Coons and Chickens... Apparently can co-exist.

I know what you're talking about.. what are those things called? The storm drainage pipes thingies... We have a coon that lives in our too. And a fox that lives in one on the other side. I'm surrounded. I better go buy some little debbies!

Nice story, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. And not even that far.
What a great story... Thank you so much for posting this...
You know I can add to this "weird predator situation story", without starting another thread. I was vacuming the other day and just happened to look out the front window and saw a FOX walking down the street and back to the little storm drainage thingy where it lives. It was 1 pm! Broad daylight. It wasn't hurrying either. It was just walking down the street all moseying, not a care in the world... And I live in the CITY!

It was a BIG fox too. And kinda brown/red in color. It almost looked like it could be a small dog, but it was clearly a fox. Does that make sense? Is there such a thing as a fox-dog? Lol.
I know what you're talking about.. what are those things called? The storm drainage pipes thingies... We have a coon that lives in our too. And a fox that lives in one on the other side. I'm surrounded. I better go buy some little debbies!


At least I'm not the only one having a brain fart

No foxes around us, thank god! We do have a lot of neighbourhood dogs and cats, but the cats don't seem interested at all, and I have yet to see a loose dog, other than our own. My 15 pound cat seriously guards our yard from other cats
we have coyotes here that have pushed most of the fox into the city or town whatever you call it I catch a lot of grease fed coon ( convenience store ) and dumpster fed fox

Nice story, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. And not even that far.

Me neither! The whole thing made me nervous. When I saw the first raccoon come up over the roof I got this "sinking stomach" feeling. You know the one where you hear your flock start to go crazy and KNOW something's wrong and your stomach just drops. I was looking around for the nearest weapon!

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