Coop Lovers?

Mine did that at that age. They would spend a lot of time sleeping in the coop, they would be out for an hour, then sleep for 2-3 hours.

Now I couldn't get them into the coop if I wanted to (except at night). They are out all day.
I was wondering about this, too. I noticed my chickens seem to spend a lot of time in their coop. I leave their little door open so they can come and go as they please between the coop and the run. I started wondered if it was because they don't have any shade outside, so I went out and put a tarp up over part of their run today to see if having some shade outside would help any. They're outside right now, so I guess having shade helped!
Thanks everyone! I'm glad I checked with you all.

We have a nice shadecloth on the outside area but it's not like the shade of a tree. I'm thinking we should build a roof over the ouside area too, especially for the rain.

The coop is open to the outside area, but the coop has the perches, whereas the outside area just has some large twigs/branches that I put out there.

We let them out most evenings to range in the yard and they run and fly and have a grand old time. I really enjoy keeping them. It relaxes me when I watch them and they come to me for pets. And I love seeing the kids enjoy playing with them and holding them.

Take care
I do the same thing. I never close their door they have access in or out 24/7. They put themselves to bed sort to speak, and get up and go out in the morning. My coop, run and their free range area are all fenced in.

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