Coop styles for small yards


I love my mobile coop/run. Since it's mobile it doesn't hurt my yard, the chickens get to enjoy fresh areas to scratch, and I can put the coop in the best place for that particular time of year: under some sheltering pines for windy and winter, in the open yard for free fertilize and pest control in the spring, and under my fruit trees in the summer for the same reason plus shade for the chickens. I am planning some modifications for the playhouse coop but overall I am satisfied with this setup.
I love your coop critterkeeper. Is that a little tykes playhouse? We were thinking of doing this as well. Do you have any other pics? Super cute
Thanks. Yes it's a little tykes ( my daughter wouldn't play in because of spiders but now I can't keep her out of it!) It is a work in progress. We completed the run and made the house weather and predator proof. This season we hope to raise it so an adult can step in with little discomfort, add nest boxes, wheels, and a roost. Currently the house just has latches on the door and shutters, chicken wire over the window in the door (held in place by screws and washers), and drainage holes drilled into the hollow walls. The roof does not leak but water somehow got inside the walls.


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