
My SIL's, all three of them, live in the Bay area. Had a visit last year from one. We told her we had finally gotten a smal dog. When she got up here she didn't believe our 45 pounder was small until she met the other two. My grey goes about 75 and the golden was 85.
Beautiful! I have 3 riding horses and 3 miniatures. I'll post pics in a bit.
Cool looking goat. I have a pygmy and a boer cross.
I have 9 Salukis and a mutt (cairn x cocker) and I love 'em all!
So cute and vulnerable ... and naked!
CPL...........count me in after we do dinner..........get over 3500 posts tonight and our farm will give a random prize of mixed hatchlings from NYD (could be ducklings, geese, chickens or a mix of the bunch.)

in lockdown: Sebastopol geese, Ancona ducks, Silver Appleyard ducks, French White Muchsvoy, Khaki Campbell, EE, OE, BC Marans, AM in blue , Lavender, Wheaten and I am sure I am missing something
wooo hoo you guys are the best!!!

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