coop fire


8 Years
Aug 12, 2011
We were alerted by a neighbor driving early last morning last weekend by that our shed was on fire. I have 9 hens, 2 buffs, 2 easter eggers, 2 rhode island reds, 4 austrolaphs and 1 lakenvelder hen. one Royal Palm Tom and ameracuna rooster. They were all inside. We ran out of the house to see flames shooting out. We thought for sure the birds were all dead. My husband flung open the door and the birds came out. We got the fire out. I lost one australaph hen, she was under the turkey. My turkey and three of my hens are missing ALOT of feathers, the Turkey has only the quills on his tail and his head is burnt. He seems to be ok. All are eating and drinking well. But the lakenvelder is no longer roosting with the rest and sleeps on the ground. She seems dazzed I have seen her eat and drink. She is missing quite a few feathers. So I have two questions. One is there anything I can do for my Turkeys head. It looks like well BBQ chicken.. in spots. His eyes, nose and beak are all fine. But it looks very Painful. Does anyone know what I should watch for. My concern is pnemonia from burt lungs or smoke inhalation...
. and of course the turkeys head. Any Suggestions?
I just have one huge peace of advice.... Heat lamps are dangerous make sure you have them secured well if you use them. We had ours secured for 10 years. Apperently it had worked loose and got knocked loose into the shavings/straw we had down for the winter months. I will no longer use one in my chicken house or duck barn!!!
I don't have any pic of the birds sorry..
How scary, I'm glad your losses weren't more significant. As far as the turkey's head I would recommend smearing in with organic honey, it is anti-bacterial and very healing. I'm not sure what to watch for otherwise. I hope your birds recover well.
, to the list! That's just awful, I'm glad your losses were not worse. No advice on treatment, I do know pnemonia is a real concern. Is the coop totally gone?
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After I was recovering from a house fire, After being scrubbed, I applied neosporin or polysporin all over the areas that were burned till they healed. I has mainly 2nd degree burns and some third dregee. It took about a month to recover.
Oh my gosh.... I am SO SORRY for your loss and for the trauma that you have gone through. I said I wouldn't do any heat, then I panicked at one -1 day, and now there is a heat lamp in there on a timer. I am going to reconsider this choice. My husband does a lot of electrical work for our home and his work, and I trust him, but without a fail-safe, I could lose my girls! Thank you for putting in the forefront the need for due diligence!

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