Constant egg-eating


General Headache
13 Years
Jun 22, 2009
The Sovereign State of NC
This doesn't seem right. I know chickens will sometimes eat their eggs if they're protein-deficient, but this week our hens have eaten 3 or 4 of their eggs. INCLUDING the shells. Does anyone know why? It's kinda creeping me out.
you can buy oyster shell at the feedstore, it is a calcium supplement.

sometimes they learn to do it and it becomes a bad habit. you can cull or use a rollaway nest. some people have found ways to try and 'teach' them not to do it.
I agree it does start with a nutritional deficiency but then they find themselfs doing it out of habit, and this is the hardest problem to break and sadly in many cases regardless of all the weird things folks will tell you that will cure it, it almost never does. Roll away nest boxes do help allot, but if you can't do this then you may be forced with some difficult decisions to make. both are not good but will solve the problem.

Unfortunately, at the moment neither the boxes nor culling are options.
We've only got four birds, and at least three participate in the egg-eating. If I were to cull the offenders, that'd basically be our entire flock. Our tractor design prevents adding on any roll-away nests.

I'll look into getting a calcium supplement, and just pray it stops the egg-eating. Plus, I'll start checking on them as often as possible.
I'm a newbie at chicken behavior, but as I read the posts this poped into my head: are the girls bored?? Maybe disstract them with other "things" to focus on . . . . Just a thought . Good luck!
How are you sure three of the four are doing it? How do you know its shells and all if there are no shells?

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