Coop space for heavys and bantams


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2015
Mid Michigan
We've got 16 chicks on the way but there is someone local selling bantams and I'd like to get a few to raise with the hatchery order of heavy breeds.

I'm not worried about run space as we have 1500sqft but the coop is only 100sqft... Is that enough for 16 heavy chickens and 5-6 bantams max?

If I go with 4sqft per bird I get 25 birds for this coop but that seems like a lot of chicken... I would assume since the bantams are smaller they need less space but maybe not?
We've got 16 chicks on the way but there is someone local selling bantams and I'd like to get a few to raise with the hatchery order of heavy breeds.

I'm not worried about run space as we have 1500sqft but the coop is only 100sqft... Is that enough for 16 heavy chickens and 5-6 bantams max?

If I go with 4sqft per bird I get 25 birds for this coop but that seems like a lot of chicken... I would assume since the bantams are smaller they need less space but maybe not?

That would be plenty of room, imo. The 4 square feet is just a minimum guideline, so more is always better - and likely where you are thinking 25 would seem like a lot - but with all that run space available and depending on how you setup the inside of your coop, you can often stretch that space a bit.
Well that's good to know!

I was really careful to keep the inside of the coop open and not clog it up with stuff. The nesting box hangs on the outside and the feeder and waterer will be against the walls. The only thing sticking out from the walls really are the roosts and they're off the floor.

My wife fell in love with the bantams after seeing them at TSC. They're done now but another local person is selling a bunch so I figured we'd throw some in with the BR and DC chicks coming this weekend...
I have both large birds, and Belgian d'Uccle bantams. Love them! The hens are broody, and MY roosters are very nice. You can keep nasty boys, or get smart and only keep the nice ones. True of and breed of chicken. Mary

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