Constipated chick?


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
I thought my light Brahma week old chick had pasty butt. Now I’m thinking it’s constipation. Her vent looks swollen and she doesn’t sit down to sleep. When she does sit it looks like it hurts her. Today her crop is hard. Not rock solid but I don’t think she’s pooping right so everything is getting backed up. She’s had pasty butt for three days now. And this picture is of her yesterday. I had just gotten done washing her vent off. What can I do to help her? I put apple cider vinegar in her water, she gets non medicated crumbles, her brooder is at 80F and she’s in with one other chick.
Make sure that she is drinking water often by dipping her beak. Use a Qtip moistened with a little oil or vaseline. Could she have eaten some bedding and gotten an impacted crop?
Make sure that she is drinking water often by dipping her beak. Use a Qtip moistened with a little oil or vaseline. Could she have eaten some bedding and gotten an impacted crop?
I don’t think so. The bedding is whole newspaper. Not shredded. And it doesn’t appear to be ripped up. It’s only the two chicks and she’s the only one with these problems. She is drinking and I’ve been making sure the water is clean. What should I do with the oil?
Make sure that she is drinking water often by dipping her beak. Use a Qtip moistened with a little oil or vaseline. Could she have eaten some bedding and gotten an impacted crop?
She has no interest in drinking this morning. She’s still eating but even with dipping her beak into the water she doesn’t drink. Anything I can do for her?
What happened, mine is like this too this morning 🥺
Oh no. :(
I gave her some coconut oil and molasses water. A very small amount of molasses. Like a 1/4 of a teaspoon mixed into 30ml of water. It was a cough syrup cup so I’m not 100% on the measurements. She only drank and ate a little bit for a couple days in a row but has been getting better. I have been only handling her for the amount it takes to give her the water and coconut oil and so far no more constipation. I even stopped doing the oil and molasses water yesterday. She’s had very little pasting around her vent and the swelling went down when I put some oil around that too. I’m going to keep offering the oil to her just in case.
Try the oil and molasses water. I hope it works out for your little chick. I was so worried about mine but she pulled through. I bet yours will too.
Oh no. :(
I gave her some coconut oil and molasses water. A very small amount of molasses. Like a 1/4 of a teaspoon mixed into 30ml of water. It was a cough syrup cup so I’m not 100% on the measurements. She only drank and ate a little bit for a couple days in a row but has been getting better. I have been only handling her for the amount it takes to give her the water and coconut oil and so far no more constipation. I even stopped doing the oil and molasses water yesterday. She’s had very little pasting around her vent and the swelling went down when I put some oil around that too. I’m going to keep offering the oil to her just in case.
Try the oil and molasses water. I hope it works out for your little chick. I was so worried about mine but she pulled through. I bet yours will too.
So glad she is getting better! I feel really silly but I realised I’d got it totally wrong- my chick was pulsing weirdly not because she was constipated but because she was BALANCING 🤦🏽 , she was born 48hrs ago with a slightly twisted foot. Then when I went to look at her vent what I thought was a blocked vent was her bellybutton scab 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽 She is still a bit quiet today and not drinking water really but she is eating and has a little wander every now and then so I’m just keeping an eye on her.. I’m so glad I didn’t try to clean her bb! Hope yours continues to get better ❤️

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