Contagious disease?


6 Years
Feb 27, 2017
Hello all,

We just lost our dear Vesta, a 3 year old Easter Egger. We had a really hot few days (over 90) and she didn't seem to be handling the heat well. We did our best to keep all 5 of our girls cool, they had plenty of shade, lots of cool water refreshed often, cool treats, etc. We would often find the 4 others dust bathing in the shade and she would be hiding under my car or tucked in a corner somewhere panting. When I would find her like this I would pick her up and carry her to shade and cool water. She would drink and then rest in the shade with the girls after that, but the panting didn't stop for the last 2-3 days, even as the days cooled down in the evenings. It was almost as though the heat had her disoriented or something. Anyhow, today I was away from the house (much cooler temps today, high 60's) and when I returned, I couldn't find her. The others were under the trampoline (one of their favorite shade spots) and came running when they heard me. I finally found her under our backyard tree in the shade and as I approached her she started flapping and kicking and then rolled over down the hill and was gone.

Sorry for the story, but wanted to give a little background just in case the panting and hiding in corners could be related to some other cause of death. She wasn't a great layer at 3 years old, I think we'd get about an egg every month or so from her, so I don't think she was egg bound, we just got one from her last week. I mostly want to make sure there's not some symptom I should be watching for in our other girls. TIA!
Sorry for your Loss.With just a few symptoms occurring its hard to know what really happened.Spend some time with the others and make sure there not acting weird.
Sorry for you loss.
To me, it sounds like she may have gotten dehydrated?

It's entirely possible, although she would drink if I brought her near the water dishes ... so strange not knowing what happened to her :/
Sorry for your Loss.With just a few symptoms occurring its hard to know what really happened.Spend some time with the others and make sure there not acting weird.

Thank you. The other 4 seem fine. Clucking and scratching and begging for treats, laying as they usually do, drinking and bathing ... fingers crossed they are all ok
In the hot summer days.... we always completely wet the birds down a few times a day...
it always seems to stop the panting.... and we give them frozen peas, and cold watermelon if we have any...
In the hot summer days.... we always completely wet the birds down a few times a day...
it always seems to stop the panting.... and we give them frozen peas, and cold watermelon if we have any...

Thank you for the tips! We do give them frozen peas and cold watermelon, I've also made them "veggie cakes" by freezing veggies like peas or corn and water in a muffin tin, they love them! but I hadn't thought of completely wetting them down. Ours run from the hose, so I hadn't even considered it. I will definitely try it though if it keeps us from losing more. It's awful losing the one and we've got more high temps on the way this weekend.
get a barrel or kids swimming pool ? and set them in it.... (of coarse I mean water that has sat out for awhile in the sun and isn't cold ...!
or of coarse the hose...!
also have a spray bottle and if chickens are near, you can spray em under the wings real quick and such.... It really works for us.... in wa. state here, but still gets in the 90's.
I'm sorry... I also meant to say..... very sorry for your loss... =(

Thank you :) and thanks for the ideas again. We have a smallish kids pool that sits out in the sun and gets warmer than the hose water for sure, so we will definitely try that. We're in Idaho and it seems to be alternating between thunder storms and 90 something lately. So far, so good with the other 4. They seem to be entirely normal, still keeping fingers crossed though.

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