Coop floor is slide out tray. Best bedding for coop and run?

I will try out the brick prop and see how it goes. Mine don’t sleep on perches yet either, they prefer the cuddle puddle. Enchilada is probably never going to perch becaus of his size and clumsiness and poor Hildegard can’t seem to because of her massive foopa (pendulous crop).
Suggestions for what will work best? What kind of bedding for the run

I have gone with a wire 2" grid (wire the size of a pencil) over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps you chickens feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.
Clean up is simple replace the tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then flex the first tarp over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop.

For my run I have a grass catcher on my lawn mower and throw all the clipping in the run. I Move my run every year and plant my vegetable garden in the vacant spot.

Buck Aug 11.JPG
I have gone with a wire 2" grid (wire the size of a pencil) over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps you chickens feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.
Clean up is simple replace the tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then flex the first tarp over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop.

For my run I have a grass catcher on my lawn mower and throw all the clipping in the run. I Move my run every year and plant my vegetable garden in the vacant spot.

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Holy cow, that is a great idea. I am going to see if I can implement this this weekend. It won’t hurt their feet though, right?
It won’t hurt their feet though, right?
My chickens have 3 levels in the coop They spend most of their waking hours in the run (except during winter months). I have used this method for close to a year now and I am pleased with the result. I hope it works for you as well (every flock and coop vary in some respects). I can not guarantee it will work for you just my experience. Here is a view of my coop before I implemented the wire gird on the ground floor.

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I have a slide out tray on my coop as well, and had the same problem with shavings. I switched to sand and it works great. I scoop out the poop each morning with a kitty litter scoop and it helps the smell as well. My chicks were around 8 weeks old when I switched and they were scared at first but now it doesn't bother them at all.
Any tips on how to strengthen the tray? Ours came with a flimsy plastic tray. Looking for options of what we can put instead.

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