Consolidated Kansas

Yes sometimes these hens can be pretty stubborn. I have Mille Fleur Bantam Cochins & those little hens are always sitting. I have to take their eggs away when I don't want chicks or they will be hatching all the time.
Just stopping in to say hi. I'm still suffering from hives and trying to get that under control. Unfortunately activity makes them break out so I'm loosing ground recovering from my surgery. I am so ready to be well again. I miss spending time with my animals. Not to mention the expense of paying someone to take care of them.
I've had some messages of people wanting this and that for birds. I really plan to hatch by order this coming year. I won't make as much but I've learned I just have to reduce my work load.
Well that didn't work right...Anyway, thank you! I'm at KUMed with him right now, trying to do something with complications right now...It's just a bucket of suck right now.
Hope everyone is doing way better than this!
I did a little chicken math today. I swapped a Jake Royal Palm, for two quads, of Polish chickens. At least I did sell 15 roosters, and four young Royal palm turkeys, I hope I did reduce the feed consumption somewhat. :thumbsup


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I miss having birds to sell for sure. Sure cuts into my available income. I don't miss all the extra work involved with lots of birds or all the feed I normally go through.
I'm not having a good day. I tried to do too much yesterday and really set myself back on healing I think. You'd think at this age I would know when enough was too much.
I hear you about the setbacks and self-management! Hubby never takes time to heal after a surgery and out infuriates me that I can't get him to sit still after a surgery or a procedure...but I don't do it either and he yells at me, too.

Hope you're taking care of yourself. I miss all the birds and meeting new people through sales and the comraderie...but I'll get a chance to return to it one day.

I still have a pair of young Wellies free to a good home if anyone wants to come to Lawrence for them.

Have a great holiday tomorrow, everyone.

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