Contracted Tendon - Need HELP ASAP!!! :( PICS ADDED pg. 2


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
So... About two months ago my duck had a blunt injury to her hip. She spent about three weeks sitting in a box with her leg stretched out backwards. Finally when she wasn't really getting better we took her to the vet and found out what was wrong. To be honest, I wish she hadn't come home that day because things haven't gotten much better since.
The vet seemed to think that she could get better... so we tried to do physical therapy with her. But we've only had time for 15 minutes to an hour every day which I know isn't enough. Right now she's improved to the point where she can stand awkwardly, with her bad leg farther back and her good leg scooted forward, and mild support from me holding her up. But she can't take a step because that bad leg will slip backwards out of place and be straight out again. I have a splint on her foot to help her get her ankle bent the right way and try to stretch that tendon out again. I'm unsure if it's just because of the tendon issue that she tries to keep her injured leg (the hip should be healed by now) so far back or if the hip healed a bit out of line. But I was wondering if there's any hope for her, even if we start putting in more time? We're trying to prepare to put her down tomorrow and it's very hard. I feel terrible just thinking about it and I feel like I've failed her.
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I am sorry to hear about your duck, Does she get swim time everyday? is that the physical therapy your talking about? swimming in warm water is the best therapy they can have. but I understand that everyone doesn't get to have alot of time to spend with their ducks like I do, {retired} so it can be frustrating to say the least. and if she is a heavy breed that doesn't help matters. I wish i could give you some hope that she will get better and be normal but I can't I can only offer support through saying, you have done more than most. and what ever you decide I'm sure will be the best decision for her. Hopefully someone else will be along that can possibly give you some ideas on how to help her. All the best.
Thank you for your kind reply.

She does usually get to swim every day, although she can't hold her bad leg in the correct swimming position. She CAN, however, still get around in the water pretty well (I wish she could just live in the tub!) She's a runner x khaki, so not a heavy breed. The biggest improvement she's made lately is that last night I wrapped her in vet wrap in a certain way so that she could keep her leg under her more properly, and she kept it like that all night which was much better than the usual hour or so. I took the wrap off tonight and when I was done working with her and put her in her box, she seemed to beholding her leg in the right spot at least. I'm afraid to "gie up" with her if there's still hope of her getting better, but I don't want to let her keep living if she's just going to be sitting in the same box and pooping most of the time.
I know what your saying and just a small step in the right direction gives hope. So maybe she should get more time if your willing to continue with her. Is she able to walk at all? how about when you put the vet wrap on her can she stand? thats good shes not on the heavy side.
I can take some photos tomorrow. I wish I'd asked on here sooner because it sounds like a few members may have some ideas.
Can you describe what the vet said was wrong with her? I am helping a friend treat a gosling at the moment that has not been able to walk since it was a week old, and your description of how your duck holds its leg and how its goes out the back straight sounds very similar to the gosling. The vet that saw the gosling diagnosed a tendon problem- but when I examined the gosling agin- I found that all the tendons were in fact ok. We also tried making shoes to keep the joint at the foot bent in the hope it could walk with aide but it has been unsuccessful. I believe the gosling also has some hip issues. I was going to email my friend tonight describing a way of strapping the body and legs and I am also wondering if my idea of the kind of figure 8 wrapping to keep the legs under is what you tried. I was concerned that it has to be done so that the gosling can still have mobility to move its own legs a bit- as well as giving them support.

Two months is a long time to see improvement- but there is still some hope for her if she can stand again. i have had a few dicks with hip issues that have been able to get around- slower than others- but still able to live a fairly normal life.
Well, when we took her to the vet (I didn't go because I thought I'd have to watch her be euthanized) we had about 8 xrays taken (this is a very special duck). The vet told ust that she had a blunt injury to her hip and that her tendon was contracted because she held her leg out straight behind her for so long.

I don't know if there's any certain time frame where a contracted tendon can still be stretched out again or not, but I sure hope so!
It is definatley up to you to help her regain her leg. The therapy will be upon you to gradually get her leg "back" something like Chiropractic therapy. Good luck! God Bless!


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