Corn fed mixture for meat chickens


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2015
I saw nice yellow corn fed chickens in the super market. What percentage of corn should use for them to be healthy and still produce that yellow colour skin? Thanks
I add cracked corn to my 21% broiler starter to adjust the percentage of protein down over the course of their 8 weeks. Feed corn is around 8-9% protein so it's a simple math equation based on something called the Pearson's square. I use a calculator that I made in excel to calculate feed amounts and mix ratios, but there is a free website to calculate protein percentage in a mixed feed:

You wouldn't want to ever drop the protein level below about 16%.

I use this schedule:
First 4 weeks - 21%
Week 5 and 6 - 18%
Week 7 and 8 - 16%

Edit to add that the "concentrate" line in the protein calculator would be your corn and the "grain" line would be your feed grain
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