Consolidated Kansas

Ed, sorry, I know next to nothing about ducks yet. I have 6 muscovies but they are only 6 weeks old and I don't know which are male or female out of them yet either. And, muscovies are different than all of the other ducks because they're the only ones that are not Mallard based, so they don't quack. I'll just have to wait and see.

Wow - 8 kids! We have another Kansan on here who also has 8 kids and lives down in the Derby/Rose Hill area. She stays pretty busy in the summer though with the kids out of school so doesn't get a chance to check in as often.
I got the AC fixed yesterday around noon. The repairman came and as I suspected it was the capacitor that had blown. All is well now and we have a cool house!

Coop v2.0 Update: The inside is done!!!!!! I moved the girls in last night and moved the old coop out of the yard so they wouldn't go to it any more. Other than the extreme heat they appear to be doing well with it. The true test will come this evening when I go to put them away. I have updated the album with pics:
Ta Da!!!! My little black Cornish broody hatched her first guinea keet just a little while ago -- there are 4 more eggs. The keets were not suppose to hatch until July 6 - 7 so this little one is really early. I don't hear anything more from any of the eggs so I am praying they will hatch in a few days!!
Congratulations! Hmmm...I think something must have been off on dates. My broodies hatched their chicks in 19 days vs. 21 but I don't think a keet could hatch 10 days early and be viable - perhaps it had started to incubate prior to setting it under your hen?
Here are some photos of my automatic door with the Chunnel attached. :) Took us longer to get the tunnel made than it took to put the door on. I still don't have it working because I had to have some surgery yesterday so moving a little slower. Will set tonights setting and then watch tomorrow and see if I have it right.

In these temps we have been having I still keep the people door open because of 2 broodies inside the chicken house.

The chicken pen is pretty messy looking right now because of all the pans holding water for all the birds. So far everyone is doing well. Our heat is not suppose to let up for quite a while!!
Ozark flyer. Those ducks are to young to definitively sex. The males don't get their colors until they mature some. Looking at them now I would say all female ducks. The males will get a green head and more pronounced color.
Good job on the coop Rob!
Well my luck just stinks! I guess the turkeys made a bit of a mess of the water and one of my lemon cuckoo chicks got wet and died while I was in town today. Just makes me sick. I am using oxine on a big bin to put the poults in so they can stay dry if they insist on playing in the water. I swear some of these birds are worse than children!
I rushed home because I had a 3:00 appointment for a gal to buy chicks. An hour before they were supposed to be here her dad left a message and cancelled. Said they decided they weren't going to get any chickens. Irritating cause it messed up my schedule!
Aww Danz, sorry about your turkeys, I know you've been waiting on them forever. I hope you can get some more. This heat is a killer, I hope we all make it through the summer with our birds. I was looking at your brooder box & you have a Welsummer in there that looks like a pullet, pretty little thing.

I just sent 11 Ameraucana chicks with a guy from just east of me a couple of miles. He wants them to breed for olive eggers. I was glad to get them out of my utility room, that's where they all have been since last night, at least it's not 115 in there. The back wall is underground & the end of the storage room is also, so I think it helps some to insulate those rooms or they would be a lot hotter since they're not heated or cooled. Anyway, the guy said he is going to keep them in the basement for awhile, I was worried he might take them out in that heat & lose them, but he seemed to really care about them, so that makes me feel better. I have chicks hatching today, they weren't really due till tomorrow, but so far I have 3 Ameruacanas & 2 Welsummers. I have 6 more Welsummer eggs due tomorrow, I sure hope I get some pullets because I don't need any more roosters around here. If I get roos they will have to go for sure. I worry about my poor little broody hen also, & I wonder if the eggs will make it in this heat, we'll see I guess. She sure has been a trooper.

Well I'm officially really PO'd at the Postal Service. You all know that I have been trying for awhile now to get Cream Legbar eggs here & so far haven't been very successful. The first half of the batch were a total washout & then the 2nd half got left in the broiling sun. I candled them a couple days ago & only one seems to be developing out of those. The guy I'm getting them from felt sorry for me & mailed me some more eggs on Monday & they were supposed to be here yesterday. Well guess what, not only were they not here yesterday, but I found out this morning they sent them to Dodge City, yes you read that right. So I called the post office here in Winfield & told them what they were & that I would appreciate it if they would just call me when they arrive & I will come get them. I'm so upset!!! These are so expensive & of all the stupid things to happen for them to go all the way out to Dodge City in this terrible heat. The poor guy who is trying to be nice & help me out is just fit to be tied. My last eggs too extra time to get here & this time he paid extra & sent free eggs & now look what has happened. He can't believe it & neither can I. The post office said they don't think the eggs will come today. GRRRRR!!!!! What is wrong with those people that they can't route packages where they're supposed to be.

Well I need to go out & try to cool my birds off then run to the bank. I could just cry.

Oh BTW, Prairie, I love your coop!
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Here are some photos of my automatic door with the Chunnel attached. :) Took us longer to get the tunnel made than it took to put the door on. I still don't have it working because I had to have some surgery yesterday so moving a little slower. Will set tonights setting and then watch tomorrow and see if I have it right.

In these temps we have been having I still keep the people door open because of 2 broodies inside the chicken house.

The chicken pen is pretty messy looking right now because of all the pans holding water for all the birds. So far everyone is doing well. Our heat is not suppose to let up for quite a while!!
That chunnel looks awesome and gives me some great ideas - thank you for posting the pics!

Well I'm officially really PO'd at the Postal Service. You all know that I have been trying for awhile now to get Cream Legbar eggs here & so far haven't been very successful. The first half of the batch were a total washout & then the 2nd half got left in the broiling sun. I candled them a couple days ago & only one seems to be developing out of those. The guy I'm getting them from felt sorry for me & mailed me some more eggs on Monday & they were supposed to be here yesterday. Well guess what, not only were they not here yesterday, but I found out this morning they sent them to Dodge City, yes you read that right. So I called the post office here in Winfield & told them what they were & that I would appreciate it if they would just call me when they arrive & I will come get them. I'm so upset!!! These are so expensive & of all the stupid things to happen for them to go all the way out to Dodge City in this terrible heat. The poor guy who is trying to be nice & help me out is just fit to be tied. My last eggs too extra time to get here & this time he paid extra & sent free eggs & now look what has happened. He can't believe it & neither can I. The post office said they don't think the eggs will come today. GRRRRR!!!!! What is wrong with those people that they can't route packages where they're supposed to be.
Oh no - I'm so sorry!
I checked my papers and I set the eggs under little Cornie on 6/8 in the evening. Can't figure out the early hatch because I kept the eggs in the house until I set them under her. I've got to check and see what markings I have on the 5 that are still in the nest. I forgot to check that and see if I have the date of them as to when they were laid.

I now have 2 little guinea keets that have hatched!!!!! There are 5 eggs still in the nest but mama is not sitting on them. She is on the hay on the dirt floor of the coop with the 2 babies and has been off the nest for about 3 hours that I know of ----but it is 103 or 104 outside today so maybe the eggs still are ok. We will see!! So glad to have at least 2 babies. She has eaten a lot of food today too!
Congratulations! Hmmm...I think something must have been off on dates. My broodies hatched their chicks in 19 days vs. 21 but I don't think a keet could hatch 10 days early and be viable - perhaps it had started to incubate prior to setting it under your hen?

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