Coop and protected run done - looking for comments/suggestions! Lots of pics!!

They will only be free ranging on weekends and maybe an hour or so on week nights. I'm going to put more interesting plants inside the fence for them. I don't think they will destroy it all, or maybe I am being naive!!

Julie - I would love to see pictures of your coop!
I have this coop, what a great idea for the run!

I just saw your pics - it looks pretty much the same, except for the color. Where's your poop tray? For the summer I was thinking of taking the window out and putting hardware cloth over it for ventilation. Can you open yours? And does your roof prop open? I am not quite sure of the purpose of that.
hi , For interesting plants... my babies love my hostas . (okay for chicks to eat ) plain mulch ( not treated in any way or leaves or straw under encourages worms & bugs so it also gives them something to do out there . Deborah

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