Cornish Thread

Both the males and the females have nice bodies. What feathers that the male does have , are too light. He should be beetle green when he gets his feathers in. Eyes, nice and pearl, combs a little sloppy on both. Quality is way better than hatchery birds and I would say that they have nice Cornish type overall.
No, I'm using the same turkey I used to make my turkens,

Oh, Nava, I have missed you!
doubtful, that either of you 2, actually have cornish. cornish, and cornish rock/ cornish cross/ cx-- are not the same bird, but far from it.
There is a hatchery in Oklahoma that sells pure Cornish. I have 10 coming on the 17th. Maybe these members do have the real ones.
I also have White Standard bred to Asils. But they do not have the size of the Cornish. They may just be enuff outside blood to help the Cornish over a long period of breeding.

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