Consolidated Kansas

Medawinks, You can just set the eggs in front of her and she will scoop them in herself. You don't need to wait if she is that determined to sit on eggs. Chickens don't come with a timer. They either hatch or the eggs go bad.
What would you like to hatch? The size of the egg doesn't really matter to the birds. I think it would be an awesome learning experience for the kids.
Maidenwolf I have some birds that need moved outside as well but don't have a place to put them yet. It's crazy. Seems like they are all getting big at once.
I do have some I am supposed to sell soon so maybe I can make room that way.
Really? So this poor little bird could sit hoping that ping pong ball will hatch indefinitely? Ouch!!! Can I buy a just a few fertile eggs? Just 2 or 3? She is a tiny little thing. Any type is fine I would think, or not?? If she gets a chick, maybe she can go back to being her clucky little self :) Now she kind of coos when I move her. I really did not think we would experiment with hatching till spring,but she seems to have her own time table.... For sure the kids will get a kick out of it. Chicks for Christmas!

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Really? So this poor little bird could sit hoping that ping pong ball will hatch indefinitely? Ouch!!! Can I buy a just a few fertile eggs? Just 2 or 3? She is a tiny little thing. Any type is fine I would think, or not?? If she gets a chick, maybe she can go back to being her clucky little self :) Now she kind of coos when I move her. I really did not think we would experiment with hatching till spring,but she seems to have her own time table.... For sure the kids will get a kick out of it. Chicks for Christmas!
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If you are interested, I found a banty nest yesterday. LOTS of small eggs. I will do something with them today, not sure what. The hen I saw coming out is not acting broody at all and I don't need any more of these little mini chicks to deal with. So, if you want some, let me know. They are a mix of several breeds and there is no way to tell what they will grow out to be. There is silkie in the mix, and there are black skined, five toed, chickens in the flock. Most are friendly and with some handling make very nice pets. A very small percentage have a wild streak and stay fiesty. Some are very pretty. The hens tend to be very broody and act like they will try to fill the earth with their chicks. One little hen shared a nest with a goose last summer. She and that goose sat on their eggs for over a month. When the got up, the hen would steal her eggs. I found her several times with 5 of those big goose eggs under her. Not a bit of egg showing.
medawinks, I have tried breaking the hens of being broody & really nothing anybody told me to do worked other than just letting them have some eggs to hatch. I have one Australorp right now wanting to go broody, silly girl. I can't believe she's wanting to sit on eggs in cold weather. If anybody wants broody type of hens these Australorps I have go broody a lot along with the black cooper Marans. For egg production I don't recommend either breed, they're broody too much. The Black Copper Marans are big pretty hens & when they lay the eggs are pretty, but they just aren't reliable layers, they lay when they feel like it or they're not broody.

I've got a lot I want to accomplish today, it's the warmest day here today that it's going to be for a few days, so I've got to clean rabbit cages first & then work on other things out there. My critter sitter cleaned out the cages while I was gone, but they're really bad again now. That's the bad part of having to move them into the garage for the winter is the maintenance. If I had a shed I could put them in like I used to have with a dirt floor it would be easy, you just shovel out the droppings when it gets too high, but I don't have a shed here to use for that, maybe some day.

Well everyone have a good day!
Really? So this poor little bird could sit hoping that ping pong ball will hatch indefinitely? Ouch!!! Can I buy a just a few fertile eggs? Just 2 or 3? She is a tiny little thing. Any type is fine I would think, or not?? If she gets a chick, maybe she can go back to being her clucky little self :) Now she kind of coos when I move her. I really did not think we would experiment with hatching till spring,but she seems to have her own time table.... For sure the kids will get a kick out of it. Chicks for Christmas!
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I'd be glad to give you some eggs. I'm not sure what I would have that would be fertile but just for the fun of hatching I would sure donate some. Or if you want you could get some from chickies, duckies etc. I am guessing I'll be in Topeka soon.
It seemed much nicer out today. Yesterday was just miserable. It sure helps when the wind isn't beating you to death.
I've been out burning trash. Have tons more to burn but I am wearing out. I think I may try to build a house for the blue slate turkeys. Just a shelter type thing.
Well I got 4 of the larger chicks moved outside with the other chicks. I wish I had been able to acclimate them to the cooler weather first. I put the 250 watt bulb back in and turned that on so I am going to be anxious to check in the morning. I know they will be fine they have 10 other bodies to snuggle up to and they are feathered out,, I still worry the first couple nights.
I was awaken at 330 am to what sounded like coyotes. When I woke up enough to listen it was 2 of my roosters crowing weird, it was long and high pitched. I got up and shined a flashlight light out the door but saw nothing. Something had to have woke them up though. Gosh darn it!! I wish I had a trail cam right about now.
I lost both my turkey hens on the 20th.
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I would have been heartbroken! Over both the loss of the birds and how your kids handled it!

So, I haven't been on since Thanksgiving, I went back into the hospital Thurs night. Pain was unbearable. I got out last night. This time they have a couple more ideas on procedures they want to try, so I have to make some calls tomorrow to see what I can get scheduled. They did give me a fentanyl patch to wear for the pain, and that's helping tremendously. There was another specialist that saw me while I was in and he seems a bit more agressive than the doc i'm seeing at KU med, so I might be switching doctors. The docs at KU med are so hard to get into see.. the next appointment isn't until Jan 2nd.

I candled the eggs under the silkie tonight and I can see them all moving and kicking! It's so cool to see!
The feathers aren't coming to a point on the splash rock. It just stands differently and holds its tail differently, but maybe that is because of the feet? My white rock turned red in the face before any if the rest of my pullets, so maybe....:) I will keep watching!
It is a beautiful bird. They all are! I just love the grays and almost blue eyes :)
If I did give this little Silkie a few eggs to set on, should I wait until she breaks from this time or... Just put them under her and hope she can set longer? I have to pick her up and put her with the food and water to get her to eat and drink and stretch a bit:-( She is a determined little thing!
It is too cold out! I don't have a huge list if chicken chores, but I sure was ready to come in from them quickly!
I hope everyone stays warm and predator free!
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Those broody silkies will sit forever. If you really want to break her short term you can take her for a car ride around the block. Works for me sometimes! Or keep the golfballs and eggs cleaned out of the nest so she doesn't have something to interest her sitting if you do get her broke of it. If you do decide to give her eggs I would move her inside or at least into her own cage so she will be safe when the chicks hatch. She may not be able to defend the babies very easily by herself and the other birds might peck and accidentally kill them.
medawinks, I have tried breaking the hens of being broody & really nothing anybody told me to do worked other than just letting them have some eggs to hatch. I have one Australorp right now wanting to go broody, silly girl. I can't believe she's wanting to sit on eggs in cold weather. If anybody wants broody type of hens these Australorps I have go broody a lot along with the black cooper Marans. For egg production I don't recommend either breed, they're broody too much. The Black Copper Marans are big pretty hens & when they lay the eggs are pretty, but they just aren't reliable layers, they lay when they feel like it or they're not broody.
I've got a lot I want to accomplish today, it's the warmest day here today that it's going to be for a few days, so I've got to clean rabbit cages first & then work on other things out there. My critter sitter cleaned out the cages while I was gone, but they're really bad again now. That's the bad part of having to move them into the garage for the winter is the maintenance. If I had a shed I could put them in like I used to have with a dirt floor it would be easy, you just shovel out the droppings when it gets too high, but I don't have a shed here to use for that, maybe some day.
Well everyone have a good day!
Isn't that funny, my Australorps have been the best layers and they would never dream of sitting on a pile of eggs any longer than it takes to lay one!! I got mine from my pet chicken which I think is supplied by meyers hatchery.
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I would have been heartbroken! Over both the loss of the birds and how your kids handled it!
Tweety, I don't know what happened to the rest of your post when I multied it but I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well again. Hope they find something that helps asap. Glad to hear your eggs are fertile and doing well!

Well our fabulous dog did her job well today. I was under the weather, I think from eating at a restaurant in Ottawa last night, and was dead on the sofa all day which was a total bummer because it was so nice out. DH let all the birds out into their runs for me and let the geese out to free range. I didn't realize they were out until I heard them honking up front mid afternoon and made him go out and check on them. I don't usually let them out unless I am in and out all day and checking on them.

I went out at dinner time to lock the geese up and Molly was laying down way out in the field which is weird because she is usually up by the house. She stood up and wagged her tail and started limping towards me. Thats when I knew something was wrong. I hurried to the geese and one of my new ganders had a huge bite wound on his head and blood all down his back and was acting strange. SO we hurried him in the house and doctered him up with antibiotics and pain meds and cleaned up his wounds. Molly got lots and lots of praise, some pain meds herself and a steak on top of her regular dinner. Such a good dog, don't know what I would do without her!!! She is worth her weight in gold. Love that dog.
Tweety, Sorry you aren't doing better. I hope you find the right doctor who can fix your problems. You have to be miserable right now.
I worked outside this afternoon, and rebuilt a shelter so my turkeys could use it. I was going to build them a new one but I decided to change the old one instead. It is too heavy to move and I wore out so maybe I'll get that done tomorrow.
I'm sure the chicks will be fine Maidenwolf. The weather was so great today.
Maidenwolf, your eggs are beautiful. I can't wait until my EEs start laying.

My dh did cover the area up high in the new coop with a board, another 2X4 fit perectly. Toby is in there now, I think I'll move the girls tomorrow so I can keep an eye on them all day. I can see this coop out my bedroom window so that's nice too.

Josie, that's a great idea to cook an extra bird, especially considering that I have such a big family. That's so sweet that she packed so much for you. I love to share what we have, it makes me happy. I was handing out togo boxes not even thinking about not having so much left over. We made 11 or 12 pies, they're all gone. The turkey is all gone, I still have a couple of pieces of ham left I'll put in the eggs tomorrow morning. I'm back to cooking again for sure. Toby is in his new coop tonight. He loves the roost, he's so cute. We went out to check on him and there was really no reason to because he had it all under control.

HEChicken, our opening is probably lower to the ground, the sides are quite low and it's not very tall. Also, it's old wood and it's rough so I think something with claws could climb up it. There is also a big tree in there, I think that it would be possible for something to fly into the tree and then onto the roof and into the coop, but not now because it's all covered up, yay!

I have no idea mikeksfarmer, that is very interesting.

Oh No Tweety! I'm so sorry to hear that you are hurting again. I'm so sorry. I hope those chicks keep you a bit distracted from the not fun stuff. Please keep updating.

Josie, that's terrible. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and then the dog getting hurt and the goose too. Do you think you'll be able to figure out what happened?

Well, I turned my lights off on my 6ish and 8ish weekers, I'm losing track of how old everyone is. I need to start writing this stuff down, I say that every time I lose track. The 8 weeker just don't look like they need it and they have been hanging out by the doorway of their house so I think they were trying to get a distance from the light. The 6 weekers are getting crowded in their house and I heard a hurt cry and I thought maybe they were getting burned on the bulb when they were moving around and over each other. They quieted right down when I turned it off. The look fully feathered so I think they'll be okay. I lost my tiny white chick that I was adoring so much, boo. It was fine this moring and gone this afternoon. Just that quick, which I suppose is best that it happened fast, it really wasn't growing at all. It had no new feathers in just over a week, the others are getting nice wing feathers. I'm not sure what to do to rearrange. The buff orps are going to go with Toby, not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of that group. I have a roo that is jumping his fence to the baby pen, I know what we're going to do with him. Every morning, the turkeys come down from the barn roof and Casper jumps into the baby pen but is easily moved over to the rooster pen, Colt goes right into the rooster pen. I don't see the turkeys doing anything to the roosters, although they seem to understand that they are bigger and sort of stay a bit of a distance. But I can't have the roosters being mean to the babies when they get over there. We are going to clean up 4 of them tomorrow I hope, and then we will see how it changes things. I don't want to move the turkeys, I think they're bigger and a bit harder to contain and they have a decent routine, but I have all the little chick pens there too. Maybe I should just put a top on the baby area to keep the turkey/roosters out. I feel like I need to get another more permanent spot ready for the turkeys but I'm afraid to ask right now since they just got Toby all set up. Also, the turkeys had been sleeping on the barn roof on just the lower part on the side, now they are on the tip top of the barn roof. That's way more than 2 stories high. They look magnificent way up there, I mean it's really cool. I'm just scared they'll get hurt and what about the weather? It's got to be cold and windy up there. I have been thinking about the white rock and new hamp reds and I'm thinking maybe it would be more efficient to just do the white rock. If I wanted to sell chicks from early on it would make sense to be able to sex them at hatch, but since I don't mind waiting that white feather and good layer part seems like a practical idea for eggs and butchering.

G'night ya'll.

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