Coop renovation pic!!!

Yes!! 19,17,16,15,13,13

Oh my gosh, I had 4 like that, now 18,19,22,23, If I had had a coop then I would have moved into it !
Getting paint off chickens, that is a good question. Mine have been "helping" me paint thier new coop and have made themselves quite colorful. I was just going to let it grow out...
Chicken wire won't keep out predators??? Oh dear, our entire run is made with chicken wire!!! We live on 100 acres of most woods too. No problems yet but this has me worried now. The chicken wire is VERY flimsy and hard to work with. I'd love to put up something more sturdy anyhow...if I can convince my DH to do it!

What on earth is hardware cloth???
mamacatpatch, hardware cloth is welded wire fencing. It's really strong. You can't pinch the wires together like you can with chicken wire, which by the way has been renamed poultry "netting," because it is so flimsy. You can just add hardware cloth, 1" squares, a couple of feet up your current poultry netting, and then bend it out 90 degrees for a foot, on top of the ground. Then stake it all down, or put something on top of it so it doesn't get all bent up from walking on it. That'll keep most critters out.

edited to fix my smiley, lol

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Thanks so much for that information! I will put it to good use. I guess this can be purchased in most any place that sells chicken wire or farm supplies??

Love your 'nick'!! I am HIS too!!!


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