Coop caught on FIRE!

Mr. Sensitive has jokes.

I've heard of people using a little beer to relax them , to give it to them use a syringe without the needle (some will lol) but it works ..... be careful and very slow as to not strangle them .
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I think I would cull the one who lost her toes, they wont grow back and depending on how much toe she lost she might not walk properly ever again.
Finish them in the Bar-B-Que ?

I didn't want to say it. Smokey flavouring and all.....

Be prepared that it could be very bad in the morning. Sorry. If it was bad enought o burn off toes, the smoke inhalation will be horrendous.
Would they be that sleepy because of smoke inhalatio ??? Maybe they need fresh out to help clean out their lungs. I know people can die from smoke inhalation and I believe paramedics treat them with oxygen at the scene.

Or they are tired.

Could be shock too. It doesn't take a lot to put a chicken in shock. So, it's dark, there's a fire, all the chickens are squawking & flapping around, there's lots of smoke, their feathers got burned, some of their toes burned off, it's hard for them to breathe, then they get snatched out of their home and put somewhere completely unfamiliar, some of their flock gone...............Yeah, I'd say shock.
Plenty of fluids with vitamins, warmth, and as little commotion as possible. Clean the soot off their faces so they don't have to keep breathing that.
The burned feathers will be replaced at their next molt. The toes are permanently gone, but a lot of chickens do great without some of their toes, they may surprise you.
I'm very sorry you lost some birds, but also glad it wasn't any worse.
Thanks so much guys! You are all so helpful! Depending on how they make it, if I will ever keep chickens again.

My mom heard one of them breathig really hard. It's 5:39 in the morning and I haven't checked on them. While I will be at school today my mom and dad wil take care of them. Maybe they will come out of their shock and get a little water. I will put in a update later in in the day. You don't know how much you guys have helped me.

Depending on how they make it will be if I ever raise chickens again. I have always wanted a roaster, and baby chicks. I don't know. Busy life.

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