Consolidated Kansas

Hello fellow Kansasans!
I didn't realize there was a where are you forum here!
Someone pointed me here as I'm looking for fertile hatching eggs locally and not having any luck. ;( I'm in Manhattan. Anyone else near by? And do you have any fertile eggs???
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
I put a little footstool (plastic, folding from Wal-mart) just inside the door for the girls to hop up on to get out. It works like a charm for them. You could always add another paver, too. My door is about 15" off the floor of the coop, 6-8" off the shavings pile.
. I installed it high enough that doing DLM this winter won't be an issue but that means it is high enough that the ducks and silkies might have a problem with it. I put a 6" paver on the inside of the coop as a step for them and I'm hoping that's high enough they can get up and out the door but over the next few days I may have to make some adjustments.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Welcome to the list. The more the merrier.
Hello fellow Kansasans!
I didn't realize there was a where are you forum here!
Someone pointed me here as I'm looking for fertile hatching eggs locally and not having any luck. ;( I'm in Manhattan. Anyone else near by? And do you have any fertile eggs???
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
Hello fellow Kansasans!
I didn't realize there was a where are you forum here!
Someone pointed me here as I'm looking for fertile hatching eggs locally and not having any luck. ;( I'm in Manhattan. Anyone else near by? And do you have any fertile eggs???
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
Oh how funny - that was me, I believe, on your other thread. Out of 50 states and a few other countries, I didn't think I'd be seeing you pop up on the Kansas thread! I'm in the Wichita area so not close enough for you - I think there are others on here who are closer. (Plus my roos have only been with my hens about a week so my eggs probably aren't fertile yet.)

I put a little footstool (plastic, folding from Wal-mart) just inside the door for the girls to hop up on to get out. It works like a charm for them. You could always add another paver, too. My door is about 15" off the floor of the coop, 6-8" off the shavings pile.
My chickens aren't having any issues - even the 2 1/2 week of broody-raised chicks jumped right up into the door frame when Mama told them to, directly from the ground. The ducks are struggling though. They're making it and they're still growing so it will be easier as they get bigger, but I wish it were easier for them. I've tried a couple of options. First I had a paver on either side to use as a step and they were making it but it looked like a lot of effort for them, so last night I tried a ramp. It was not very steep at all - I had a nice long board to use - but they didn't seem to care for that idea at all. I had to lift 4 of them to set them in the door and let them jump down on the other side, and the other two skipped the ramp and made it up onto the door frame, so made it in by themselves. So today I'm back to the pavers. The problem is they don't seem to "get" that using the pavers as a step will make it easier, and more often than not, try to jump the distance. Sometimes they make, other times they fall backwards gracelessly and I feel so bad for them. They keep going and sitting by the people door asking me to open that instead but I don't want them to rely on being let in and out because it defeats the purpose of the auto door. We have a 2-night trip coming up next month for a baseball tournament DS is involved in, and I want to make sure the birds are ALL handling getting in an out before then.

One of the two silkies gets in an out without any problem - but he has a weepy eye issue that actually helps him out as it keeps his fuzz matted and therefore his vision is not impeded by fluff. The other is fluffing up into a very typical Silkie and I think he can't see very well so is reluctant to make the leap. So far he's doing it but is always the last in. I think I'm going to have to trim him and I'm not looking forward to that. Getting scissors near the eye of a struggling bird? Not my idea of fun.

This afternoon I went to sit in the coop and Mama Hen was there with her two chicks who are now 2 1/2 weeks old. I've never handled them, other than picking them up to put in a box when we were moving and you know how broody-raised chicks are typically not that keen on human contact? Well, one was sitting on the roost and when I went to pick her up she didn't seem distressed at all. Mama got very upset and started screeching so I sat down next to her and as soon as she could see her baby was okay, she relaxed. There was baby, sitting in the palm of my hand when she suddenly went limp, and her head flopped forward, laid out on my leg. Yep, she was fast asleep! It was the cutest thing to sit there and hold this baby while she took a nap and I was so surprised at how relaxed she was considering she's never been handled by that scary human person before.
I'm not really picky about the eggs. Would like a flock of all different colors and breeds so I'm open. Would love americana or easter egger, black/blue/ or lav orp, anything friendly and a good layer.
srd5757, I always have barnyard mix eggs available but no purebreds until fall. Sorry! Trish44 or Ivywoods may both have Americana eggs but neither would be close to you. Have you tried Kansas Poultry Swap on Facebook?
Well guys, I should have about 50 Silkies for sale. The phone has rung off the wall. I am doing a first come first serve thing on them for sure. I hate to have people think they'll get them, but if someone is willing to drive down here and has the money they are taking chickens home. Sure wish my other birds would sell that fast!
Maybe I should have asked more for them.
My hatcher is very busy today. I need to find a temp brooder for my Orpingtons. DH is supposed to be making me another small brooder box tomorrow to set on top of the normal bins.
That is so funny about the little chick falling asleep!!
My chickens aren't having any issues - even the 2 1/2 week of broody-raised chicks jumped right up into the door frame when Mama told them to, directly from the ground. The ducks are struggling though. They're making it and they're still growing so it will be easier as they get bigger, but I wish it were easier for them. I've tried a couple of options. First I had a paver on either side to use as a step and they were making it but it looked like a lot of effort for them, so last night I tried a ramp. It was not very steep at all - I had a nice long board to use - but they didn't seem to care for that idea at all. I had to lift 4 of them to set them in the door and let them jump down on the other side, and the other two skipped the ramp and made it up onto the door frame, so made it in by themselves. So today I'm back to the pavers. The problem is they don't seem to "get" that using the pavers as a step will make it easier, and more often than not, try to jump the distance. Sometimes they make, other times they fall backwards gracelessly and I feel so bad for them. They keep going and sitting by the people door asking me to open that instead but I don't want them to rely on being let in and out because it defeats the purpose of the auto door. We have a 2-night trip coming up next month for a baseball tournament DS is involved in, and I want to make sure the birds are ALL handling getting in an out before then.
Howdy all!

Danz- DH says give your itchy girl 3 chloripheniramine maleate 4 mg tablets (antihistamine) 3-4 times a day and a fatty acid supplement such as fish oil caps or flax seed oil twice a day. I will get a dose for the fish oil, he just left to go to the grocery store to buy food to make me dinner. My kind of man.
Don't bother using benadryl, it isn't processed well by dogs. The chlor tabs work much better, we buy a huge bottle online that is 1000 tablets for like $4. All our house dogs and Molly are on it for the itchies!

Ivy- Glad to hear you are doing well and getting stuff squared away for a move!

Trish- Did you catch that chick yet? We had a loose serama chick in the garage this AM and I was not a happy camper about that! Took me forever to catch the little bugger, they are so fast!

Well DH and I spent the entire day planting the front landscaping beds. This project has been in the making for 3 months and is finally installed! Phew! Now off to water and feed the crew...
Ooh Danz! Please keep the little buff one for Sera! We can come get her tomorrow if that would help! Today was full of baseball.... Mom could use a quiet drive :)

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