Coop is finally finished

Your coop build is adorable and well built! Kudos for sure! With that said, I do have a few comments on your run. Your signature doesn't say what part of the country you live in, and I see you're backed up to a forested area....predator heaven! When I enlarged your photos I notice that you're using 2 x 4 (?) wire on the run. This will do nothing to keep raccoons, weasels and skunks out. Raccoons are especially good at just reaching in, grabbing a chicken by it's neck and the rest is disaster. I noticed dirt "birmed up" around the your wire aproned at the bottom (down and out at least 12-14")? Predators will dig and easily gain entrance if not.

Please don't get me wrong, but I'm afraid it's not a question of if predators will get your flock but when.

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