Coop Construction update***PIC HEAVY UPDATED*** 3/19

It is really nice!

I am always jealous of people who are handy. DH & I have trouble hanging towel rods...

Where will your roost go? I am imagining length-wise. Look forward to more photos.

Neat work. In the 2nd picture, I see an error in construction. The roof should overhang all walls on all 4 sides. As presently built, it will cause that wall to leak and rot.

Regarding roosts, you will want to have the roost higher in summer to take advantage of the vents, but in winter, you will want to have it lower so as not to expose your chooks to cold winds and drafts as they try to sleep. A solution would be to open the space between the rafters to create a full-time vent at the very tip-top of the wall for year-round ventilation that is draft free at any roost height.

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