Coop/Run space and design help

Interesting space. I agree it seems a bit dark in the pictures.
One thing I know from my own flock is that they like to sunbathe in the morning. I think that it would make a great coop with some mods if you were able to make the entire area the coop and make the run coming off the gated end perhaps. Never heard chickens complain about to much space. Just a thought.
Which side of the structure is the gate on?
I like the idea of replacing the upper brick with mesh and leaving the bottom brick. That could be the best solution. Thanks for the advice! I'll post updates as we go along. I'm only slightly terrified I'm going to screw this up.
Taking half that brick wall down would be major......concrete saw?
Then you'll have to build some framing to support roof framing(either the existing or new).
Look forward to watching it happen.
Unfortunately, the gate side faces our backyard area, but there isn't enough room to add more fencing. Huge oak tree.... And our yard isn't that deep. I do plan on letting our hens out to free range as much as possible. I'm a stay at home mom, so being here will allow me spend some time outdoors daily.

Interesting space. I agree it seems a bit dark in the pictures.

One thing I know from my own flock is that they like to sunbathe in the morning. I think that it would make a great coop with some mods if you were able to make the entire area the coop and make the run coming off the gated end perhaps. Never heard chickens complain about to much space. Just a thought.
Which side of the structure is the gate on?
Taking half that brick wall down would be major......concrete saw?
Then you'll have to build some framing to support roof framing(either the existing or new).
Look forward to watching it happen.

I actually looked up some YouTube videos and articles about removing brick. Since it's an add on to the outside of the house it should be fairly easy. A little muscle and patience. Framing isn't a problem. I think what I want to do is cover the back half of the run with roofing and leave the front open with welded wire. The coop would be mostly covered, but have its own roof. My father and brother will be here helping for a portion of the build, so that's nice. Also, where in the run/coop do I need to use hardware cloth as opposed to welded wire fencing? Plan on using it for anything that's two feet or less from the ground. But is it necessary for the top? I'm in a suburban area, so mostly only neighborhood cats (which don't come in my yard, or haven't yet anyway), possums, and maybe Hawks to worry about. That I know of.
Chicken wire will keep hawks out. At least it does here. I am not sure on possum as we don't have those where I live.

I would be surprised if there were not stealth raccoon there. I know they are here even though I am in the middle of town. My dog actually treed a mama coon and 2 kits a couple years ago and I have coon prints on the windows on my coop. The new coop was built a year and a half ago and there are coon prints on all of the large windows.

What I was thinking with the way the gate faces is that if it gets direct sun then having it open wire would give them some of that sun. I would use hardware cloth on the gate for sure.
Okay, I see what you're saying. I plan on replacing the gate with a new wood frame and hardware cloth, but because we have two large trees in our yard, I'm not sure it would a lot direct sun. Maybe a little in mid afternoon. My husband is already tired on all my plans and he isn't that interested in doing all the work! He'll come around.
Since you are able to let them out they will surely find some sun anyway.
LOL I have to laugh a bit. My hubby was not to thrilled when I wanted to take out the 5 coops and make one large one. I ended up making all the walls prefab in my shop and he helped tear down the old and set the new. I in return bought him a new motorcycle. I think he won that one.
Since you are able to let them out they will surely find some sun anyway.
LOL I have to laugh a bit. My hubby was not to thrilled when I wanted to take out the 5 coops and make one large one. I ended up making all the walls prefab in my shop and he helped tear down the old and set the new. I in return bought him a new motorcycle. I think he won that one.

Ha! Sounds like it. I'll keep you updated! Probably more questions tomorrow....
My coop, and the building it is in, is protected by HC on all openings so totally secure for at night.
My run is 14ga 2x4 welded wire, it's secure against hawks and would slow about anything else down quite a bit.
Plus coop and run is inside fenced yard.
Hey guys! I know it's been awhile.... Busy with some family stuff. Wanted to post an update! Sorry, apparently I'm excited. My dad and brother came down one weekend and helped us build the coop. We've had our four girls for about 3 weeks now. Here are some pics....

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