Consolidated Kansas

thanks for the warm welcome. Before kansas the Army had us in El Paso tx for three years we've moved only a few times 10 yrs in central tx and then 3 yrs in germany but due to illness it looks like my husband will be getting out of the amry and so we found a wonderful 99 year old farmhouse and plan on setteling our family in kansas on 12 acres. We currently have 3 dogs , 4 bo and 1 yearling paint.

I am at Hiawatha, so you are less than an hour from me. That's only temporary, though, since I will be moving to Oswego, KS some time in September.

Welcome aboard.
Josie~~~ I don't think you should worry so much about picking up a disease at a show. . I would say if it is a stressful thing for you, find out what size coop your birds would be placed in and have some thin plexiglas cut to block coops next to yours.
Have to remember, it has to be clear so the judges view is not blocked to the coops beside you. That is in the rule book.

Now to my happenings. Had a work evening scheduled, and was setting up all tables and coops for fair which starts the 17th. We had ordered 12 new coops, opened the LARGE 166# box, and what do you know!!! The wrong size coops
So been on the phone got the mess straightened out, got the box strapped back together, got arrangement for pickup taken care of. the company only had 11 of he size coops we had ordered, so they are sending those, and will make and send the 12th one later. I am just hope
the coops get here this week or we are in big trouble, as I really don't want to start tearing apart coops to accomdate large fowl, we don't have coops big enough for the tom turkeys coming, so gotta take 2 of my personal coops in for them.

I don't know whose post I was reading, so I just thought I would pass this along.
Do not use wazine in your layers, as it is not to be used in layers that are in egg production for human consumption. Any wormer has an withdraw on it.
Panacur has the shortest withdrawl time of three days. Every other wormer has up to a least 14 days or more on your egg producers for human consumption. Wayzine is fine for everything else as a wormer, or birds in hatching egg production. I use it on my batams and show birds, but not my layers.
thanks for the warm welcome. Before kansas the Army had us in El Paso tx for three years we've moved only a few times 10 yrs in central tx and then 3 yrs in germany but due to illness it looks like my husband will be getting out of the amry and so we found a wonderful 99 year old farmhouse and plan on setteling our family in kansas on 12 acres. We currently have 3 dogs , 4 bo and 1 yearling paint.

Oh wow, that is fantastic that you got such an old farmhouse! I'm so envious!! I have always thought it would be so incredible to own and live in one! They have such character and charm to them. Lucky you! I'm pretty handy, so I'd probably be trying to restore it room by room. I bet you have all kinds of amazing moldings, baseboards and crown in that house. Sigh.
Hmmmm... but I'm thinking with 12 acres to fill, you are severely lacking in the chicken department.... maybe another 20??
Oh BTW... we're also enablers on this thread!

--oh and I LOVE paint horses. (kind of obvious, that one....)

Hawkeye, the Swedish Flowers can either be crested or non-crested. I didn't know I was going to have any with a crest until suddenly this one started to develop one. They evidently don't hatch with them, they're something that develop as they start feathering out & getting their color. It's been really interesting with these four that I have watching them develop so far, they're still pretty little, but as they grow they are getting more & more colorful, it's really interesting to see. I can't wait to see what else I hatch out because all four that I have now are all different. I can't tell sexes yet either. KarenS, we will have to compare birds later on. I'm just so excited to be able to have them & can't wait to raise some next year as well as the Cream Legbars. I know nobody else around this area has either breed.

Oh & my biggest egg customer came today & cleaned out my refrigerator of eggs, yay!
I had no idea some had crests! That is so neat! I like that idea! I kind of have a thing for crested birds. So glad that your customer picked up all those eggs! Whew! I know what that is like when the eggs are starting to pile up! I give up on selling and just start giving them all away to my family and neighbors. I had an excess of 8 dozen last week I dumped on everyone. It accumulates SO fast! ha!

Funny story for you! Today is day #3 that I've allowed my birds (2 drakes, 4 ducks, a duckling, and a gosling) to free-range. It is a little cooler today, so we're watering the lawn a little later in the day than usual. My husband went out and moved the sprinkler to right beside the tree that my birds have been hanging out near. I looked out a couple of minutes ago to find my birds not only playing in the water from the sprinkler
but also trying to catch some in their mouths to drink!
I've seen our dog do this (the water bowl just isn't good enough
), but I've never seen any of my birds do it. Silly, silly birds!
So cute, Lizzy! I've never seen mine do that! They all run for it when the sprinklers are on. But they like pecking around the places where the water pools up. You may have to get that on video! :)

Now to my happenings. Had a work evening scheduled, and was setting up all tables and coops for fair which starts the 17th. We had ordered 12 new coops, opened the LARGE 166# box, and what do you know!!! The wrong size coops
So been on the phone got the mess straightened out, got the box strapped back together, got arrangement for pickup taken care of. the company only had 11 of he size coops we had ordered, so they are sending those, and will make and send the 12th one later. I am just hope
the coops get here this week or we are in big trouble, as I really don't want to start tearing apart coops to accomdate large fowl, we don't have coops big enough for the tom turkeys coming, so gotta take 2 of my personal coops in for them.

I was already in the mood-- but so exciting that it is FAIR time!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! That is a royal PITA about your cage mix up. What a big bummer! I sure hope they can get them shipped out to you ASAP! I hope you don't have to tear apart coops either! Could you find any wire dog kennels (the xlarge ones) on CraigsList for cheap? (just in case??) I've bought all of mine for $40 used and boy are they handy! I just throw pine chips in the bottom pan and stack them. My Royal Palm fit into the large ones I have. Well, whatever the case may be, I sure hope those coops get there and your stress level goes down. Barn Monitor!! That's what I signed up for. It's in 2 hours shifts. They need more slots filled in, so I'll probably go ahead and sign up for more slots. Which will mean I'll be at the darned fair all day long. Sigh. Ah well.
--oh and I LOVE paint horses. (kind of obvious, that one....)

So cute, Lizzy! I've never seen mine do that! They all run for it when the sprinklers are on. But they like pecking around the places where the water pools up. You may have to get that on video! :)

I, too, am a huge fan of paint horses!

I tried to take a video of it on my camera, but the video turned out to be pretty shaky, thanks to the fact that I had to use quite a bit of zoom to get close enough to see what they were doing. Now, if only I could figure out how to post videos without getting a youtube account...
So Josie you get all into this fair thing this year and you can help teach me next year! I've been gone and busy all day and ready to take a nap. I'm like you though. I would be so afraid that my bird would be sitting close to another bird with some kind of disease it could spread. I guess there's chances in everything.
Hawkeye your flock is good for one year from the date of the test. It just needs repeated once a year. But for 4-H and for exhibition poultry, auctions, selling, etc you need to have them tested within 90 days of the day of the show. Obviously if you are going to do a 4-H thing at the end of every July, then it would be wise to test your whole flock annually at least two weeks before the show. Of course a person isn't going to test a bird over and over for each show especially when you attend several. If I tested your birds I would just fill out a separate form for the birds for the purpose of the fair if it wasn't within the 90 days. Of course testing is easy but why over kill.? Unless you bring new stock in, your flock is going to remain disease free.
For instance, when I took my birds to Gardner for the auction I brought the form stating they'd been tested, because they were tested just a week before the auction. And I filled out a separate form for birds I sold to a guy in Oklahoma since he needed his own form to bring them in the state. So this fall for instance if I were bringing in pheasant I know they were all tested in June but I don't believe I would test them again for the auction. I certainly wouldn't have brought any new stock in.
It gets very confusing and even the people that have instructed me aren't real clear on exactly how to do it all. So much of NPIP is set up for hatcheries and multipliers. (Multipliers are people who hatch chicks for resale to hatcheries or stores.) Where as the real danger of pullorum is really within home flocks. I really wish I knew more about the whole matter. I've read the federal, the Kansas, and several other states information and it conficts with one another. I really do wish you'd direct me to that NPIP information you posted. I honestly may have missed something and I would rather know than be quoted incorrectly.
I, too, am a huge fan of paint horses!

I tried to take a video of it on my camera, but the video turned out to be pretty shaky, thanks to the fact that I had to use quite a bit of zoom to get close enough to see what they were doing. Now, if only I could figure out how to post videos without getting a youtube account...
omgosh-- so funny!! I had no idea you had horses! LOL! I must have totally missed that! Too bad the video didn't turn out. No idea how to post video here, either.

So Josie you get all into this fair thing this year and you can help teach me next year! I've been gone and busy all day and ready to take a nap. I'm like you though. I would be so afraid that my bird would be sitting close to another bird with some kind of disease it could spread. I guess there's chances in everything.
Hawkeye your flock is good for one year from the date of the test. It just needs repeated once a year. But for 4-H and for exhibition poultry, auctions, selling, etc you need to have them tested within 90 days of the day of the show. Obviously if you are going to do a 4-H thing at the end of every July, then it would be wise to test your whole flock annually at least two weeks before the show. Of course a person isn't going to test a bird over and over for each show especially when you attend several. If I tested your birds I would just fill out a separate form for the birds for the purpose of the fair if it wasn't within the 90 days. Of course testing is easy but why over kill.? Unless you bring new stock in, your flock is going to remain disease free.
For instance, when I took my birds to Gardner for the auction I brought the form stating they'd been tested, because they were tested just a week before the auction. And I filled out a separate form for birds I sold to a guy in Oklahoma since he needed his own form to bring them in the state. So this fall for instance if I were bringing in pheasant I know they were all tested in June but I don't believe I would test them again for the auction. I certainly wouldn't have brought any new stock in.
It gets very confusing and even the people that have instructed me aren't real clear on exactly how to do it all. So much of NPIP is set up for hatcheries and multipliers. (Multipliers are people who hatch chicks for resale to hatcheries or stores.) Where as the real danger of pullorum is really within home flocks. I really wish I knew more about the whole matter. I've read the federal, the Kansas, and several other states information and it conficts with one another. I really do wish you'd direct me to that NPIP information you posted. I honestly may have missed something and I would rather know than be quoted incorrectly.
Good to know!! Okay, so that really makes sense to have a more recent testing for exhibition birds. I don't plan on bringing in any more adult birds. My "plan" is to only buy eggs from other NPIP breeders so that my chicks will be clean and not have to worry about where they've been. I'll have to go back and google it again! I know it was on that site somewhere! LOL I posted the link to that site.... let me try again!
Funny story for you! Today is day #3 that I've allowed my birds (2 drakes, 4 ducks, a duckling, and a gosling) to free-range. It is a little cooler today, so we're watering the lawn a little later in the day than usual. My husband went out and moved the sprinkler to right beside the tree that my birds have been hanging out near. I looked out a couple of minutes ago to find my birds not only playing in the water from the sprinkler
but also trying to catch some in their mouths to drink!
I've seen our dog do this (the water bowl just isn't good enough
), but I've never seen any of my birds do it. Silly, silly birds!

My ducks absolutely LOVE the sprinklers! They'll do the same thing as your and have bills in the air catching it. We've also played with them with the hose directly, and they drink out of it just like the dogs. Ducky (my Pekin) loves it when you spray her in the chest with the hose. She'll follow the hose around just so her chest is being sprayed. It's a new game we play now when filling up the waterers. They are so much fun, aren't they!
Okay, so I have some funny pictures!! Today we spent getting ready for the fair... we baked bread, got it prepared and recipe all ready, etc.. THEN we got cleaned up and started washing chickens! We still have one more to do, and I'm so tired, I think we'll do her in the morning. She doesn't have to be at the fair until 5pm. Plenty of time to blow dry and fluff out.

Here is an unsuspecting bird in the sink... (muwahahahaha!!) Fluffy and beautiful for now...

And after her bath... not so fluffy and probably not feeling so beautiful (giggle)

And of course... poor Zorro got another bath. Although I'm really unhappy with his hackle feathers... I'm thinking I might have to go back and try to whiten out his hackles tomorrow morning!
Maybe try some Oxy on it!
He's been drinking that yellow electrolyte water and it has stained him. Sigh.
Those are cute pics - the hen looks like a Persian cat after its bath - totally disgusted!

I've had Tory roaming free all afternoon, keeping a really close eye on her to see where she'd go and what she'd do. She is naturally curious to explore and many times has disappeared around the side of the house. Its hard to resist the urge to follow but I have to give her that much freedom some time so I've held back to see what she'd do. Mostly she comes around the other side, having done a full circuit. But.....wait for time while she was out of sight, there was a squawk from the chicken yard. In a split second, here came Tory, running around the house to where she had a view of the yard. She stopped and stared in that direction for a minute, determined there was nothing to worry about, and went back where she had come from. I am *so* encouraged by that. A little while later, the rooster had several of his hens out grazing close to the fence and she wandered over to look at them and then just sat down on her side of the fence. She sat there as long as they were all there and when they moved on, she came over to check in with me.

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