Coop bedding - Does anyone use straw?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 8, 2008
Dayton, Ohio
We have an existing coop and have always used straw in it. It is inexpensive and works ok. Since recently joining this forum I learned that many people use pine shavings or other bedding. My husband says it will be to expensive to use shavings in two chicken oops. Any thoughts?
I use straw in the winter, shavings in the summer. We let the straw age outside and then use it in the garden. The one thing I don't like about straw is that it mats down quickly. In the winter it's good though, they like to nestle in it during the day before they roost for the night. We recycle the shavings for mulch around the trees. Not that the girls leave it alone! They'll spread it everywhere.

Hope this help!

Colby in KY
Shavings here in n.central California. I don't clean it every week, but only as necessary. I add some dry stall and sweet pdz and the girls have never had a problem with it. They also get some alfalfa every couple of days to scratch through and eat. Nice big eggs!
I use straw and only straw. I have tried the shavings but they were to much of a hassle to get and to clean up.

I find that the straw works better than the shavings, but thats just me.

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