Continuous poopy butt!


9 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Lancaster PA
One of my week old speckled sussex chicks continually has a dirty bottom. I've been sticking her under some warm water to get the gunk off. It looks like normal poo, just stuck to her butt. All the chicks are on starter crumbles, and have plenty water and a heat lamp. What else can I do for it, other than keeping it clean? It's happy, eating, moving around, chirping- no other issues.
mix a little plain yogurt in with its crumbles. It provides bacteria the chick isn't born with that is needed in its system. When the mommy raises them, they get it from her poo.
i mix extra grit in my chicks food and i'm dealing with a poo hiney myself and i found that after i get her cleaned up if i clean her with just a tad of antibacterial handstuff and add a little vasoline she does pretty good the chick lady at TSC told me to add some Probotic to either their food or water
You're really doing all you can right now. I do think your chick will grow out of it. I usually seem to get one or two chicks that have pasty butt, then after the first week, all is clear.

One thing a friend told me, and she got this from an elderly woman, was to put a clump of grass with root and dirt attached into the brooder. The chicks will LOVE IT! They usually attack it and eat most of it, even the dirt. This will prevent pasty butt--it's something that they would do if they were free ranging with mama.

One thing is if you have access to grass, is make sure you're picking your grass in a clean area where other animals and chickens don't usually poo or pee, and also pick your clump in an area that hasn't been treated by a lawn service.

I've tried that personally this year, and it does work! No pasty butt, plus the chicks just love it! If you're not comfortable with this idea, or don't have grass available, just keep cleaning off the tush, and pretty soon the chick will grow out of it.

If you watch a chick poo, they usually kind of squat and squirt. (Gross I know), and I believe there are a few chicks with "weak squirting action"! haha I think that's the problem sometimes.....

Take care,
I read somewhere on here to put olive oil around vent area....I did it.....and pasty butt was gone....just like that.......I had been struggling with one chick for a week, despite offering was the olive oil that seemed to cure my pasty prob!!! Hope this helps!!!
I have three each of Buff Orps, Light Brahmas, Production Reds and Barred Rocks (6 days old), and, without fail, only the Barred Rocks get poopy butt. All of them. What the?!
Get a q-tip and put a coat of Olive oil over and around her vent. It'll keep poop from sticking to her. I did this after I cleaned my girls off and never had anymore problems.

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