Consolidated Kansas

I'll be praying for your friend-- her first name please if you don't mind. Anyway I will be praying each day for her. Such a hard thing for her to go through. Kare
Her name is Sheree.

I bought a framing nailer, then had to have a pneumatic stapler, then finish nailer, then roofing nailer, then metal shear etc etc etc. We have 2 big air compressors and 2 compact ones. That way we have one in the barn and one in the house permanently. But have the two portable ones to move where ever we are working outside. Theres been several times we've used two at once so we didn't have to switch tools when we were building something.
WOW! What don't you have?!? LOL!! That would be awesome!! We have a large portable air compressor on wheels, it's nice for a lot of thing. We used it when we put in our hard wood floor and my DH used it when he was putting up my horse barn.

He didn't exactly pick up the staples I wanted, but he came home with an electric staple gun and staples. I love that thing, and him, too!
Oh yeah, that's an amazing man!

Hawkeye- I am so sorry about your friend. I am sure they will take fabulous care of her at Mayo and she will just be surrounded by wonderful people there. I know several people that have gone to Mayo for various types of cancer and they were all thrilled with the doctors and nurses and staff. I am sorry about crack! Such a bummer, I was crossing my fingers for you on that one!

Well, I have got to get this place ready to go! Danz is coming to test by birds today, hope it goes well and isn't a three ring circus of chasing chickens! Wish I had kids on days like this...need to borrow Karens kiddos to wrangle these wild birds!
I am really glad she's going to Mayo, I think she has the best shot there. I'm glad you've heard such great things about them. You and Danz have fun!!

Hawkeye, awww.... I was sure hoping Crack would make it. I'm glad you have so many others that are doing well. I'll keep your friend in my thoughts today.

My nephew's back for an undetermined amount of time.

On the plus side, when they went to Lehigh last night to see about his car, DH came home with a grill and smoker. His grill has been falling apart slowly but surely and he spent part of yesterday looking for Weber grills on Craig's List. He specifically wanted a Weber because everyone he knows who has one has had it forever, while the people with the cheaper ones end up replacing them every few years. He found one for a great price and it happened to be just where he was going to be last night. The grill is only about 2 years and pretty much half the price of a new one, and the guy threw in his smoker. DH's smoker is still working, but beginning to rust out at the bottom. So at least HE came home happy. I'm going to make some banana bread to cheer up my nephew, since he loves banana bread and asked me last time he was here why I didn't make any!
I appreciate that. I hope your nephew will move into town, he could walk or ride a bike to work, then. Especially with his track record and his car. ;) Congrats on the grill and smoker!!! I LOVE cooking out! I hope you have many a smoked and grilled dinner ahead of you all.

Cher - I share some of those same reasons. At least the food situation is under control by taking them out to eat for most of the major meals, but we have the two dogs and Darwin is still very much a puppy at heart. He wishes he could be a jumper, i'm glad he's too big for that, but he is a mauler of kisses and loves. at 150lbs, not many of my family is crazy about a dog that big wanting to climb in your lap every minute that you are there. My brother always brings his dog, who doesn't get along with any other dogs at all - so he winds up leaving her in his truck the entire visit which pisses me off and stresses me out - it's so not fair to the dog at all - especially when it's hot. He does go out and walks her every couple hours and brings her cold drinks, but grrrrr.. I've argued with him about this so much I just can't do it anymore. LOL.. Also having to deal with my parents (who have been divorced for 25 years) bitching about why the other is there, when it's a mutual grandchild.. so childish. Didn't mean to unload on everyone. Yes. I'm a bit stressed out and can't wait for this all to be over :) (As much as I love my family.... a little love goes a long way.. lol)
It's okay, sounds like you are stressed and it does help to talk about it. :) I'm not exactly fond of big dogs kissing either... I sort of have a fear of large dogs, anyway. Not a strong fear, but it's there and I try my best to breathe when I'm around my friend's big dogs. Just freaks me out. So if they wanted to maul and kiss, I'd probably run for the door! LOL It's not that I don't like dogs-- obviously I love them, I have two. (little tiny ones!) hehe I think it's sad that your brother leaves his dog in the truck, I would be upset about that too. WHy does he bring him?? Can't he leave him at home?? Maybe you could convince him to kennel him during his stay so at least he'd be airconditioned and fed and watered. Poor thing. Can't you maybe chain her under a tree in the front yard or something so she doesn't have to be locked in the hot car???
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tweety, congrats on your graduation! I know it will be a big relief when it's all over & you can breathe.

IVY, I'm so glad you're getting your puppy today, pics please when you get her home & settled in, she looks like a doll!

Hawkeye, prayers coming your way for your friend that everything will go well at Mayo. I'm sorry about your little chick.

Well my brand new GQF incubator is having issues. It started a few days ago with a lone system failure & I thought maybe it was just a fluke. No, it wasn't & yesterday it had 5 of them, one in the middle of the night last night, which made me bolt right out of bed. I had some very expensive Swedish Flower Hen eggs in there, so yesterday I plugged my reliable Brinsea back in, got it regulated & put those eggs in there along with the Welsummers my friend sent with Shana to me Weds. I sure hope I can get it fixed fast because I have more eggs coming that are expensive too at the end of the month. I can't believe it's having problems already, I thought these things were supposed to be fool-proof. It's aggravating to spend so much money on something & then have issues with it so soon.

Well I got all of my rabbits moved out of the garage for the summer except my one little momma with the 5 new babies. I'm going to do some moving rabbits around today & see if I can't get them out there too. The ones I moved out yesterday were freaked out at first, but now just look at content as they can be. I have this group of 5 rabbit hutches out there now under the trees at the edge of my front yard. At least we have big trees for them to sit under out of the heat. I was getting worried about them being out there in that garage because it's all metal & it gets hot fast in there. I have been running a fan, but all that does is move hot air around. It's really kind of a perfect place for my chick brooders since they need heat for a couple weeks. Today I checked the thermometer & didn't think they even needed the lamps on so I turned them both off. I don't really think the older ones need it any more, but it's been a little cool at night still, so I turned it on then. Now that I got the rabbits mostly taken care of I've got to get on building that pen for them. My DH has the weekend off & he said a few minutes ago maybe this weekend we can start laying the blocks for the foundation for my breeder coop, yay progress. He hasn't wanted to do anything with it until now. I have to find some more cinder blocks & I'm hoping that ad I saw on CL is still there for some in Ark City, that would be close to go get them. Hopefully before long I'll have some pics to show of what we're building here.
Hawkeye-The breeder said he's a self blue/buff mix from from one side of her porcelain project birds and they're being called "Frosted" at the moment. I know she has Porcelains, Isabels, Self-Blues and all other manner of colors/projects going on along with all the standard colors. I have no interest in breeding any of the AOVs, so don't have a lot of knowledge about them.

Will say a prayer for your friend.

Ummm, crud don't remember now, but have to agree with more likely the brain injury vs actual deficiency theory and yup, mainly cockerels on our end too. Also always Silkies for us. The never fully recovers thing isn't a "they remain like that forever" thing. It's a "the same bird has repeat bouts throughout their life" kind of thing. Like when they get stressed or whatever. And not always as severe or as long lasting as first go round.
Hawkeye, I'm so sorry about your friend and will add her to my prayer list.
I suspect you're right about it not being MS at all. We'll just pray that it's not malignant and that she can have surgery and recover fully. It's just so frightening, though, and the testing seems to stretch out into infinity. I'm really sorry about Crack, also.

Tweety, I hope things turn out okay this weekend. I hear you on the family thing.

roman, how are you feeling by now? Much better, I hope! You owe me a visit!

cherwill, you're nephew is so fortunate to have family like you guys. You're awesome.

JosieChick, hope all goes well rounding up those birds! I'm sure my kids would love to be borrowed, especially DS. Anything animal related makes him really happy. Have fun with Danz!

Ivy, congrats on getting your new baby!! We want pics, please!

Trish44, you are one busy woman! I'm always amazed by how much you get done. I have helpers all over the place when I'm working on things, I can't imagine doing it all on my own!

So guys, I've been running like crazy this morning and finally ran clear out of steam. Don't know what is up with that but I actually went back to bed this a.m. THAT just doesn't happen. Hope I'm not getting sick. Maybe just having sympathy pains for DD. Anyway, first thing this a.m. I went down to see how the ducks were doing and ALL of them stood up like "there she is"! I felt like their hero! I had considered having them stay in the pen today after last night but they all came toward me so I just opened the fence and the whole group, plus 3 chickens, trooped out and headed for the pond. Oh my gosh, they're so cute! Once the chickens realized it was a trip to the pond, they became less enamored of the expedition and took off back toward the coop.

The ducks always go down the little peninsula, which is really steep, to get to the water. Chopper decided to show his crew and new trick and flew down to the water! The others hesitated and then plunged down the bank, as usual. They must not be as confident of their flying skills! I bet Chopper will ultimately teach them.

Okay, I know you'll think I'm crazy, no wait a minute, not this group! Hee hee. I got 25 new chicks this a.m. REALLY, that IS crazy? Oh well, damage done. They are 20 Buff Cornish hens and 5 Buff Rocks. I'm going to make my own meatie cross, eventually. I ordered these through Strombergs before Danz posted that she would be able to get fewer birds for us. Bummer. However, they're here and all of them were doing great. I gave them some Gro-gel and they really went after it. They are VERY energetic chicks! They're fast like guineas and LOUD! We took each loud mouth and showed them wear the eats and drinks were and as they got something in their tums they quieted down.

On a sad note, my bronze turkey was dead this morning.
I just couldn't believe it! The Bourbon Red was perking around just fine and there was his dead little friend. I loved that little turkey. I sure didn't see that coming because last night he was absolutely fine. I sure wish I could have saved him. I think I'm going to give up on the turkey thing for now. It's just so disheartening when you can't keep them alive. The lady I hatched for said their hens are sitting beautifully and they should have a really good hatch and will be giving me 2 of their turkeys once they are able to make it without their mama. That will be a huge relief to not worry if they're going to be alive every morning. Sheesh. Anyway, so my little Bourbon Red is now in with the chicks and seems really happy to have lots of friends. The BR has new feathers coming in where he had the unabsorbed yolk thing -- yay!

I'm just really not feeling my usual self. I better not be getting sick for the weekend. That'll really chap me!
HeChicken, that is incredibly sad about your friend that went thru all of that with her brain tumor. Did she make it? You never said.
Unfortunately, no, she didn't. It was very sad. I hadn't wanted to say that in the first post because I didn't want to depress you even more about your friend. I'm sure Mayo will be able to help her and wouldn't it be great if it did turn out that she doesn't have MS after all?

Cher - I share some of those same reasons. At least the food situation is under control by taking them out to eat for most of the major meals, but we have the two dogs and Darwin is still very much a puppy at heart. He wishes he could be a jumper, i'm glad he's too big for that, but he is a mauler of kisses and loves. at 150lbs, not many of my family is crazy about a dog that big wanting to climb in your lap every minute that you are there. My brother always brings his dog, who doesn't get along with any other dogs at all - so he winds up leaving her in his truck the entire visit which pisses me off and stresses me out - it's so not fair to the dog at all - especially when it's hot. He does go out and walks her every couple hours and brings her cold drinks, but grrrrr.. I've argued with him about this so much I just can't do it anymore. LOL.. Also having to deal with my parents (who have been divorced for 25 years) bitching about why the other is there, when it's a mutual grandchild.. so childish. Didn't mean to unload on everyone. Yes. I'm a bit stressed out and can't wait for this all to be over :) (As much as I love my family.... a little love goes a long way.. lol)
Well my brand new GQF incubator is having issues. It started a few days ago with a lone system failure & I thought maybe it was just a fluke. No, it wasn't & yesterday it had 5 of them, one in the middle of the night last night, which made me bolt right out of bed. I had some very expensive Swedish Flower Hen eggs in there, so yesterday I plugged my reliable Brinsea back in, got it regulated & put those eggs in there along with the Welsummers my friend sent with Shana to me Weds. I sure hope I can get it fixed fast because I have more eggs coming that are expensive too at the end of the month. I can't believe it's having problems already, I thought these things were supposed to be fool-proof. It's aggravating to spend so much money on something & then have issues with it so soon.
How disappointing for you. At least since it is new it should still be under some kind of warranty. Its a good thing you still had your Brinsea available - hopefully you'll be able to get the GQF working right again. I've always heard such good things about them so hopefully it is something minor that can be repaired quickly and easily.

On a sad note, my bronze turkey was dead this morning.
I just couldn't believe it! The Bourbon Red was perking around just fine and there was his dead little friend. I loved that little turkey. I sure didn't see that coming because last night he was absolutely fine. I sure wish I could have saved him. I think I'm going to give up on the turkey thing for now. It's just so disheartening when you can't keep them alive. The lady I hatched for said their hens are sitting beautifully and they should have a really good hatch and will be giving me 2 of their turkeys once they are able to make it without their mama. That will be a huge relief to not worry if they're going to be alive every morning. Sheesh. Anyway, so my little Bourbon Red is now in with the chicks and seems really happy to have lots of friends. The BR has new feathers coming in where he had the unabsorbed yolk thing -- yay!
Awww....I'm so sorry. That was the one with the unabsorbed yolk, right? I had such high hopes he'd make it after you nursed him along for so long.
Wow, I got a couple days behind and finally got time to catch up. I was skimming so I may have missed someone suggesting this, but has anyone tried tea tree oil for the ticks? I love to try different natural things like that and I have found it works well for mosquitoes and whatever else around the yard. I don't know first hand about ticks though. I carry a spray bottle with a couple drops mixed in water whenever I am outside. You have to reapply pretty often, but I don't mind. I heard putting it in your shampoo can prevent lice and such, so I figure why not ticks? My husband hates the smell of it, but I don't think it is a bad smell.

Also, I loved that poem about house cleaning and babies. I had never heard that before but it is precious.

I am thinking of starting an herb garden after hearing so many of you talk about it. I've never actually thought of growing anything other than cilantro myself, but it sounds like I could get into it. Do most herbs do well in a shady place? The only open spot I have is pretty shady so I haven't really tried growing anything there.

Sorry I am missing so many important things, but prayers to all who need them, welcome to the new people and I'm glad everyone had a great visit!
KarenS, hugs to you about your little turkey, I feel your pain, these little things just seem so fragile. How can such big things be so fragile & hard to raise, I don't get it. My two are still in with the little chicks in the brooder, they think they're chicks. Wow, I can't believe you got more chicks, but if they're meaties you will be processing them eventually right?

HeChicken, I just talked to the representative at GQF, it was kind of disheartening because I called the first time & got a recorded message for tech support, oh not a good sign. So I did what the message said & called back & talked to an operator & she put me through to the right people. The guy of course first tried to make me sound like I didn't know what I was talking about, grrrr that makes me so mad when a man acts like I'm just a stupid woman. But eventually he understood what I was saying & said they were sending me the control module & the temp sensor. Hopefully they will get here fast so I don' t have this thing totally failing before we get the parts. That's going to really upset me because I still have eggs in there that I don' t have room for in the Brinsea. I can replace the Ameraucana eggs, but gosh some of them are due to hatch soon & you hate to just kill the poor things. Then I just put my lavender orpington shipped eggs in before all of the failures yesterday & I have nowhere to put them until the eggs in the hatcher are done. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this thing will continue to function enough to keep them going until the parts get here. I have only had this incubator a month, it shouldn't be failing already. The guy at GQF kind of seemed puzzled that it would be having problems already & said they would want the old parts sent back so they can figure out what happened.
I haven't tried tea tree oil to keep ticks away but have used it for all kinds of bites. My SIL was just telling me last night that she burned 2 of her fingers really bad with the curling iron -- she grabbed the wrong end! She was at her daughters house and couldn't find anything to put on the burns to stop the hurt when they decided to try the tea tree oil. She said it stopped the hurting within minutes and she never did develop blisters and you can hardly tell where she was burned. I have used it for years but hadn't used it for burns either but will from now on. I use it mostly for cuts and skin irritants etc. but did some searching online and found this page about it.
Wow, I got a couple days behind and finally got time to catch up. I was skimming so I may have missed someone suggesting this, but has anyone tried tea tree oil for the ticks? I love to try different natural things like that and I have found it works well for mosquitoes and whatever else around the yard. I don't know first hand about ticks though. I carry a spray bottle with a couple drops mixed in water whenever I am outside. You have to reapply pretty often, but I don't mind. I heard putting it in your shampoo can prevent lice and such, so I figure why not ticks? My husband hates the smell of it, but I don't think it is a bad smell.
With all the talk about herbs I just came in from the garden and made myself a big glass of peppermint tea! With a slice of lemon it is really good!
HEChicken, oddly enough it was the new one that died! I would be crying in my suds if it had been the little Bourbon Red. But the bronze was a really sweet little thing too. Hawkeye is right about turkeys. Turkeys just seem to connect differently with people. The new one was so perky, yet when you picked it up it was calm and really seemed to love attention. Of course, the BR is my favorite because I've invested so much into keeping it alive, plus it's a real sweety too.

Trish44, that's right, the meaties are temporary residents. That is beyond irritating that you're having trouble with your incubator. That's just the pits. I'm glad they at least want to find out what went wrong but that sure doesn't help you any right now. I'm going to PM you.

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