Coop Location Options

May 8, 2018
West Virginia
Hello everyone!

I am new to all of this, having only recently gotten started raising chicks. My daughter and myself have two barred plymouth rocks, two austrolorps, a leghorn, and a sapphire gem.

I have a Precision Walk-in Annex coop to get us going. With the soft wood found in these inexpensive commercial coops, I am under no illusion about the durability of this structure. I plan to place it on a large pad under the deck on the back of the house, which faces east. The advantages of this placement, allow me to place the coop directly on large an existing concrete pad, making for a simpler ground setup. We are on a half acre lot, which will afford some options down the road.

As I think about the coop v2 down the road, the placement is the biggest question. I could create a pad and place the coop optimally to the south. I could alternatively place the future more permanent coop on the pad right next the house. There would be less sun, but the groundwork necessary for the setup would be the simplest, and running electric to the coop would be a snap.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated!
Depending on where you're located, you might want to place the coop where there's less sun, as chickens don't do well in heat. Also make sure the spot has no drainage issues (flooded coops/runs are no good!) and close enough to a source of electricity if colder winters are the norm for you, as you'll either want to heat the waterer or be able to run warmed water out to the chickens.
Thank you both for your suggestions. For the time being, my new prefab kit will be under the deck near the house. It's just easier that way at the moment. I will continue to weigh the possibilities with the future more permanent pen. I have a relatively flat gravel covered area out back as well, but it's more in the direct sun. I also have a location about midway in the yard with a tree for shade. I don't think there would be any time at all during then day when the coop would get direct sun under the deck.

We took our chicks outside for the first time today to let them peck around in a little pen in the yard. It's about 80 degrees here in WV today, and I expected them to crave the direct sun. I was surprised to seem them bunching up in the little bit of shaded area available to them in the pen.
I expected them to crave the direct sun. I was surprised to seem them bunching up in the little bit of shaded area available to them in the pen.

They could have been seeking the shade,
but more likely were huddled out of 'fear' of the new place.
How old are they?

Welcome to BYC!
It's good to add your location to your profile.
It's easy to do, then it's always there!

Yes, you may be right. We have five from the first lot we got a week ago. I am guessing they were a week old when we got them. They look quite a bit further along than the sapphire gem we got, that was described as definitely two days old. The barr rocks have begun to show their recognizable pattern.
I like being able to see my chickens easily from the house. My ideal would be to toss kitchen scraps out of the kitchen window directly into the run... but I am married. .. and spouse said no. :old

I think just enjoy your chickens for a few months first and see what you think. Everyone is different.
Sounds like a good move. We have a lot to experience ahead of us. We should be able to survive the first year with our $300 coop. These things all seem to be made of the softest, cheapest fir. Plan B seems to be a an automatic. Just thinking about year two at this point.

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