Consolidated Kansas

I work in surgery at Children's Mercy. Don't care to have it performed on myself. It's funny, but after I posted about the heat, I went back and looked at some of the recent posts on this sight. I love Katy's post. It seems heat is definately on everyone's mind. So do you always treat your animals to ice? I never even thought about it. Where in Kansas do you live? You must have quite a few animals if you have 15 waterers!

My daughter went to Children's Mercy South briefly, and we were impressed with the way they met the kids' needs!

We always treat the birds to cool water and frozen treats when it's hot like this. It's very difficult for birds to cool themselves if they aren't given free reign to go find cool spots in the woods- and mine aren't because the woods near Linwood are full of predators! I have a plethora of ways to keep them cool and hydrated. They can't sweat, so this is brutal for them. Cold water and treats, misting, shade,'s all on the table right now!

I have 15+ breeds and varieties, with another 5+ projects going at any given time. It's a ton of coops, waterers, and 2 locations. I love every single bird and spoil them rotten. The ice keeps the water cool for a couple of hours, anyway, and that can drop their core temp.

I'm in Lawrence, in the city proper. I have 19 birds here. I think I have around 150 right now, including the chicks, at the farm. It's a heritage farm that has been in this family for 6 or 7 generations, and is only 10 miles from my house. Wish I could be out there, but I have teen daughters, so we're in town for a few more years.

There are a ton of us in this area!

My son as well... he was born with CF and see's Dr. Black up there regularly! What a wonderful and helpful place!
How is it you cant water your birds cold water in this heat but yet you can give them frozen treats ?
Isnt that some what of the same thing?

Kinda odd this said something like "not to cause issues" or something like that just before when I read it... then someone else edited it... and now I get a text minutes later and Daren is banned! Apparently I've missed a lot on this thread lately due to a major increase in my daily chores list! But I'm saddened to see any of the Kansas threads reduced to what seems to be medial bickering! I obviously can only speak for the guys (and maybe a few unnamed gals) that I've spoken with about these issues in the past few months... but it's definitely my opinion that what I consider a "normal Kansan" is a highly sarcastic, fun loving, free thinking, and overall humorous personality, backed by a strong minded will to enjoy life! that said... there seems to be a few around here that can't help but read posts on these threads and put "emotion" into their reading! This is in fact unhealthy for all those concerned, and has lead to broken friendships and hurt "feelings"! It's gotten so bad that I hear more about this thread, and also of negative off thread interactions of local BYC members without ever checking in on this thread! So... in retrospect, I will be retreating back to the drama-less thread where life has been just fine! Hardly know if I'll be back to either this or the sunflower thread, unfortunately that means that some of you that I've had the wonderful opportunity to meat might not hear from me much but I'll be sure to drop those of you a PM now and then to see how things are going! The best part of this site is hearing how well others flocks are growing and doing as a whole! Wish everyone the best... I'll be over with my Good ole' Boys if anyone needs me!
Well it's official.....worst summer ever for our cow herd. We're going to have to start feeding in one of our pastures since the grass is basically all gone or haul them to the sale barn. First time in the almost 40 years since we started our own herd we've had to do that.
I live in Johnson County, Kansas and I swear they will not be happy until every inch is incorporated! I live in a rural area on almost two acres. I was told that it was illegal for me to have chickens, but since so many people wanted chickens after the last big salmonella scare, they would not do anything about it unless someone complained.
OzawkieBantams - no Eudora Baptist is on 1300 Rd, I thought? Across from the Vet and the new Cutters location. I am not aware of the Eudora city rules....we are not in city limits. We have 2-3 acres. I figured since we have cows and horses are our road we would be fine with chickens
depends where you are-each area has different rules and not everyone knows the real rules, my friends over in Roeland Park just got it voted in and I think lots more areas are going to be joining in
How is it you cant water your birds cold water in this heat but yet you can give them frozen treats ?
Isnt that some what of the same thing?

I use my chest freezer and freeze extra waterers and big bowls of fruit, frozen corn, scratch and kitchen scraps in water to turn out on the ground in this weather for them to pick at.

I also have been buying 2 of the 20# bags of ice at Kangaroo Mart Presto to fill their other waterers with ice and top off with the hauled water. There's no reason the birds should suffer just because I don't have running water for them. I can't mist, but I can sure offer ways to cool them off.

It's too bad the facetious humor around here does get to be so offensive for some, but if it is a Kansas thing, perhaps we could learn from our experiences and all be more sensitive to others' feelings?

It would be lovely if we could have a good gathering and happy conversations here. If nothing nice can be said, perhaps tongue-holding is in order?
Well, yesterday was FUN. (sarcasm) We and 3 towns near us had a power outage that lasted a few hours. It was enough to heat the house up and ruin the afternoon. Couldn't cook for dinner, either. Thought about running to town to get dinner, and realized they'd be out of power too. I didn't want to have to drive all the way into Wichita. UGH.

ChooksChick, well that explains why I couldn't find Larry, KS on the map yesterday! ha! After you told me about the people near you who had chicks, I tried to look up your town and couldn't find it! Lawrence!! My brother lives there too, but I've never heard it called Larry.
Much to learn, I guess. Do we have a Polish club here in KS? Or do you mean find one on this board?

Last night I dreamed about building my coop! I had all these great inventions and neat ideas and then I wake up this morning and can't remember a single one. I even remember in my dream that I should write it down! hehe! I don't care what the weather does the rest of the week, this Saturday I'm going to Lowes to pick up a bunch of stuff to get me started! The only thing that scares me is trying to dig the holes for the four posts going in the ground to put the coop on. I'm thinking the auger on our tractor isn't going to break thru this dry cracked ground. This could be interesting. After that part... the rest is cake, right? Right??
I will be taking pictures to document my distress.. er, I mean, success!! My husband and I are still bickering about the placement in the backyard, so we better get that ironed out. If he's not here when I start, then I guess it goes in where ever I want it.
Eek! Power outages during this kind of stuff are only second to power outages in the depths of winter with no fireplace on the Heck on Earth chart.

Lots of great plans for coops- hope you figure your dream ideas out.

Chicky Monkey, glad to have you here! I hope someone in your area steps up to get your rules changed officially. Seems it ought to be easy after all the late changes in KC cities' rules.

Johnsons-r-us, glad to have you here, too! It's good to be on the cusp of town and still able to have livestock- wish I could have larger animals!

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