Coop burned down this mornini :( (pics)

Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry!
I should mention that the girls are OK. I happened to be awake and home and smelled/heard something. I was abble to open the run door and let them out!
Incredible you saved them! My worst nightmare is for my coop to catch fire at night when the birds are locked in.
Thanks everyone! Guess we should built farther away next time. My husband is one of the firefighters in the picture. Imagine working and hearing your address over the 911 intercome?? Poor guy! At least it was only the siding that we lost on the house. The siding was just put on by my hubby last summer! Grrr. Could have been way worse!
OMG.......glad you guys are ok!!! That must have been so scary, good thing you were home, I thought I heard the fire trucks nearby this am, they must have been heading to your place. Let me know if you need anything!!
Oh my gosh, that just made my heart skip a beat. So sorry for the loss of your building but glad the girls and your family are ok.

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