Coop caught on FIRE!

Keep us posted.
agreed! If you don't have pedilyte on hand, get some gatorade....mix 1/4 cup gatorade, 1/4 cup water and 1/2 tablespoon of sugar. Room temp, don't warm it up but don't chill it either. You can drip it into their beaks with a dropper. Or just add the gatorade and sugar to the water in their waterer. Always add the gatorade to water because it has some sodium in it so you want to balance that with the water, and the sugar is for energy.

Hope they start to perk up soon!
agreed! If you don't have pedilyte on hand, get some gatorade....mix 1/4 cup gatorade, 1/4 cup water and 1/2 tablespoon of sugar. Room temp, don't warm it up but don't chill it either. You can drip it into their beaks with a dropper. Or just add the gatorade and sugar to the water in their waterer. Always add the gatorade to water because it has some sodium in it so you want to balance that with the water, and the sugar is for energy.

Hope they start to perk up soon!

I will so do the gatoraide thing! I just need to go to the store to get some. I will keep posted! Thanks guys
So sorry to hear about your losses. And best wishes for the poor little ones who made it out. But you DEFINITELY don't want anymore roasters, you want a ROOSTER! It has been way below zero here MANY times this winter and ours have all been fine. I didn't check to see where you are from, but I would skip the heat lamp with your next flock. I do have to say when it was -25 we did add a little heat though.
Awww Im sorry for your loss
I agree that one chicken looks like the swelling was from burns, if anything keep the area cleaned up and nothing warm! Maybe a cold compress and some neosporin without pain reliever in it on the swollen waddles and comb. Definately give them vitamins and electrolytes and find dosage instructions for the asprin. If I remember correctly I think you can use baby asprin but again unsure of exact dosages for that. I hope they continue to pull thru for you.
We have successfully got the 3 girls left over in their regular pen, with a dog house. Dad already has wood to build new coop, so I guess he is wanting to continue with chicken journey. Haha, thank you all for your help. I do still have a chicken that is limping though, ms and my dad think it is maybe a blister in between her toes. I have to put her in the house every night and my dad had to get her out this morning. But I do have a chicken who was molting before all of this happened and her feathers are coming back beautifully! But I think the feather on the underside of her are still kinda sensitive from losing her feather. She won't sit down, like a normal chicken, but I think it's just some new feathers coming out.

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP, you are all amazing!
So sorry to hear about your losses. And best wishes for the poor little ones who made it out. But you DEFINITELY don't want anymore roasters, you want a ROOSTER! It has been way below zero here MANY times this winter and ours have all been fine. I didn't check to see where you are from, but I would skip the heat lamp with your next flock. I do have to say when it was -25 we did add a little heat though.

Haha sorry for misspelling the correct term for a male chicken, ROOSTER! Haha! I have heard alot about people bot using heat lamps. I don't think I will do it again. My dad thinks the lamp didn't cause the problem either..
I am so happy that the 3 girls made it thru sucessfully! Now that they have made it past the scary stage and are well into recovery, you should be fine. All the prayers and thoughts must have helped.

I do use a heat lamp on the coldest days, and mine fell once. We found it before it caused to much damage. Now it is firmly secured to the ceiling with 2 large and long nails on each side so it won't fall. I'm getting ready to remove it now that its getting warmer during the days and nights.

Good luck and best wishes on your new coop.
Unless your coops are really large and you have few birds no heat lamps are necessary...REALLY! We have had some record cold around here and my coop is always about 10 degrees warmer than outside. The coolest it has been in there has been -7. As long as your birds can get up and roost, with full crops and no drafts for the night they will be fine! And you can go to bed knowing that your coop will not start on fire in the night! Terri O--who even has some turkeys and guineas that sleep in the TREES-darn birds!

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