Consolidated Kansas

That's great Heather. Sounds like she is going to be excellent. Yay!

Hawkeye has Zorro been out in the sun? I didn't know this, and I don't remember but I think it was Ivy who told me. Feathers turn yellow on a chicken when they have been in the sun. It's like sun bleach but instead of lightening them it turns them yellow. I couldn't figure out why some of the bantam polish had yellow feathers in their topknots. I swear I will never stop learning about the birds.
I've had quite a long day. I had to make a mad dash with a bag of medicine and stuff to a friends house to treat her injured goose. Poor thing isn't doing well and has a terrible infection in it's wound. It was torn up by a dog. I am so glad it isn't one of mine. I would be out with a rifle after that dog for sure.
Your friend is so lucky to have your know-how. Wounds inflicted by animals can be ghastly. I worked as a vet technician for years, and soon learned to treat a cat bite with triple antibiotic immediately because cats carry so much bacteria in their mouths that if I didn't, it got painfully infected every time.

Did you treat the goose with topical or injectable antibiotics?
That's great Heather. Sounds like she is going to be excellent. Yay!

Hawkeye has Zorro been out in the sun? I didn't know this, and I don't remember but I think it was Ivy who told me. Feathers turn yellow on a chicken when they have been in the sun. It's like sun bleach but instead of lightening them it turns them yellow. I couldn't figure out why some of the bantam polish had yellow feathers in their topknots. I swear I will never stop learning about the birds.
I've had quite a long day. I had to make a mad dash with a bag of medicine and stuff to a friends house to treat her injured goose. Poor thing isn't doing well and has a terrible infection in it's wound. It was torn up by a dog. I am so glad it isn't one of mine. I would be out with a rifle after that dog for sure.
ooooooh. Oh no. Well yes, he's been in the sun quite a bit. Sigh. Well, that's cruddy news. Means it's not fixable, then. Sigh. Well, he is what he is then... and we'll deal. Ah well. Tonight, someone (I think my youngest) stuck their finger into my son's yeast bread that was already packaged up for the Fair in it's ziplock baggie. We about had a melt down with full out war here. Sigh. Fortunately, we have two loaves, but that was the best one, of course. Now a bird with yellow hackles. I figured it was from the electrolyte water... but he has only had it off and on. I just assumed that must be it. What a day this has turned out to be!
LOL! At this point, we're just going to go to have fun and forget about being too serious about it.

OH-- HEchicken, so glad to hear how well your new dog is doing!! That is fantastic news about him checking the chickens. :)
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OKay, because I'm obsessively worrying over this-- I just went out to get a picture before the sun goes down. My oldest was holding the rooster... here he is with the YELLOW!! ack!! Can you see it?? Oh- and he has no Gold leakage, so this isn't a genetic leakage issue. I was guessing environmental-- like the water or something. Or Danz-- you said the sun??

You can see it's worse right under his beak.. I was thinking just food staining...?

oh-- and he did just have a bath. But I just remembered I didn't use the Palmolive like last time that got out all the stains. I simply used the flea and tick shampoo and I know it's much gentler. Sigh. Looks like I'm going to have to try again. Bleah.
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Okay, so I have some funny pictures!! Today we spent getting ready for the fair... we baked bread, got it prepared and recipe all ready, etc.. THEN we got cleaned up and started washing chickens! We still have one more to do, and I'm so tired, I think we'll do her in the morning. She doesn't have to be at the fair until 5pm. Plenty of time to blow dry and fluff out.

Here is an unsuspecting bird in the sink... (muwahahahaha!!) Fluffy and beautiful for now...

And after her bath... not so fluffy and probably not feeling so beautiful (giggle)

And of course... poor Zorro got another bath. Although I'm really unhappy with his hackle feathers... I'm thinking I might have to go back and try to whiten out his hackles tomorrow morning!
Maybe try some Oxy on it!
He's been drinking that yellow electrolyte water and it has stained him. Sigh.
Oh, hawkeye, you need to get the kind that is BLUE!!!!!
Okay, so I have some funny pictures!! Today we spent getting ready for the fair... we baked bread, got it prepared and recipe all ready, etc.. THEN we got cleaned up and started washing chickens! We still have one more to do, and I'm so tired, I think we'll do her in the morning. She doesn't have to be at the fair until 5pm. Plenty of time to blow dry and fluff out.

Here is an unsuspecting bird in the sink... (muwahahahaha!!) Fluffy and beautiful for now...

And after her bath... not so fluffy and probably not feeling so beautiful (giggle)

And of course... poor Zorro got another bath. Although I'm really unhappy with his hackle feathers... I'm thinking I might have to go back and try to whiten out his hackles tomorrow morning!
Maybe try some Oxy on it!
He's been drinking that yellow electrolyte water and it has stained him. Sigh.
Wet chickens are hilarious!
Hawkeye-I agree. Try the blue stuff. I've never had to use it, so I can't tell you where to get it. The yellow on his feathers may be from the sun. It's hard to tell from the pics, but if it is just under his beak on the front of his neck it may be from the electrolyte water. What a bummer about the bread, too.

Checoukan- what a mess with the pen mix up. I just hate crap like that. I sure hope they come in quickly. Those metal pens of yours have sure come in handy for a number of things!f

Danz-Yes, I love dogs, but when they wreak havoc on other animals it's hard not to get the shotgun involved.
OH, and Hawkeye-I'm not sure when your show is, but your birds should have SEVERAL days to preen and "poof" back up after a bath and before you show them.
If you saw this poor goose I am sure you would feel like I do. It killed some chickens and a duck and did such severe damage to this bird it actually made me feel a bit nauseated to see it. It's hard to believe it has lived this long since the attack.
I hope you guys keep this information going. SInce I am a total dummy about the show thing I am learning a little from every post.
Ivy if you wash a chicken a couple days before the show how do you keep them clean? Again I know nothing about how they are caged and cared for. I am going to make an effort to go to our fair and check out the poultry barn.
Yes, birds are hysterical! I have really been enjoying letting mine free range. They've been spending quite a bit of time under the spruce tree that stands just outside my office window. I'm not sure why they like that location so much, but it is nice for me 'cuz I can keep an eye on them without having to take a break from my work (I'm a software engineer - I work from home).
omgosh-- so funny!! I had no idea you had horses! LOL! I must have totally missed that! Too bad the video didn't turn out. No idea how to post video here, either.

Yes, I have a paint mare and am in the process of acquiring a quarter horse (QH X TB). Both of my horses are currently staying with my parents in Central KS as it is so dry here that there is NOTHING in the pasture, even the weeds are dead/dying, though the recent rain and cooler weather has helped.

Video is easy to post here... Right beside the link that allows you to add pictures is the link that allows you to post video (it looks like film). However, it requires that the video reside somewhere else (i.e. youtube). I don't have a youtube account and don't care to get one, so I guess I'll just wait 'till I can find another way.

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