Consolidated Kansas

Guess my phone won't multi. :p Just figures now that I know how to use it.

Had so much marked, but only remember some. Any kind of Ivermectin can be used, type just dictates how & how much. I use it on the dogs too, so will stick with what I use now. I know Orscheln's here carries options for worming, including the Wazine. No solid idea on price because I've really never looked. One bottle of the pour on lasts me apprx a year & runs $15.

As to my DH, he's not too much of an odd duck. Standing around at a "clean up" thing, there's a bunch of us ladies. The men have driven off with loads of brush. One young wife remarks about how it didn't look too difficult to work the chainsaws and maybe we all should use them. All us old wives were like, we know how to use them just fine. We also know better than to get caught doing so. Its like "Oh, you can handle this, great, I'll just do something else." and they just move it over into your to do category & forget all about it.

Great pics. Glad everyone made it safe both ways & had a good time.



Ivy-Just love going through a drive thru w/a carload of chickens. Best if a roo starts crowing. Always causes a stir.

Great disease site w/pics. Can't link, so google the poultry site disease if link doesn't work. www.thepoultrysite/publications/6/

I've never found a generic of the Poli-vi-sol. Around $8 @ Wal-mart. Anyone who finds some, would love to know where, so I could pick some up nxt time I'm in a real town. Wal-mart has a generic B complex in liquid form for around $4 with the regular vitamins & of course E in gel caps.
Shoot, can't edit either. On the culling, it applies more to breeders. Why breed potential weakness into your flock? As a pet, no need to cull. When we've had injuries & vit def issues, we rehome to pet only homes most times.

And the "pies" turned out great.
Good grief! I was off for a couple of days and missed PAGES of posts!

RVroman-Leroy, Helen/Herman (that's his name now, it just works, lol), and Little Guy are doing great. Little Guy had an apartment of his own, below Leroy and Helen/Herman, so he can't pick on them. He was absolutely climbing the walls upset that he was alone in there and could see my flock, but not get to them. So, today I put my little SLW pullet in with him. She and my SLW cockerel are smaller than the rest of the flock, about Little Guy's size, and were starting to get picked on. Well, he settled down in a matter of minutes and started showing her food and water and she was relieved to not have to run around like a roadie on stage. Tomorrow, I will try to catch the cockerel and put him in, too. He needs some relief. Hopefully, little guy won't pick on him, he's so docile. This evening Leroy and Helen/Herman were crowing in rounds. I just love hearing them. None of my other cockerels crow yet, and they're all the same age or older.
So they kind of, sort of do have Frontline for people.

Okay, now don't everyone go screaming at me w/OMG!, but next time you're at the drugstore, pick up some of the expensive head lice shampoo and mosey over to the pet stuff. Then pick up a generic bottle of doggie flea/tick shampoo and compare ingredients.

You may not see those little pinhead ones, but spent the day out clearing brush or something, you'll be showering anyways....why not have a little insurance. They have to be on you for something like 24hrs for you to get sick, so why take chances.
I'm sooooo using the puppy flea-tick shampoo on us next time we're out in the tick-thicket! I would have never thought to compare the two products or to use puppy shampoo on us...I feel dumb, lol. I use Mane and Tail, and hoof laquer, why the heck not?
We had SO MUCH FUN today!!!! Here we are!!
left to right:

JosieChick, ChickenDanz, Shota, Karen, Hawkeye, Trisha (our BYC names)

And the infamous Chopper the Duck ---- (Danz's duck who made the trip down)
Awww, you ladies look like you're having a ball! I can't wait 'til there's another get together, I'd love to meet those of you I haven't met yet and hang out with those I have

Danz, Chopper has gotten HUGE!

mmmmmm.....pie-caaaaaakes! Those look amazing, great job!
Quote: I've been busy the last couple of days. I scored some pallets the last few days and some crates and 12"x1" lumber today, as well as some old tires for yet another project.
Had my oldest DS's class "birthday" party today, since he has a summer birthday. Cupcakes were had, milk was drunk, children was a great afternoon.
When we got home, DH and I FINALLY got the garden planted!!!!

Now, if we can just get the fence ordered and the coop finished before I leave on the 27th, I can rest a little easier while I'm away.
I candled my eggs the night before last, there's definitely something going on in them. Lucky for hubby (and my worry-isms), I will be able to put them in lock down the night before I leave.
Last evening, I sat in the grower pen to give treats, like I do every evening. When suddenly, one of my little BR pullets from Keena, decided to hop up on my knee. This time, instead of jumping down when I looked at her, she just stood there. She was stretching her neck, looking at me, as if to say, "Can I haz goodies?" So, I offered her my hand of BOSS, she inspected it, then decided it was safe to have some. I petted her a bit and she just plopped down on my knee and sang for me ^_^
Well, soon come the little SLW's ducking for cover behind my legs. Now, these birds NEVER want anything to do with me...e-v-e-r. They have recently become the pecking targets for the older birds. I grabbed one, held her, she climbed up on my chest, then shoulder. Now I have 2 chicks sitting on me. Then the SLW cockerel looks concerned, he can't get to his friend. I pick him up, he takes the BOSS I offer, then shimmies up to the other shoulder, around the back of my neck and over to the shoulder where the girl is.
I REALLY wish someone had been there to take a picture. I told DH, I probably looked like a crazy pigeon lady at the park, except with chickens. He was laughing pretty hard at the image he got in his head. I swear, I could just spend all day out there with them and the ducks.
Okay, so this turned out to be a reeeaaaalllly long post. That's what I get for staying off for so long, lol. Have a great day everyone. Sorry if I missed anyone
Pikeman-New coop by the weekend?

Cherwill-Sounds like you are going to have company again. HIDE THE CUPCAKES!

HEChicken-I'm sure the crazy chicken ladies will forgive you when you have chicken priorities that you can get some major help with. You have to make hay (or is that scratch) while the sunshines. We will be eagerly awaiting the "other" pic of your adventure!

Wichita Kidd-I guess I just learned something. I always thought wry neck was a gentic thing. They have it when they are born...I mean hatched, and often don't live very long. I suppose a vitamin deficiency could cause wry neck symptoms, but how could it be considered genetic if it is nutrition/deficiency induced? I guess I need to do some reading.

Avery-Okay. I'll bet I'm the only woman you know who owns her OWN chain saw. I've always loved to cut wood. When I was divorced back in '98 my ex kept my chainsaw. I asked for it but he claimed he didn't have it. Yeah, right. It was a nice Stihl chain saw. Anyway, after my DH and I got together, it turned out he had one exactly like my old one. One day we were out working and one of the kids said, "Dad has a chain saw just like this." Yep. Thought so. Anyway, I bought another one because I truly do like to be able to go out into the woods and cut firewood. NOW guess who uses MY chainsaw when he as 3 of his own? Oh, well. As long as I can be out in the woods with him and enjoying nature I'm okay with that.

As far as chickens in the car, I've done that a number of times. Generally, I haven't had any problems going through the drive thru, but OMG have we attracted attention at some filling stations with goats AND chickens raising a racket. People walk over and either start a conversation or walk away laughing themselves silly.
Wow! You all seem to have had a blast!! I hope you get back together sometime this summer when school is out so I can meet you all :)

Chopper is one cool duck! My Sera is bound and determined to convince me that we need one....

I love the cake pies! My oldest, ,14,, loves to decorate cakes. She thought that was cool too!

I cant respond to all I want this morning tho... It is the morning rush to get everyone fed and out the doors. I have two sick chickens though!! My tiny silkie has it's eyes swollen and my smallest Marans is sitting all puffed out. I put the vitamins in their water, and a bit of Duramycin. :-( What to do??? They have all been treated for Coccidia and there is no loose or bloody poop to be found.

Both are eating and drinking though. Just not looking so happy.
I am sooooo sorry that I missed the gathering at Karens! Sounds like you all had a blast!!! Maybe with enough notice, I'll be able to make it next time. Danz, I didn't realize that you were rehoming Chopper. I'm glad that Karen got him, sounds like he'll be happy and spoiled there!

Sorry I haven't been on as much lately. We have lots of family in and out with graduation coming up this weekend. DS is finally graduating high school, but we found out that he has to take a class in summer school for it to be official... grrrrr... oh well, he's the one that suffering because of his laziness - not me.

All my birds are doing good. Onxy has this new "habit" that cracks me up. She now will fly onto my or my DH's shoulder the second we walk into the coop. So, I got a parrot chicken. LOL. Ruby and Opal want to get up there as well, but they can't fly as high so they just hit our chests and fall back down. We have to put our arms out, like a scarecrow, for all the birds to fly up there before bed every night.. man, kills the arms after just a few minutes!

Tweety, I think you said once you drive a PT Cruiser. Well, so do I and I just LOVE my car. It sometimes feels there is nothing I can't get in it but I tested that this morning.
I do and I LOVE my PT as well! This cracked me up because I could actually visualize you stuffing those boards into the car. I've done close to the same thing, going in through the passenger window and seeing how many i could fit before I have to start over with the hatch open! Had to giggle about your dog as well!

Hope everyone has a great day and sorry if i've missed any important posts. Trying to read here and there during the day since I'm not online much in the evening this week. Things will calm down after graduation on Sunday - hopefully! :)
Poly-vi-sol isn't very expensive, actually. Just be sure to get the kind that DOESN'T have iron.

It is in the baby section at Walmart or a drugstore.

Got home from a long 12 hour day at work. Sitting in the backyard next to the fire with my laptop catching up on all the posts. Reflecting back on 2 chicken related events of my day. First, I was able to finally confirm this morning which of my birds has been crowing. Definitely one of my BA's. Was changing out their water this morning & he was crowing away. He officially has a name now too: Rupert. Seemed appropriate anyway. Will be looking for a home for him in the near future. If anyone's interested in him for something other than dinner just send me a PM.
Other event of the day was the phone call I received from my teenage daughter around 4:30 this afternoon. "Daddy...One of your birds is jacked up! I think it broke it's neck." I asked which bird it was and, of course, it had to be Buffy, my 6 week old buff orphington that just loves attention, loves to be petted, loves to be held. The only one of my birds that really does. So I asked a bunch of questions knowing it would be a while before I would be home. Got home at 8:00 & went down to check on Buffy. Sure enough. She was laying in the brooder box with her head tipped back staring at the ceiling. I picked her up & started to check her out. Nothing seemed to be broken. She could still move her head around although she acted like it was made of rubber. So, I grabbed the laptop & checked the BYC forums. After 1 search I think I found the problem. Sounds like Buffy has wry neck. Anyone had an experience with that? Everything I've read so far says it's a vitamin deficiency that can be treated with Poly-vi-Sol (or something like that). Any ideas where I can get it? Heard it's pretty expensive. Also read where it's something they probably won't ever be cured of because it's genetic & that I should just put her down. Hate to do that if it's treatable especially since she's the most loving of all my birds. Not really sure what to do. I am going to separate her from the other birds just in case she has something else. Any thoughts from the experts?
Appreciate the advice.
Just have a minute and then I have to leave and will be gone most of the day but wanted to say Danz, I got to meet Chopper last night and even hold him for awhile - he is so beautiful. I think he will be very happy at Karens, with lots of other ducks almost his size for company. He already seems happy although I'm sure it is all a bit confusing for him - a long car ride and now he's in a place that is new to him and has to get to know his new flock. So when I offered him mealworms, he wasn't interested, but he did snuggle his head into my neck for a bit while I petted him.
cherwill, those are beautiful treats! My kids would go crazy for them!

I have two sick kids this a.m. and need to get the garden watering started and a million other things going so I won't be able to reply to everyone I'd like to!

Hawkeye, DS had a great time being the big kid yesterday. I have a friend who I go shopping with frequently and she has two very exhuberant boys, 3 and 5 yrs. DS has had lots of practice with this age group and since he's one of the younger kids in my crew, he really enjoys being "big". Once my friend and I took the kids to McDonalds for the play area and a little girl got scared up top and started freaking out. Her mother was beside herself. DS said "Ma'am I'll go get her, don't worry". He was able to talk the little girl down and the mother was very grateful. DS was so proud, he said "I feel like a hero"! I'm really, really proud of my kids. They are much better people than I ever was as a child. I don't deserve such laid back, cooperative kids in the grand scheme of things! DD wasn't quite herself yesterday, too quiet, and she said she just felt tired. She stays up late reading sometimes so I didn't think much of it till last night she looked a little feverish. Took her temp and she just had a low fever. I'm so hoping she didn't give anything to anyone! Kids. She did have a tick bite a week ago so I'm taking her to the Dr. today and having her checked out.
HEChicken, that's the most horrifyingly funny story I've ever heard!

Trish44, I'm so extremely glad you found your babies!!! That's awesome!

Before this crazy day gets away from me I just wanted Chicken Danz to see how well Chopper is fitting in.This morning Chopper was all nestled down to sleep with all the other ducks, so I' think he's fitting in really well. Here are some pics. In this one, the other ducks have moved on but Chopper stayed with Dawdles and Quackers. I called the 3 established ducks to go swim this a.m. so they came right out eager to get to the pond. Chopper almost followed but panicked at the last minute. The other four were not having it. So I walked the 3 Anconas down and then went back and called Chop to me. He came and then I picked him up and took him down to the pond. The minute he saw the other 3 in the water he started straining to get down. So I put him down and he dashed over to them. He looked back at me once before he just blended into the group. It was precious! I felt like I was putting a kindergartener on the school bus for the first time! Then DS and I went back and got the other four and took them down. They quickly joined the others.

I watched them for awhile to see how they were doing. Chopper seems to be following my 3 Anconas but he started nipping at the smaller birds -- nothing horrible but just being rude about moving them out of his way. After a bit of that nonsense, Quackers, the largest Ancona stepped in and nipped at Chopper. Chopper seemed shocked but he submitted to it. Then he tried nipping at the smaller ones again. Quackers stepped in again and I watched for quite awhile but Chopper didn't do it anymore while I was down there. He was really enjoying being at the water's edge and got spooked when Dawdles took an exhuberant dive. He didn't get in while I was there but the Anconas weren't all in, yet, either. They were doing their dabbling walk along the edge.

Chopper is just beautiful!

Here are the others.

The Anconas typically walk all along the bank until they get to the northwest corner under the tree that hangs over the water. That's where I usually find them in the evening or when I take them treats.

No worries, Danz! Chopper's doing amazingly well!
Pikeman-New coop by the weekend?

Cherwill-Sounds like you are going to have company again. HIDE THE CUPCAKES!

HEChicken-I'm sure the crazy chicken ladies will forgive you when you have chicken priorities that you can get some major help with. You have to make hay (or is that scratch) while the sunshines. We will be eagerly awaiting the "other" pic of your adventure!

Avery-Okay. I'll bet I'm the only woman you know who owns her OWN chain saw. I've always loved to cut wood. When I was divorced back in '98 my ex kept my chainsaw. I asked for it but he claimed he didn't have it. Yeah, right. It was a nice Stihl chain saw. Anyway, after my DH and I got together, it turned out he had one exactly like my old one. One day we were out working and one of the kids said, "Dad has a chain saw just like this." Yep. Thought so. Anyway, I bought another one because I truly do like to be able to go out into the woods and cut firewood. NOW guess who uses MY chainsaw when he as 3 of his own? Oh, well. As long as I can be out in the woods with him and enjoying nature I'm okay with that.

As far as chickens in the car, I've done that a number of times. Generally, I haven't had any problems going through the drive thru, but OMG have we attracted attention at some filling stations with goats AND chickens raising a racket. People walk over and either start a conversation or walk away laughing themselves silly.

Ivy, you crack me up!

I've learned something very valuable today. I didn't realize a woman could just TAKE the chainsaw when DH wasn't looking!!!! LOVE that idea. Anytime I ask him to show me how to use it he fusses around about how he's afraid I'll get hurt without him home to help me. Sheesh. So I wait, very politely, for him to get crack-a-lackin' with the thing. Alas, he's too busy building breeder pens!!! If I get caught, I'm going to blame it on the crazy chicken ladies! Snicker. Better yet, I could man up and ask for my own for my BD next month, Stihl, you say? I'll just tell him his little piece of junk is too dangerous for me.

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