Cornish Cross chicks missing feathers ?


5 Years
Apr 9, 2019
Northern Indiana
First time raising Cornish Cross, got 4 chick that about 4 to 5 weeks old and they look terrible, as in ugly. Missing a lot of feathers on the back, tail, and belly. Some more than others. They seems fine , very plump, moving around the best they can , eating and drinking well. Is this normal ? I have read that the X chicken tend to look "ratty" Is this what they are referring to ? -Thanks
I got them from the farm store, all fluffy healthy chicks in a stock tank. I see no parasites and all my egg laying chicks are fine. I'll try to post some pics tomorrow.
By 4 to 5 weeks they should be getting pretty close to fully feathered. I call the 3 to 4 week age of normal chickens the vulture phase. The feathers are coming in but in splotches, they tend to look ratty.

But CX are not necessarily normal chickens. They tend to grow so fast the feathers can't keep up. Photos are always appreciated but I think that's probably what you are seeing, another consequence of really fast growth. They can still handle cooler weather as if they did not have those bare spots, I would not be concerned. Turken, sometimes called Naked Necks, have absolutely no feathers on their necks and they are considered a cold weather breed.


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