm going to make a floor in the shed we built for the hay to sit on in there & then probably use a few to sit pallets on in the barn to keep them off the ground. I'm still in search of more pallets to sit the hay on because this year it rained so much that it seeped under the side of the barn since everything is downhill here & the bottom layer of hay got wet. I won't feed hay that has gotten wet & moldy so after it dried out I've been using the good parts in my pens & nests so it doesn't just go to waste. We both were exhausted after getting two loads of bricks loaded & unloaded but still I was happy to get them.
Thanks folks. Will try the oregano oil. How/how much would I give internally? I'm going to take Pinky's "socks" off later today (if it doesn't storm) and re-do if necessary. The vet wrap has really stayed on well. I did put some fresh oregano in the yogurt gruel I used to build up Plinky the Brahma.
I've bitten the proverbial bullet and got the Permectrin II. I hate to use that stuff, but I guess a synthetic form of a natural pesticide is better that some others. I like the idea of the liquid that can also be sprayed in the coop. I am thinking I will try Danz' method of dipping the chickens. Seems a more efficient way of getting the stuff to the problem areas. Tell me more about how you do it, Danz, if you can? These hot days I would think I could just dip them (how long to hold in the dip and how far up body to go?) and then let them run around in the sun to dry off?
I have a terrible feeling the blind Brahma Plinky has leg mites. Perhaps susceptible due to feathered legs? Will the permectrin get the leg mites? If not I'm planning to try dipping in linseed oil and then apply vaseline with sulfur.
I just read some interesting stuff about using Spinosad both in the coop and on the chickens. I have used this with success in my garden. Has anyone used it for their chickens?
Does anyone have a product that they use for disinfecting the run? I have seen some products but they are all in the UK!
Aaarggghhh. I feel like my chickens' health has got away from me!
I simply fill a 5 gallon bucket maybe 2/3rd full with luke warm water. Then I just glug in some permectrin. I never measure but you can use the same rate as you do for a spray. I dip the chickens in feet first holding them by the wings and dip them up to the neck. Just dip them to get them wet and pull them out and let them go. They will appreciate getting wet in this heat. Very fast and easy.
I had a very busy several days and haven't been getting forum notifications. Yesterday I had a play date with my little 10 year old friend. She wanted to butcher chickens. So... that is what we did. Her goal is be a vet and so I showed her what all the parts in the chicken were and tried to explain what they did.
The funniest part was when we were discussing gonads. She wanted to know if she stuck one up the hens "butt" (as she called it) if it would make her eggs fertile so she could hatch babies.
I suffered a loss last night of a dear pet and I'm reeling this morning. Just too fresh to talk about.
Still trying to downsize on chickens and pyrenees pups. Everyone who writes about a pup wants them for nothing.
Does anyone here raise silkies or have experience with them? I'm wanting to get some more but had really bad luck with chicks not surviving shipping... I didn't know if it was the breeders fault or if they just don't ship well or what. Tried slightly older chicks, tried day olds I think and eggs and just had very poor luck..
@chicken danz what are you asking for your pups and what do you have left? I can ask around and see if anyone I know might be interested. These pups don't happen to be related to London do they? He's a very popular dog in this area. Lol
Yes they have some of the same lines as london. London's mother was a full sister to my stud's mother. I lowered my price to $200 and only have 3 of them left now.

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