Consolidated Kansas

Hey everyone! Does anyone know of anyone who has crested cream legbar eggs, chicks, pullets? I am interested in adding to my flock.

Also, I have some Easter Eggers, from a hatchery, that are almost two years old and have not layed an egg in months! Is that normal?

I do have Cream Legbars but mine are in molt now & not laying at all. I lost one of my hens while I was on vacation, my favorite one :(. I will not be hatching any till spring & I hatch by order. If you don't find some before then contact me by PM & we can go from there. I also will be hatching Sapphires next spring, a super blue egg layer that is a cross between a Cream Legbar rooster & white Leghorn hens. They're white with cute crests.

As far as the Easter Eggers, like the Ameraucanas they're mixed with they tend to be seasonal layers. They lay like gangbusters for awhile & then take long breaks. I raise Self Blue Ameraucanas & they're the same way. I used to also have Wheaten Ameraucanas but sold them this summer because they were not producing for me enough to justify keeping them any longer.
I had just seen someone wanting to sell their legbars recently on one of the forums. I'll try to remember who it was.
Your Easter eggers, depending on what they were bred with may just be taking an extended break. Or they could be suffering from something that is keeping them from laying. Many chickens won't lay if there is something wrong with them.
Other than that have you checked carefully to make sure you don't have an egg eater? Often they can clean it up faster than you can find it. One sure way to find this out is to trim their beaks down to a square rather than a point and be sure they have plenty of Calcium and Vitamin D. Poor quality egg shells tend to break and then the eating gets started. If you have other chickens on the same diet look at the eggs and see if they look spotted or porous or if they break easily.
I have heard other people say their Easter Eggers took long breaks from laying, so I think it's just part of the Ameraucana in them. I rarely get eggs from my Ameraucanas through the winter & I have a couple of Easter Eggers in my main laying flock that don't lay then either. They lay really well all summer but now one of them is in molt.
In contrast if they are bred to an Araucana they will also take breaks. My araucanas would lay all winter until a person would normally want chicks; then stop. Then hardly any eggs in spring or summer. So maybe it has to do with the blue eggs or something.
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I think the blue egg layers in general are sporadic layers. I have the Cream Legbars & they sure don't lay on a regular basis.

That's a good word for it. My Araucanas lay lots of eggs when they lay, but are broody a fair amount of the time during warmer weather. It is worth it for the beautiful blue eggs, though.
Hello Peeps! I'm back to living my hatching chicks again (for other ppl this time, but it's so much fun!). Would anyone close to Manhattan happen to have any hatchable eggs? My pops particularly loves Rhode island red and sex-link chickens (rhode island red rooster X rhodeislandwhite or deleware or barredrock hen) but really any good laying breed would be loved! Willing to pay and drive a reasonable distance!
Hello Peeps! I'm back to living my hatching chicks again (for other ppl this time, but it's so much fun!). Would anyone close to Manhattan happen to have any hatchable eggs? My pops particularly loves Rhode island red and sex-link chickens (rhode island red rooster X rhodeislandwhite or deleware or barredrock hen) but really any good laying breed would be loved! Willing to pay and drive a reasonable distance!
I'm not close to Manhattan but most of my birds are going into molt & not laying now. I imagine that is what is going on with a lot of people's birds this time of year.

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