Consolidated Kansas

That's the way it's supposed to work but mine hasn't been sending updates a lot of the time.
I just assumed I wasn’t paying close enough attention. But that may be what’s happening to mine. I’d go back to a thread and there were lots of posts I’d never seen before.
It's been so quiet here lately. The weather is nasty here today, it's cold & spitting snow, ugh I'm so over this winter. I can't wait for warmer weather to get here so I don't have to layer up like the Michelin Man to go out to do chores. I'm glad I got all of the water out there changed out yesterday.
Hey, I'm back. Of course I am. I have a problem.

I have a gorgeous Jubilee Orpington rooster who has a series of problems. First he developed an eye infection. I treated it with eye ointment, and it healed fine, but then the use of the antibiotic caused him to develop a yeast infection on his comb and wattles. Following the instructions here, I treated him with standard yeast infection cream (Miconazol - 7 day). The yeast infection subsided. That was about a year ago. Then this winter he developed the eye infection again, so I did the drill again with eye ointment (but this time I used the miconazonal at the same time. It cleared up the eye, and his wattles/comb look better than when we started.

Now the new problem is that his beak has gotten overgrown to the point that he can only eat from a dish. How do I sand it down? I don't have a dremel, but we do have all sorts of sandpaper and files. He is a really sweet boy and an excellent flock protector, so I want to help him get healthy again. I noticed the beak about 2 weeks ago (not sure why I hadn't seen the problem before), and now that the eye infection is gone, I want to deal with the beak. I don't want to clip it for fear it will crack and cause him misery. He has a cement block in the run where the waterer sits and under the ramp (that they can reach) but he doesn't seem to be using it.

I did a search of the discussions, but no one had any suggestions that were specific enough to do me much good.
UGH why isn't winter over yet? They are calling for 57 tomorrow and then 24 on Friday its just soo crazy. I wouldn't mind the snow (cause we need the wetness or we are going to have another crazy wildfire summer) but these crazy weather swinging is just nuts. Hope everyone is able to stay warm and just keep finger crossed that winter ends quick and that we either get tons of snow or the rains start early.
I'm so DONE with cold. We had Christmas. We had a hard freeze, now let's get on with spring. Oh, I forgot. This is Kansas in February. Sigh. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of extremes.
I so agree with both of you, the older I get the more I absolutely hate winter. It makes me want to pick up & go somewhere else for the winter & come back when it's warmer. I think these crazy swings in weather just confuse the birds too.

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