Coop Rebuild for Winter, need help on sizing please

Water in Ohio will be a problem. The 2 choices are to bring water out 3 or 4 times a day depending on how cold it is (read that as big hassle), or a heated waterer.

For hens, I like a big black rubber dog bowl with a birdbath heater in it. For roosters I use a heated fount so they don't dip their wattles in the water.
Do you have electricity to the coop?

If yes, there are many options (heat lamp is NOT one). There are fount, bird bath warmer, aquarium heater, and heat tracing (my personal choice). Thermostatically controlled 45W does the job.

No juice? Doable but not going to be fun.
I can get power to the soon to be new coop. Or at least it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

TSC has a water bowl heater that you just set under one. Would that be sufficient?

I just cleaned out the shed. Now all I have to do is clear up the area where the run is going to be and start cutting the vents and whatnot.

As for light, would it be acceptable to put a light bulb in it. I have a socket (no power to it until it's plugged in) in there and it's far out of reach of the birds. Would it be alright to leave it lit or should I shut it off when I'm done working in the coop (feeding, watering, etc)?

Like I said, I'm very very new to all this, lol
Yes, those water heaters should be fine!

What kind of light bulb do you think you have? Is it like a heat lamp or just an indoor one? Leaving the light on in the winter after it gets dark may trigger your hens to lay eggs throughout the season. Here's a great link for information on this!!

It's fine! Ask all the questions you want- we're here to help!
Normal indoor one I'd have to talk to grandpa about the electricity since he pays for it (though I'd offer to help) and it'd be coming from his barn, lol.

Well today went well. Emptied the shed, swept it, put some linoleum tiles in (which I've seen done on here before <3). Ran out so all I got done was one shelf and the floor. I was using ones we had left over. Marked where the door and the vents need to be....

There's a plant growing near were the run will be that I need to get identified before I move the run over. It's got a red stalk/stem to it and has berries.....I have no idea what it is and I do not want it near my chickens safe or unsafe

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