Broody Bist

May 7, 2018
Okay, here’s the deal...

I have a silkie chick that I think might have coccidiosis.

I was told to buy Corid and put some in their water.
Their waterer is one liter, but I can use a quart jar if that’s more convenient.

Again, I’m not positive that she has coccidiosis. So how much should I put in their water? (There are six chicks).
The chicks are almost 2 months old, just a week or two away.
So should I just put a dash in their water and hope it works??
I don’t want to overdose them, but I don’t want them to not give them enough.

Please please PLEASE help. Tag anyone that you think could help if you can :hugs

**also, if you are from my other thread, I’m not trying to be impatient I promise lol, I just want to make a specific thread for this. I also hope it might help someone in the future***

Please help ASAP thanks !!
Please delete this thread.
It is redundant.

There are many many posts already on BYC with the correct dosage posted.

(And yes there’s no doubt in my mind your silkie has coccidiosis which is treated with corid, and yes on the label it says for cattle.)

Please follow the directions you were given on your “other thread”.
They are correct.

A quart is very similar to a liter.

1 liter =1000 ml
1 quart = 946.35 ml.

So 1 quart = 1 liter MINUS
10 and 3/4 measuring teaspoons.
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I will NOT delete this thread.
I don’t care if it is “redundant”, if someone that needs this has found it, here it is for them.

I searched through threads and didn’t find a solution, half because I was very frazzled and half because this place is just hard to navigate at times.

Anyway, to the point: For those stressed about what dosage to give, we switched to a quart jar and put half a teaspoon of corid in the water, and have been for two days (changing the water of course before we put more in).
Ethel was too weak and did not make it. She passed away early this morning. I’m heartbroken because she was such a little sweetie and I loved her, but I’m going to keep up with the corid for my other babies.
PROMISE, this will get updated eventually to tell how it did for the other 5.

Thank you.
Sorry you're feeling frustrated. :hugs

1 quart of one liter, doesn't matter, just use 1/2 teaspoon either.

Now I'm going to go read your other thread.
Thank you. I was ready to give up altogether when I found Ethel this morning, but I’m gonna keep going with it. I hope it can save the others (aren’t showing any symptoms yet) :fl
Update: Day 6 of Corid

This is the 6th day of putting corid in their water, they’re all acting fine, no one is showing signs of any symptoms like Ethel did.

Their poop is runnier than I would like, kinda diarrhea-ish. But I didn’t see any red in their poop yesterday or today (so far), which is a good sign I guess. I’ve been changing their brooder more often than I normally would just to be safe.

At least I know they are growing, they seem to be getting bigger everyday. I keep picking them up to feel how heavy they are, I don’t want to make the same terrible mistake I did with Ethel. The only one who’s a little lighter than the rest is Skippy, but I think it’s because she’s a scissor-beak (don’t worry, I always make sure she’s able to eat, but I know she can’t do it as easily as the others :().

It all seems to be going good, but I don’t want to speak too soon. I just don’t know if I can handle losing another one. I had never in all my time with chickens had to bury one so small as Ethel.

Will update again soon.
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