Coop in Sun or Shade?

We live in Southern Illinois. It can be anywhere from -10 degrees Fahrenheit to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Our coop was placed under a shade tree. It has an air vent that you can lock up and windows that have screen, so when you pull up the window, air can get in. In the months of March, when our first chicks of the year were old enough to be introduced into the coop, we shut the air vent but left the windows open. We provided extra bedding they could snuggle into and a heat lamp, just in case. :)
My coops built where there is full sun from dawn to dusk. I told my husband that it was not a good idea but did it anyway. HELP, what can I do to shade the coop immediately without having to plant something to give it shade in the future? Bty, the coops the size of a full shed.

Just an idea FOR the future... you could put some trellises with maybe grape vines on one or two sides... shade in the summer, leaves fall off so you get more heat in the winter. I know it doesn't help in the immediate near term, but currently that's what I plan to do when I get mine built.
Just an idea FOR the future... you could put some trellises with maybe grape vines on one or two sides... shade in the summer, leaves fall off so you get more heat in the winter. I know it doesn't help in the immediate near term, but currently that's what I plan to do when I get mine built.
Fantastic idea. It grows quick too. The only draw back is the bees :hmm!
My coops built where there is full sun from dawn to dusk. I told my husband that it was not a good idea but did it anyway. HELP, what can I do to shade the coop immediately without having to plant something to give it shade in the future? Bty, the coops the size of a full shed.

You could put up a temporary shade structure, like a sun sail that you see over a pool. Be interested to hear what others say. We have the same dilemma - debating sun or shade. The consensus seems to be shade.

Your post is a year old - what did you end up doing?

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