Contrast between Wood Duck ducklings and Mallard


12 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Just got these guys in today. I thought the pictures showed the differences in colour between the two quite nicely. I must emphasize that they were only in the sink for a matter of minutes...just long enough to have a big drink and gobble up some duck weed. Then they were dried off completely and returned to their heat lamp and cozy blanket. I do not recommend swims for long periods at this age and never if they are showing any kind of stress upon admission. These 3 were very calm and content and their rescues were uneventful. You can see how much more yellow the Mallard is and also how his stripe passes thru his eye and out the other side. The woodies' stripe ends at their eye.

Do you mind if I use your photo of the differences? I write a weekly Waterfront Watch for my neighbors here in our condo on the river. We have quite a few mallards nearby, and we have 7 wood duck boxes all being used this year.

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