Coon b gone...

It's a Beeman. Purchased at Walmart. One pump - 1000 feet per second. It came with a scope and 2 barrels (.177 and .22). I only use the .22 caliber barrel. First shot (somewhere around the neck) slowed him way down, he then opened his mouth and barred his teeth so the next shot went right in...

Many many thanks.

if it wasn't staked they weren't trying to get in, they wanted out! Ruts around the trap mean the animal was inside and escaped. Raccoons, possums and skunks stick their fingers through the wires and dig around the trap trying to escape. You may have a trap-savvy predator now.

And buying tuna or sardines every trip to the grocery store gets old, IMO. I buy a 3lb bag of store brand cat food and it lasts and lasts if you just use a small sprinkling for bait. It's definitely smelly-enough to attract them. I've caught a plethora of raccoons, 2 foxes, several possums, a couple of skunks and occasionally domestic cats.

I am worried about catching a skunk and the joke being on me...what do you do if you catch a skunk?
I've released every one I've caught too. Think I've caught the same one a few times, kindof a small one with a sweet face. I've dubbed it a "her" and call her "my skunk" even though she's not really mine. lol
Anyways, in my situation, this IS "somewhat" the city after all, so they have seen humans before. I approach slowly, and if all seems well, I prop the door open slowly without startling them too much, and then leave.
If they acted really fearful when you approached, this probably wouldn't work, but so far it's worked for me.
When we target skunks, we use a smaller trap that prevents them from lifting their tail, that way they cant spray. When we first moved here, we were filled in on how tame the skunks were, several would walk up and rub your leg like a cat. We never tried petting them and did not feed them but at some point we figure someone had.
just read a report from usda aphis about the skunk they are the number one rabies vector out there they display no syptoms at all until they have gone full blown almost all skunks get rabies at some point 80-90% use rubber gloves to handle, a "freindly " one will turn on you in a heartbeat when I trap the I do not relocate this IS illegal in most places it IS a very good way to spread disease and give someone else YOUR problem I normally dispatch with either a .22 handgun or CO2, drowning works well too
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