Cornish cross feeding schedule problems.


That is a standard way to cut down on waste. They can't sweep their heads side to side and scoop the feed out.

If you can raise them to the height of their back (bricks maybe) they won't scratch as much bedding in.
Ok, thanks for the suggestions! I do have some bricks around .. I will get it moved up higher today. 👍🙂
That's a great feeding system you have worked out. :thumbsup

Another way to help out with food waste is to ferment their feed.
Thanks, I’m hoping I can get them through their time here as healthy as possible. I will check out and read up on fermented feed. I read ACV in their water helped with digestion, so I’ve been implementing that.
here's a link to the page that shows how I made two industrial mother heating pads, able to sustain 30 CX. I've used it over and over for several years... never going back to heat lamps, the birds are so much happier and healthier getting a good nights sleep!

Thank you! I will check this out. The batch I have now have actually adjusted to the heating lamps at night and aren’t really very active. What I’ve been doing is turning the cottage lights on when I go in to feed them and leave them on for the day .. at 7 pm I turn those lights off so they just have the heat lamps on. I check on them through the evening, last time around 11-12 before bed and they generally are asleep. I’ve tapered their food off at night now and while they are very hungry in the morning, I’ve had no more trampling or problems. If I ever decide to do another batch, it will be without heat lamps though.
I brought mine home, and did not use added heat at all last night. Insulation above them, their own body heat is enough to keep them warm. Probably 50 degrees in the garage, but mine are headed out to the run/coop today.

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